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  1. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Tyler Durden in Rooney leaves   
    I will particularly miss the total inevitability of losing every away game in League 1 this season and also the comedy goals conceded by insisting on pratting around with the ball at the back. 
  2. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Quick bit of research yields the following:
    The combined cash at bank value for all businesses where DAVID CLOWES holds a current appointment equals £30m, a combined total current assets value of £536m with a total current liabilities of £137m and a total current net worth of £346m. My guess would be that while David is the front man, the new owners will effectively be the Clowes family as a whole.
    For those already worrying that he / they have insufficient net worth to run a club like Derby, consider the relative wealth of Brentford owner Matthew Benham, a tiny fraction of the Clowes fortune. Consider too that Benham had to borrow £700k to fund the majority shareholding he took when he bought Brentford in 2012. Like Clowes, Benham too, is a lifelong fan of the club he has now established in the Premiership. Not all 'fan-owners' then are of Morris' ilk, so let's be balanced in our thinking. Some may say Benham is an outlier and an anomaly but the facts do not bear out this opinion. My view is rather that he simply adopted a model by which even clubs with modest fan bases can operate without losses AND enjoy success. For interest's sake, some net worth figures for a few Premiership club owners, correct as of 10/2021:
    Brentford – Matthew Benham (£3m)
    Norwich - Delia Smith and Michael Wynn-Jones (£23m)
    Burnley – Mike Garlick (£62m)
    Watford – Gino Pozzo (£93m)
    Leeds – Andrea Radrizzani (£344m)
    If Clowes is successful in his bid, then let's then give the man a chance to show that he intends to run the club in the way it could and should be run. There is absolutely no reason that DCFC can not break even within a few years and then turn a profit from then on. Look at the 30K +++ crowds that turned up towards the end of a post-Covid season with the team nigh on certain to be relegated. There are few clubs in the entire league that would top those numbers and the willingness of the fans to get behind the club, aligned to a measured and analytical approach to recruitment, can prove to be the cornerstones upon which a resurgent Derby County can be built. Our support was the absolute envy of the League last season, despite 3 years of ever gathering gloom and ill conceived hostility from outsiders who chose to hate before they thought. Let's not forget that. Equally, let's be respectful to and supportive of the players who ran through walls for us, even those who now choose move to pastures new. We should be, and I believe most are, grateful for what was a herculean effort from a team where a good few were earning a fraction of the wages they could command elsewhere and all played week in, week out under immense levels of pressure and uncertainty. They gave us all they had and IMO, they now owe us nothing.
    Let's also look out for each other; I've tried to remain calm and upbeat throughout the last couple of years as have most, but the strain of the last few months has understandably stretched nerves to breaking point. A lot of us have expressed anger and lashed out and I'm one of them, but the truth is that lashing out at those around the process, or worse still, at other fans, serves literally no purpose. I should know better.
    As we now look to the future then, akin to most fans, I suspect, I remain concerned that this may prove yet another false dawn, but this does have a rather different feel about it. We will know by this time next week whether the deal has legs, at which point we can hopefully once again begin to dream about a more positive future for the club, the fans and the wider community. In essence, the healing process can begin. Of course I am hugely biased in my view, but it's something I strongly believe; there is something quite unique and special about this club of ours, even in the darkest of times. They say that it's always darkest before the dawn and I'm sure I can see some narrow slithers of light ahead and this for the first time in several years. Perhaps a bright and beautiful new dawn will follow, perhaps something less than that, but let's try to be present, upbeat and supportive and not simply look to others. We have a huge role to play if we choose to accept it and these next few years could be some of the best in long while if we temper our expectations and rediscover the unity and passion we showed when times were hardest.
  3. Cheers
    darren22 reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    This is where any conversation should start and end.
    The most important thing right now is saving this football club, if thats Clowes, Ashley, Appleby or even Kirchner, we should be extremely grateful.
    Millions are being spent on a club that has little more than ourselves, the money it’s going to cost to purchase this club could potentially buy or even own a major stake in most Championship clubs.
    It makes zero business sense buying this football club, none what so ever, so whoever it is that completes the purchase, we should be eternally grateful as we have been far too close to losing this club that means so much to us all. 
  4. Clap
    darren22 reacted to EtoileSportiveDeDerby in The Administration Thread   
    For the first time since it all started to unravel and Mel's pack of cards started to tumble, i am feeling hopeful. the bloke goes about his business quietly, is a supporter, it all seems to make sense for once. In an ideal world he buys the stadium so MM has got nothing to do with DCFC. Quantuma can go back to their shiny offices, WR can put together a team without the sh1te he has to put up with and we can all go back to see 22 blokes chasing a bag of air around a patch of grass. 
