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Everything posted by angieram

  1. I think it cranked up when the Stevenage supporters started singing our earlier songs back at us sarcastically. For a group of fans with average 3-5,000 home gates they really are an incredibly arrogant lot.
  2. I was talking to and about @Caerphilly Ram.
  3. A determined performance, never gave up hope. Well played @Caerphilly Ram! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  4. Never have I been so pleased to see a set of cheating players, haranguing management team and arrogant fans go home with absolutely nothing!
  5. Rams 2 - 1 Stevenage FRGS Mendez-Laing
  6. It's not just the players who are variable. The two premier league strikers suddenly start getting game involvement around the time the transfer window is open. Do they continue to see action when it shuts? I suspect not but it is done by cash rich EPL clubs to keep them sweet.
  7. I don't mind that, usually because it's impossible to disprove it in the remainder of the 90 minutes. But top of the league, na, that's immediately moveable and what better way to motivate the opposition?
  8. I hate when we chant that, because we inevitably f*** it up later in the same game!
  9. Just a reminder that Jake Rooney will be back next season, is still under contract, and will be a year stronger.
  10. This is a great interview with Jake. He appears to be making good progress with his injury, as well as becoming a guitar virtuoso!
  11. They usually arrive individually for home games, around 12.45 - 1.15 pm.
  12. Yes, he did. It's all a bit tedious and you'd think refs wouldn't fall for it. But then seeing some of the refs we've had this season....
  13. As this is vote-based, someone must like him.
  14. Archie Brown is playing for KAA Gent.
  15. Someone on here says 20th February, which if correct would mean one match without a centre-forward (worst-case scenario). I personally expect to see Collo as usual this Saturday.
  16. Memdez-Laing didn't say 10 wins when, though, did he? Could have been for a set period that we are partway through.
  17. There are also a lot of family and friend tickets that aren't used each game. I was pleasantly surprised that there were quite a lot of local non-regulars around us on Tuesday night. I think these might have been returned family and friend tickets as we could not get any closer to the centre of the pitch despite being on there at 10 am sharp, first day of sale.
  18. Not when we were there, they didn't. Maybe they changed it about too? Anyway, I think Wilson can defend a bit. I felt sorry for him against Shrewsbury. Just entered the pitch as throwin about to be taken, and there was fault with about three players. Clever by Shrewsbury, as much as anything.
  19. He played full back for a whole season at FGR, did alright there! It's the changing of systems I think affects players. They like the routine of a familiar system with partners they can then play instinctively with. Not going to get that under Warne.
  20. Mendez said something in his interview about being set a target of 10 wins, I think?
  21. Blimey! We were just going down to breakfast then.
  22. Also, his closing down is the reason Exeter players hurry a pass or mis-hit the ball allowing us to regain possession on numerous occasions.
  23. Yet ironically you could have been sat with us, as there were a good number of seats unclaimed. This was very lucky for @sage, who had to move seats at halftime after some tanked up prat had spewed up all over the place where he was. I hope he's reported by somebody, because we really need to get rid of this sort of offensive behaviour. I've never understood why getting rat-arsed and ruining everyone else's enjoyment of the game is considered acceptable in football and I do wonder how many more of the no-shows set off to the game and became too inebriated to actually get there?
  24. Good comments generally but a couple of things. We didn't get any beer - be grateful for what you had! I see it as a positive that two more experienced players were coaching Kane Wilson out there. Knowing Kane he probably asked for the help. He's young, at a new club where he's been played in several different roles and formations already without a steady run in any one of them. He's eager to learn and that is all to his credit.
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