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  1. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Andicis in The Administration Thread   
    ''The ‘angel investor’ and former leading computer company chief executive is looking into ways of handing over the funds needed so the Rams avoid being kicked out of the EFL.''
    Linked to Appleby, clearly good news this. 
  2. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in The Administration Thread   
    Some are alright
  3. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in The Administration Thread   
  4. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    For me it’s blindingly obvious. The EFL has failed in its duty as a governing body.
    Mel Morris gambled, failed, and ran out of money. We might have soldiered on with him but Covid threw petrol on the glowing embers. 
    The EFL however have pursued clubs that breach FFP as if they were pariahs and cheats when in fact they were just clubs with funds trying to compete with the half dozen parachute clubs with so much money following their fall from the prem that they have budgets vastly different from other clubs in the league. FFP and P+S were never anything to do with fairness. 
    The EFL has been limp when selling rights to broadcasters which hasn’t helped the finances of the championship but has been antagonistic in the extreme towards anyone who has the temerity to question its competence.
    When it has been called on to show leadership it has vacillated, dithered, acted to preserve its own status and power rather than the clubs it is supposed to represent. It is riven with self interested groups and hasn’t an iota of sportsmanship in its rotting corpse. It’s lack of professionalism in presenting cases in dispute has at times been laughable, preferring to rely on power and pomposity rather than fact and reason. 
    In my opinion it needs disbanding forthwith. 
  5. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Derbados in The Administration Thread   
    They’re certainly rattled, Boros statement won’t help their cause at all. He’s coming across as a petulant baby having a tantrum because he can’t get what he wants. It’s becoming patently obvious that the EFL are terrified of him and those with power and influence (MP’s, councils, journos) are all waking up to this. 
    The EFL are currently pooing themselves 
  6. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to YouRams in The Administration Thread   
    Points 1, 3 & 5 have absolutely **** all to do with Boro, who does the dweeb think he is? The conflict of interest and corruption is so clear to see its absolute madness its carrying on!
  7. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    It's correct that this is not solely dependant on the Boro and Wycombe issues, however we are unable to name a preferred bidder until that has been resolved, surely they can understand this? 
    They can say they need this information urgently, as well as proof of funding, although we need them to also make a decision on if Boro and Wycombe are football creditors urgently. 
    To me, this statement looks like another attempt to try and push the clubs to resolve it between themselves, knowing that if they make a decision it will anger either party, they appear to desperately want to avoid this for obvious reasons.
  8. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Derbados in The Administration Thread   
    “Preferred Bidder – The EFL needs urgent clarification from the Administrator as to who the preferred bidder is. Without this clarification, no tangible progress can be made into solving the challenges associated with the claims.”
    Are they honestly that thick??
  9. Haha
    Wsm-ram reacted to cosmic in The Administration Thread   
    Oh my days, they've come out to deny any deal with Middlesbrough..! They are panicking.
  10. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Indy in The Administration Thread   
    This is the encouraging. Nicko twigging that there’s something not right about the Wycombe/Boro positions and willing to argue that point. 
  11. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    No, but he did say the administrators are fully aware of all the points raised on this Forum, as I sent him a list, including the Boro not taking any action against Bournemouth and the fans willingness to crowd fund on a large scale. I agree with @iRam, the silence is tactical at the moment, and Q definitely know what they are doing.
  12. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Mihangel in The Administration Thread   
  13. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Gaspode in The Administration Thread   
    If they're being used to prevent the Administrators from carrying out their legal duty (in terms of exiting Administration), I'm sure there is something that can be done. Whatever rules the EFL invent, they are still bound by the law of the land....
  14. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to TheresOnlyWanChope in The Administration Thread   
    The EFL didn’t enforce its own rules on time
    Parry admitted the EFL were going to be sued by Boro until they did something 
    Derby have already been punished for their amortisation policy (and still being punished)
    Gibson is plucking figures out of the air from PaddyPower 

    Lawyers have already said the Boro and Wycombe claims are likely to fail
    The EFL were not up to date with insolvency laws
    The man responsible for the problems is not at the club anymore

    No way should Derby be allowed to go under. This will never be forgotten even if Derby survive. 
  15. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to nottingram in The Administration Thread   
    This podcast should really be the end of it.
    The EFL did not enforce their rules in a timely manner, as openly admitted by the chairman of the EFL. Derby cannot go bust because of that, it simply cannot be allowed to happen.
  16. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Archie in The Administration Thread   
    Yes. These definitely should be made public. I have emailed the EFL and requested they do so. 
  17. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Albert in The Administration Thread   
    Surely our creditors are seething seeing this all playout. There is a deal in place, they will get what they need, but if this farce continues to go on, they surely aren't anymore. Middlesbrough killing the club at this point just comes across as vindictive, particularly as the claim appears to have limited actual legal basis. 
    The EFL using Derby as a shield to protect themselves is also abhorrent. Again, I don't see how the EFL can continue in its current form after this. They are clearly not fit for purpose, such a body is there to manage and protect the clubs, not use the clubs as a shield to protect from their own incompetence. 
  18. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to On the Ram Page in MPs meet Quantuma update tweet 19/01   
    We have been assured by the EFL that anyone who has a personal interest in the Derby County, Middlesbrough, Wycombe saga have not been involved in any discussions/decisions made within the EFL
    Surely, if the EFL Board, as a whole, have agreed with Middlesborough to take action against Derby to avoid Middlesbrough suing the EFL - then all the members of the EFL Board currently have a conflict of interest in any discussion/decision whether to deem the Middlesborough a “Football debt”.
  19. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Sparkle in MPs meet Quantuma update tweet 19/01   
    I wasn’t upset at reading all that and not surprised either - how can the EFL board sit there and not resign immediately - threatened by a member in Middlesbrough to be sued for apparently not doing their job so what do the EFL do - please don’t sue us you should sue Derby a fellow member club who they are supposed to be looking after and the EFL won’t stand in your way and they will help it happen even if it means liquidation for Derby but don’t sue us the EFL - absolute disgrace!
    The EFL can make this stop right now and those politicians should be going right for jugular as Derby county have been set up to be humiliated and probably liquidated by deliberate actions of the governing body and the Middlesbrough parasite. 
    There simply must be legal action against these individuals for their conduct.
  20. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to TheSlate in The Administration Thread   
    It is true - came from the gob of Rick Parry himself. Listen to last night's sportscene.
  21. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to ThePrisoner in The Administration Thread   
  22. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to ThePrisoner in The Administration Thread   
    Unanimous vote from Derby City Council to support the club in all matters. Not quite sure what they’ll be doing. All a bit beyond me right now!
  23. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Interesting - Council Leader seems to indicate further that a preferred bidder is very close...
  24. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Indy in The Administration Thread   
    Further to that, it begs the question what could be unduly influencing their consideration on the plan the administrators have put forward? As the EFL statement says, those with vested interests in a discussion have to absent themselves - and now that their dodgy deal to avoid being sued by Boro is in the public domain, couldn’t it be argued (by the likes of Margaret Beckett) that Rick Parry, and anyone else involved in appeasing Gibson’s original threat to sue the EFL, has a vested interest n considering our CVA exit plan?
    Parliament could insist that an independent panel considers the legality of our exit plan immediately and take EFL out of the equation - after Tuesdays debate, it’s clear that they’re looking at disbanding them as soon as possible anyway. 
  25. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Can be watched here: 
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