  5. Clap
    darren22 reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    Not quite. It’s not a case of the EFL’s involvement helping or not helping. DCFC are still a member of the EFL. The EFL should be helping it in these difficult circumstances, especially as the club has been sanctioned according to the rules over a prolonged period at the behest of other members. That part is done and dusted. We are now a member pure and simple. Our “trade association” is ( or effing well should be ) bound to assist members. That assistance cannot be muddied by past actions for which justice has already been served. And it cannot and should not be conditional on DCFC to act in a certain way in areas governed by commercial law rather than their rules.  The EFL well understand this but are desperate to get their fingers in the pie to justify their   position. It’s a power play and it makes me want to throw up. If they were honest even handed and open they should be falling over themselves saying “what do you need to sort this.”
     Not the usual “disappointment” and “if only” or whatever snivelling weasel words they chose. They have a man on the board who was disqualified as a company director for diverting funds in to his own bank account. They went for us because they were threatened by another member. They are weak, cowardly and employ persons of bad character. 
    It’s an organisation without morals or ethics. A fit a proper persons test ? And people like Peter Ridsdale is on the board ? 
    PS .. you may just detect from the above that I have nothing but contempt and suspicion whenever they say anything. 
    rant over (for now) 
  6. Clap
    darren22 reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    When asked the question previously on more than one occasion they have always been dead set against it. Their concern seems to be centred around what we as supporters would expect in return for such investment. 
    I have felt angry with them ever since, because any attempts to involve the fan community in solutions has been pushed away as if only the 'great and the good' can decide Derby's fate.
    I feel they have been patronising at best, and I could say a lot more.
    RamsTrust has shared all responses they have had from the administrators. But Quantuma made their views on engagement clear a few months ago imo when they issued that statement about how much it was costing!
    Please don't think that because I am on the EFL's side in this latest issue, that I think that they are any better, because I feel they have behaved appallingly as well. As have Mel Morris and potential purchasers. 
    I am now rapidly coming to the conclusion that the sooner we get an independent regulator in to sort this shambles out, the better.
    Too late to help Derby County out of our current predicament,  but desperately needed.
  7. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Norman in The Administration Thread   
    What the hell am I reading?
    Are people actually forgetting the role the EFL have played in the legal proceedings against us that rumbled beyond the last transfer window and put everyone off making a bid for us.  Delays that saw us lose Jagileka and a goalscorer, plus half of our amazing academy. 
    And that's after the legal proceedings against us for the ground etc that led to the delays that led to the late points deduction that led to the legal proceedings that led to nobody putting in a acceptable bid until a month or so a go. 
    The fact we didn't go down the season before was 'regrettable'. 
    Blame Mel, absolutely, but to call the EFL the boogeyman or a smokescreen shows a complete lack of understanding. 
  8. Cheers
    darren22 reacted to Ramslad1992 in The Administration Thread   
    Does anyone remember when being a football fan was fun? Just looking forward to every Saturday and the odd Tuesday/Wednesday? Points were earned on the pitch and not taken away by some Bamford. 
    The time when people who worked for the club knew they’d get paid, that they could pay their mortgage/rent, knew they could feed their kids.
    The time that it wasn’t downright embarrassing being a Derby County fan, not having your mates rip you a new one about how an absolute shambles we have become? 
    The times you just knew your children had a team to support when they were older…
    They were good times, money has destroyed football and the people who make the money are absolute scum. 
    I’d wish the worst of fates on the EFL, Quantuma, Mel Morris, Chris Kirchner, they’ve all collectively put us in the position we are in today. 
    Take me back to the late 90’s when being a football supporter was actually joyful. 
  9. Clap
    darren22 reacted to G STAR RAM in The Administration Thread   
    2 statements in 24 hours, if only they had been this proactive earlier on in the administration process.
    If only they had been this frustrated with their own inability to sort out the Boro and Wycombe 'claims'.
    If only they had been this disappointed with one of their members threatening to sue them.
    They really do disgust me.
  10. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Topram in The Administration Thread   
    Finally Quantuma getting some stick 
  11. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Sparkle in The Administration Thread   
    Well I am pleased there is a real timeline in the sand now - CK still the obvious favourite get it done by 5 pm today  or anyone else’s money will do basically but I don’t expect someone at 5-15 today handing over a very large bank transfer of £20 million plus other than CK 
    what does make me very annoyed is the fact that a lot of these so called prospective bidders didn’t come up with their money between January and March this year because if they really wanted to own Derby County they could have and easily. The ongoing torture the supporters have had to endure is frankly unfair. 
    ps if it wasn’t for Gibson at Middlesbrough this would have all been sorted a very long time ago - end of this morning thoughts 
  12. Cheers
    darren22 reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    I reckon most of us are very welcoming, it’s just that a certain small segment of society has an overly loud voice. 

    It might be deemed political but I’d give a huge round of applause to Poland the nation for coping so openly and positively with Ukrainian refugees. No reflection on anyone else, Poland is their neighbour after all .. but you’d want neighbours like the Poles wouldn’t you ? 
