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Everything posted by angieram

  1. Yea, but we always struggle with the single syllable names. Max Bird hasn't got a song. Even the great George Thorne's song was just his name. I reckon we can get a whole fairy story woven around Corey Blackett Taylor!
  2. I don't think Seddon was all that. He was very lucky not to have got booked first half and that would have made him play more cautiously, imo. Like a lot of players, they have their best games against Derby at Pride Park. Big game, big occasion for them. Hugill, though, will have class, he's from Man United's academy. See how he likes it when he's being manhandled at Stevenage, but we gave him room to play. He's bound to appreciate that.
  3. 31Vickers 6 2Wilson 7.5 35Nelson 6.5 6Cashin 7.5 20Elder 5.5 17Sibley 6 11Méndez-Laing 6.5 8Bird 7 4Hourihane 7.5 7Barkhuizen 7.0 5Bradley 6 19John-Jules 6.5 16Thompson 6.5 9Collins 7.0 ATG Too late to give a detailed individual breakdown, but I did watch the game again on Sky the next day. That made me mark JJ up, because he did some really good connecting play, as did Bird, stuff that seems to go un-noticed by many. Hourihane was good too, very involved all game. Elder made a mistake early doors as well as being done for their second, and Nelson really should have come out to Seddon, Cashin was already moving across to cover. It's easy to say with hindsight, but we really should have been more comfortable than we were. This is what defensive frailties and a bit of luck do to you. We need to be more ruthless when we're on top so we don't put ourselves in these situations. 1-0 was a poor return for our first half dominance and that's what nearly cost us.
  4. He looked like his heart was in it when he celebrated that winning goal! I think he will be gone at the end of the season, and then we'll see what transpires. Hourihane and Bird will always attract criticism while they're the only two midfield players. I'm not a fan of only two in there, but Warne is. We're winning plenty of games set up that way, so what do I know?
  5. That Notts County side looked younger than even our under 18s. What were Notts County thinking of?
  6. Rams 2 - 1 Burton FRGS Mendez-Laing
  7. Sorry, meant to post this one and couldn't remove video above.
  8. I was always a bit gobby, tbf. Although he may have been aiming at his mate and just missed! He was pretty tanked up.
  9. This. I will be very disappointed if we start groaning on Monday evening at the first misplaced pass. This is such a big opportunity for us and a positive crowd can make a big difference.
  10. I find your constant sniping at Big Trav really irritating. He is only trying to tell us snippets he's heard and has got a lot more right than wrong. Whereas what you're doing is totally negative.
  11. Anothet of Kellan Gordon's younger brothers made his starting debut today. We lost Kaide, can we hang on to this one?
  12. Well, it's all I have to offer. Other than telling King Kev to "f off" when I thought he was eyeing me up in our local. (I hadn't got my glasses on or I'd have been a bit more polite!) 😅
  13. I got punched on the side of the head once by an Everton fan on the Popside (back when it was mixed). No other injuries but being put in a cage away at Norwich and witnessing a Norwich fan do a running dropkick into the back of an older female Derby supporter as we were being "escorted" back to the station, were what stopped me attending matches for about 25 years.
  14. There will be compensation due for TJJ as he's a product of their academy.
  15. Congratulations to Paul and his team and very well-deserved. I always think a Management team's job is a frustrating one, because if you win it's in spite of you, when you lose it's all your fault. Enjoy the moment, get your heads down and carry on the good work.
  16. Last year some fans chose to stand down at the front in front of the seats and they never got moved, their appointed seats must have been empty somewhere!
  17. It was noticeably very bad in the Northeast corner where the kids take penalties at half time. Three clear tracks where they do their little run ups. Touchlines are rough, a combination of linespeople and throw ins. Just because the ball's in the air doesn't mean footballers aren't running around on the grass chasing it!
  18. angieram

    Timi Max Elsnik

    Nice work if you can get it! Wouldn't have got this at Derby County, I bet!!
  19. Good luck with people being reasonable! 😂 I hope you get your swap. We go higher for the same reason, even though we know we'll have to stand.
  20. That's exactly what caused all the trouble at Lincoln last season. The Club not selling the front two rows until all other tickets sold out. Then sold them to people who then stood in front of the older fans who'd deliberately selected "front row" seats as they need to sit at games. You would think the ticket office/Lincoln would have learned from that experience but no, they just repeat the folly. It makes me really angry.
  21. Vickers 6 - a good save but his distribution was poor, unlike at Fleetwood Nelson 6 Wilson 6 - thought he did okay. I'd have took Ward off instead of him. John-Jules 5 not quite working for him yet Bradley 6 - didn't do much wrong but he does look hesitant when the ball is coming towards him. Barkhuizen 5.5 played better second half at wingback than he did as a forward. Interesting as he is on record as saying he doesn't like the position. Collins 5 - was getting mugged by the defenders trying to challenge for all those high balls and resorted to dark arts, which didn't work either Thompson 5 - not sure of logic in changing all of midfield as they hadn'tplayed together and it showed, none performed well but isn't necessarily a reflection of how they're going to play if selected individually Mendez-Laing 7 power and pace but not very productive Sibley 5 one good cross, otherwise see Tommo. Bird 🦅 6.5 tried to make things happen, was closed down quickly Elder 5 struggled after his recent good performances. Should have done better with their goal Cashin 6.5 Fornah 5 one bit of magic, otherwise see Tommo and Sibley Hourihane 6 Ward 4 poor game and was amazed he was kept on the pitch. Where is the player we saw at the start of the season? Did he help or hinder Elder for their goal? Not sure but they failed between them. ATG - cold, flat atmosphere, terrible pitch. I didn't perform well as a spectator, so have some sympathies with the team in that respect!
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