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Posts posted by McRainy

  1. 1 hour ago, BobbyTheReadingFan said:

    Anxiety doesn't have a reason to be there.  E.g. you may be chilled out, you may be off work, no issues, but you're still tightly wound, you still can't quite relax.  

    I think it probably does have a reason to be there, but not, as you say, necessarily related to the immediate circumstances.

    The understanding which makes most sense to me is the overstimulation of the fight/ flight response, which creates neural pathways which remain overactive at inappropriate times. This can be caused by a number of things, from early trauma to a gradual build up of stress over time. 

  2. 23 minutes ago, David said:

    tablets and pills will only suppress those feelings, they won't cure you, any cure has to come from within and learning to handle situations through various techniques which takes a long time to find which work for you as there is no one solution fits all. 

    No disagreement there. 

    I have also experienced being housebound by anxiety, which is why I'm wary of hearing it described as a more severe form of ordinary nervousness. It's of a completely different order from that, and is often resultant from other conditions, in my case autistic burnout and complex PTSD. 

    I don't think we are disagreeing about the effects, I just wouldn't want anyone reading this, who may not have experienced it, to think it's something you could tackle in the same way as plucking up courage to do something. That almost implies a lack of moral will, which certainly isn't the case. 

  3. Anxiety is not 'nerves' and depression is not sadness. Unfortunately, it is this misunderstanding which can lead to the pressure to 'pull yourself together'.

    Life is not about 'being happy' either, imo. Many people are either born into circumstances, or with conditions, which make this rather glib expectation impossible. I suspect that many, particularly in our consumerist culture, feel that they are failing if they don't achieve the 'happiness' that modern life is supposed to provide.

    I think Moist One nailed it when he said that the key is awareness. The delphic injunction is to 'know thyself', and in psychological or existential terms, this is the journey we are on. From this viewpoint it doesn't matter so much what our outer circumstances or our inner traits are, we can find meaning and purpose in our lives through understanding ourselves. This is how it works for me, anyway. 


  4. 2 minutes ago, David said:

    Which is very true, however what the member has an issue with is not limited to one device, it's seen as a feature and one that works the same way across all devices, Apple. Android, Windows or Potato

    We can still laugh at him for having one though, right?

  5. 2 hours ago, RamNut said:

    Why not put up a video of your band?

    interested to hear it.

    chanced upon a rock trio here in the scilly's last night - belted out some good stuff. 

    Such a thing doesn't exist currently, although we're hoping to get one soon. 

    This is my friend's band, posted as a 'where are you now'. I get to guard the spare flutes backstage. 

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