  13. Clap
    darren22 reacted to ilkleyram in The Administration Thread   
    Which is fair comment @kevinhectoring.  But there's a difference between being grounded by Eeyore (and he/she wasn't/isn't the only one), being realistic about the possible outcomes to the process (which are still possible and will be until we get to an announcement that this is over) and banging out a constant highly negative refrain at every opportunity, despite the damage it was clearly doing to the wellbeing of individual members of this board, including myself at different times. 
    In any situation like this there is a spectrum of view expressed - highly positive to highly negative - when none of us actually know anything.  We've had people who have been confident that all would end well but who have still been balanced, and no doubt had private moments of doubt. But we've also had people who have been highly negative, who have gone quiet in the positive times only to reappear at the slightest sign of bad news or no news.  Those people should, in my view, consider the impact that their approach has, or might have, on others and if they have done so out of malice (because they actually support another team for example or because they enjoy having that impact) then they should consider the part they wish to play in a decent society.  By all means hold a view but knowing when not to contribute an opinion is as important as contributing.
    These have been a highly emotional few months for us all.  Aged 66 I have still found myself crying at times, in front of the computer; my life and mental health has been badly affected at different moments. The club means that much to me. The continuous groundings of Eeyores has not been helpful 
  14. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Day in On Going Punishments   
    Remember when football was just watching and hoping the ball hits the net? ?
  15. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    Football fans and football owners are a strange breed, Fans care not a jot where the money is coming from Newcastle a great example, As long as their club are buying players, As long as they see a winning team, Then who gives a shyte, Owners for the life of me...why buy a football club, Newcastle(Saudi Arabia)is all about sport washing, Chelsea for £4.25 billion is just crazy, Burnley are having to pay most of one loan back to MSD of almost £65 million.
    The breakfast club that posters were invited too were fed some what we now know as total BS, But I guess at the time some thought they were very privileged or even honoured to get the invite, I was not posting on this board at the time, Other boards posters were apoplectic as their invite must have been lost in the post.
    I believe one or 2 of the invitees were very sceptical of his words, But the man who holds court in his own domain gets to call the shots, I was never suspicious of MM why should I be, He's a multi millionaire that's on record as saying he's been a DCFC fan for decades, Now Brailsford Ram has told us some home truths about this charlatan, Do I feel conned...no, Am I a little pi$$ed off...no, It's more of a roll back eyes ?and a...here we go again...why us?, The deeper posters dug the murkier it got, Journalists galore were writing about us, Some were big fibs, Some were close to the truth, The EFL were sent a get out of jail free card by MM, DCFC were going to pay for their part in the Sky TV deal, 2 clubs in Boro and Wycombe felt they were shat upon by DCFC, Where was the EFL when the brown stuff  hit the fan, Hiding under a table at the Stadium of Shyte, But eventually the house of cards all fell down because of one man who thought he had a magic want and wanted to be loved.
    We now have a new owner in CK, A local business man has purchased Pride Park, This venture I like as the Stadium ATM will be in local ownership, As for the team/club, I'm looking forward to next season, Saturday 3pm kick offs, Very little exposure on Sky TV, Travelling to the back and beyond for some away games...all to watch a bag of wind being kicked about.
    Yes football fans are a strange breed ? 
  16. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Ghost of Clough in The Administration Thread   
    The rules at the time stated we must stick to FRS102. Some people believe our policy was compliant to FRS102, others didn't. Unfortunately, the 3 people who had the final say (with no accounting background) determined it was non-compliant.
    The rule change doesn't automatically mean our policy was acceptable, but it does mean there will be nothing other than a common approach for all EFL clubs going forward. As I said very early on in the P&S case, the pragmatic approach would have been to change the rules and get the Club to change back to a straight line method.
  17. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    The HMRC have their own laws and methods, There's no straight line where they have a rule book.
    I was chased, Harassed, Had letters of a threatening nature of fines and continued fines if I would not investigate my deceased Brothers Tax Affairs(self employed)my mistake was clearing his debts, Cancelling his PIP payments and burying him.
    If it wasn't for one particular HMRC employee who looked into his last 2 years of taxable work I would have a stack of letters or even a court date to attend, And the shocking thing is, They owed him £20 and a few pence.
    Ladies and Gentlemen I give you an organisation that duck over the little person and leave those that have amassed billions of £s from wrongful  Covid-19 payments
  18. Clap
    darren22 reacted to RAM1966 in The Administration Thread   
    The one single fact for me on the whole of this sorry situation is - The EFL introduced a rule change saying that all clubs must use the straightline amortisation method after the Admin rolled over and accepted the punishment.
    If the rule change happened after out alledged discressions, it was clearly open to interpretation and not against the rules at the time.
