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Everything posted by angieram

  1. Great news, and he sounds just as enthusiastic as Kane Wilson did when he signed for us. We need players who want to work their socks off for the team, and both these ex FGR players do this.
  2. That's a pretty good toilet to person ratio, compared to some of the away matches we've been to this season!
  3. Yes, I saw him a few times playing for FGR, but it was a couple of seasons ago. He likes to get stuck into a tackle! Always hard to say when making the step up, and he obviously struggled with injuries in a very similar way to Wilson after he moved from FGR, but that team was pretty impressive and the biggest mistake Dale Vince made was not holding onto his best players when they got promoted.
  4. I thought we played better when we went to three at the back on Saturday. Bradley was effective and Wilson immediately looked stronger with the confidence of knowing he had cover behind him. But Cheltenham aren't the most attacking of sides and I've been less than impressed with how the back three have worked together in previous outings. Especially at opposition set pieces. On balance, I would see how much difference Nyambe's return makes to the lineup before I made a change to a back three, and at least give Sibley a couple of further games at left back before his inevitable re-dropping. I thought he was one of our brighter players on Saturday (despite the odd mistake in a position he hasn't really played much of for the best part of a season.)
  5. Is it possible to be concerned about a lack of midfield control despite winning games? I suppose the theory is to blitz the opposition early with our superior attack, then introduce that control through the substitutions to see the game out. If we don't score early this puts increasing pressure on the midfield, who are more and more stretched as the game wears on. We (and most of our players) are used to a midfield three, and I feel it would get the most out of the players at our disposal. The crowd noise seems to be suggesting that, and I think there's enough evidence from performance levels on the pitch that the players think it too. Will Warne give way to that pressure? I'm not so sure.
  6. I returned to my seat in the upper tier yesterday after an enforced spell pitchside. Blimey, I'd forgotten just how loud the speakers are up there!
  7. Are you implying that the posters who are most critical are older/disabled in some way? I see no evidence of that, either on here, or at matches. In fact at Reading, it was the younger fans giving out all the hand gestures at Warne and the team at full time. Luckily, I didn't hear any booing there.
  8. No booing at all around us in West Stand. It didn't sound very loud at all, maybe the pitchside microphones emphasised it?
  9. This for me, yesterday. That hesitancy in playing the forward pass is what is catching him (and others) offside. Ironic, really, when earlier passes to get the ball out wide are played too soon , that the final killer pass isn't coming naturally.
  10. I haven't seen the incident again, and can't recall it from watching the game. No-one round us was worried, perhaps you were closer to it in East Stand. My point was about the RamsTV gang on here - not one comment about a possible penalty - that's unusual in itself.
  11. I couldn't agree more with this. There was not one supporter saying that Sibley's challenge should have been a penalty on here (despite some posters constantly wanting to put the boot in on our own players) yet Warne made a big issue of it, not once but twice, on the RD interview. No credit either about how much better we looked when we had a midfield - Max in that more familiar role did more in the last 30 minutes than Hourihane has done in several games now. I thought Collins worked hard and was pleased he got a superb goal for the winner, because he never gives up despite the way we play.
  12. Rams 2 - 2 Cheltenham FRGS Mendez-Laing
  13. angieram

    Kasey Palmer

    Kasey is right. The authorities need to take action. I don't care if that's the EFL, Police, Clubs themselves - whatever. We all know they do very little, despite all the fine talk.
  14. Narcissistic personality disorder imo.
  15. I see @Foreveram has already answered you, but it was very busy last season, so nearly sold out. But I did know it went to general sale.
  16. If ever anyone deserved a round of applause, it's Curtis. 33 minutes, anyone?
  17. It's obvious from that comment which 50% you're in! 😂
  18. That's also true. We're a bit schizophrenic, aren't we?
  19. Thanks for that, CBRamette. I am no accountant and only know from my involvement at the time that the EFL seemed very limited in what they could check. When you see some of the dodgy owners elsewhere in football, I think their investigatory powers must be somewhat limited. As you say, he conned Goldman Sachs too!
  20. I don't think he ever did pass the test? But he would have done, if he'd shown evidence of having the money. This is because the EFL can only check whether a potential owner has the money, not how they got hold of it. They aren't the Bank of England and the system is flawed. Quantuma spent more time with him. Should they have smelt a rat? Yes, I suspect they did, but were a bit desperate.
  21. I agree with you, Archied, in that we are too attacking most games, leaving ourselves too open to the counter-attack. It's a totally different style to Rowett's were we did sit in and score on the counter. I'd still like us to have a bit more control, though, even if that means taking our time on the build-up. Warne's style seems to work best when we play against teams who are better than us, so we can do the counter-attacking. Alas, there are few of these teams at our level, and that is our biggest problem.
  22. It could have been worse!
  23. There are a few negative messages about him on X, but then I'm sure I could find the same on absolutely every Derby County player week in, week out. Anyway, if they don't want him, we do!
  24. Haha, but the Namibian journo may actually be there, whereas I suspect our Dom is in Derbados!
  25. Dom Dietrich says he isn't injured, a Namibian journo says he is.
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