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Everything posted by angieram

  1. On the crowd noise, we were split into three sections, seated (yes 😲) on the side beneath the radio Derby commentary, then two separate standing areas behind the goal, one set slightly in front of the other. Hence there were different chants starting in each section and not necessarily being picked up by the other areas. There was plenty of noise but it was a bit chaotic.
  2. Some of our defending last night was very impressive and should be appreciated in the same way as good offensive moves. Sadly, it seldom is.
  3. I think 1200 of us saw it, but the referee didn't!
  4. Exeter 1 - 3 Rams FRGS Mendez-Laing
  5. Never change, Inverurie!
  6. We did touch on it a few days' ago in the What questions would you ask? thread, @Caerphilly Ram. But I agree it warrants its own thread and I predict it will be very busy on here later! I'm biased because I have talked to Stephen Pearce on quite a few occasions at meetings and also heard him at the September fans' forum. I find him open and approachable - and actually, quite humble. Do I think he deliberately fibs? No. Do I think there are things he won't ever be able to talk about legally? Yes. Mel Morris will have hired the best legal expertise to make sure of this. But your response to Pearce and what he says is coloured by how you feel about his involvement with our previous owner and I feel that sadly he is unable to change that perception simply because he can't answer some of the questions people want to know the answers to. My experience is I know that the previous owner wasn't honest with us and was definitely the one pulling the strings, that makes me prepared to give Pearce a chance. (Cue John Lennon song!)
  7. Grotty weather on the way down but the sun is out now we are here. And it is so mild! ☀️⚽️🐏
  8. He must be carrying some sort of knock as PW said post match on RD he had only trained one day last week.
  9. Me too (except the front row seats). To add insult to injury, it was my birthday!
  10. Warne will always err on the side of caution. That's my biggest worry about him. Saying we needed three at the back to compensate for Cashin doesn't exactly demonstrate he has confidence in the rest of our defence. Keeping CBT on the bench, when he might show a bit of spark up front? Give him 20 minutes. Should have started the game more attacking and then shored it up at the back if we needed to. Instead, he'd only got less defensive subs to bring on having used the "solid" players to start with. I don't think 8 shots in 90 minutes is an acceptable return yesterday. He set the dour tone from the off, gave Shrewsbury a platform to hold on to , one goal is never enough at our level. Maybe away from home it would have been justified, but we aren't going to score goals when we always seem to be playing with the handbrake on.
  11. A slight hamstring problem. Says he's had a scan but nothing serious.
  12. Vickers and Cashin both injured. Cashin being interviewed in hospitality now. I should have been there for my hubby's 70th birthday, but picked up a sickness bug and am stuck at home.
  13. I think there are legitimate questions to be asked around various things, and there is a right way to do that. The next Supporters Charter Group meeting is in March and we've already asked RamsTrust members for questions to put forward, as we do every meeting, and you always did too @David when you and @Boycie were there. I don't think the kickback on every club decision is as strong on here as on X, which does seem to attract knee-jerk reactions. We debate both sides on here and you can usually see the middle ground winning out. My take in recent months is that Stephen Pearce is open and approachable to questions, except on areas where his hands are tied due to legal restrictions. Many forum members were at the last Fans Forum, and he quickly closed down discussion on those areas, whilst answering all other questions. Radio Derby haven't had the same access to date as we, the supporters, so I'm not surprised they've asked him for an interview. Not in the know at all, but I'd expect the transfer window and finances to feature. Our detailed accounts are due out at the end of March, so maybe a heads up on how things are looking.
  14. I don't take these public comments pre-match too seriously as I think they are designed to keep the opposition guessing more than us fans!
  15. That's what we're doing, now I am mobile again.
  16. Not in my experience, Sage, but that was at a match against Swindon Town. We were all mixed in together and very friendly. The small platform and two carriages were packed, though. I thought they put an extra service on for us last year but I might have made that up? 🤔
  17. Not in the best of taste given that Bird's dad died a couple of seasons ago.
  18. Have stood on there as a neutral. Great atmosphere!
  19. We watched RamsTV from Tenerife and it was perfect.
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