    Parry came out and said it was a rule clarification, yet its was minuted in the EFL mins as a rule change.  Muy understanding is our amortisation method was checked and agreed with the EFL, it only became an issue when Gibson started crying
    Sorry, but the whole thing stinks, they should of closed the loop.  Not bully a club into accepting a punishment in a kangaroo court....
  19. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    Can't remember what it was, but if it was, that's even more trivial than ours. 
    Shouldn't have posted it to be honest, I've mostly stopped following all this now and don't want to get dragged back into the mess.
    It is what it is, we can sit here blaming Mel, EFL, Gibson even @The Baron, but it won't change anything now. We've been punished and look set to start next season with a clean slate.
    I do fear for the POF Podcast though, although I'm sure it won't be long until another club steps up and becomes the next financial hot topic.
    This last year has been mentally draining, just looking forward to the football now, I'm even looking forward to seeing the xG stats being thrown around, anything but amortisation policies and the suits at the EFL.
  20. Clap
    darren22 reacted to RAM1966 in The Administration Thread   
    For me the most hypocritical thing they've done was the rule change on the amortisation of player.  It stated on the EFLs minutes it was a rule change. 
    This centres around the justification of the resubmission of the accounts and us subsequently failing FFP.  Had this not of happened no Boro or Wycombe cases, Mel would of probably been able to sell the club etc.
    The whole house of cards came crashing down as a result, transfer embargos.  Admin  losing valuable players for nothing instead of fees.
    This needs looking into, Admin may have accepted the decision without the right to appeal.  This rule change since surely is justification that we were ducked over and there was no justification....
  21. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Oldben in The Administration Thread   
    Conservative MP Damian Collins, a former chair of the digital, culture, media and sport committee, said it was the EFL's failure to punish Derby at the time which has caused the current chaos.
    "If the EFL had enforced its own financial rules effectively this wouldn't have happened," said Collins. "And yet it is the EFL's own rules that will trigger the expulsion of Derby from the league."
    EFL as a governing body deserves opprobrium for today’s situation too. Its tardiness in dealing with these initial rule breaches, the lack of clarity over its FFP regulations, coupled with years of wrangling on charges for which the club was eventually cleared, led to prolonged uncertainty for Derby and, more significantly, to other clubs becoming increasingly aggrieved. 
    The efl are guilty by failure to act on the boro and Wycombe spurious claims.
    The EFL’s judgment on whether they are indeed football debts crucial. According to Derby’s administrators, the EFL was unwilling to clarify this, imperilling a Derby takeover. That left the club scrambling to find ways to prove they could afford to see out the season by the EFL-imposed deadline of February 1.
    It’s difficult not to conclude that we’ve seen gross EFL incompetence throughout this saga. A worthy governance institution should enforce rules in a timely manner and offer clarity. The FFP regulations are specifically supposed to ensure that members cannot get into these situations. On those grounds, the EFL has failed. 
    The efl failed derby in reflecting the effect of lost revenue due to covid.
    Julian Knight, the chairman of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport select committee pointed out the EFL had benefited from financial assistance itself, during the Covid crisis.
    'In light of that, it is beholden on the EFL to show decency and understanding to Derby County, a former league champion club, in this their hour of need,' he said.
    I don't want to keep rehashing these things, but for me, without question, the efl are not innocent km the Derby county situation.
    Would things have been different if dcfc had am owner with financial clout to bring in lawyers to defend itself, we might never know, and now thanks to ck, another chapter of dcfc cab be written. 
  22. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Oldben in The Administration Thread   
    I'm concerned that nothing comes from this, that the efl doesn't change and that no independent regulator is established.
    What worried me most about boro and Wycombe is that they took advantage of dcfc because there was no money to defend dcfc and the efl sat back and did nothing.
  23. Clap
    darren22 reacted to G STAR RAM in The Administration Thread   
    Regardless of the outcome of our plight, a huge part of my love of football has died over the last 2 years. Its really highlighted that its just one big dick swinging competition for rich men that don't give a flying duck about the lifeblood of the game.
    I'm feeling grateful this morning but will forever be angry at how we have been treated over the last 2 years.
  24. Clap
    darren22 reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    Yeah right. Who brought the charge against Derby then 4 years after signing off on the accounts and two years after signing off on the stadium sale? Who pursued the matter despite much of the allegations being thrown out and tried to get us relegated when at most the only sanction should have been a modest fine? Who indulged the Boro claim which could have bankrupted the club? Who has been briefing against us with multiple misleading statements and leaks to the press over the last two and a half years? Two and a half years during which one man has presided over the EFL the spiteful Parry. And two and half years of a continuing vendetta that has made it almost impossible to sell the club.
  25. Clap
    darren22 reacted to RIMBAUD in Highlight of the Season   
    Bieliks goal v brum.
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