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Posts posted by McRainy

  1. 10 minutes ago, David said:

    End of the day it is the future and at some point you will have to make the leap or move to Android where they are looking at having touch sensor under the screen as their Face ID technology is years behind Apple. That's not trolling, it's widely known.

    Yes, just seen that. Apparently Apple rejected the under screen touch sensor as the tech isn't that well developed yet. True about the touch sensors in the rain etc, that's a regular irritant. 

  2. 1 hour ago, David said:

    In that case I would avoid the 8, go straight for the XR or XS as iOS will be designed around these full screen phones, everything else will be an after thought. Full screen phones is the future, I can't see them reverting back to bezels and physical buttons.

    Thanks, that confirms what I was thinking. Just looking at an 8, as I'm a bit resistant to the face ID for some reason, but they're still the best part of 600 quid, and I'm sure you're right about the full screen thing. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, David said:

    Really comes down to where you feel financially comfortable at.

    I usually take the opposite approach to you in buying the best I can get and then sticking with it for it's useful life. I'm not saying that's a financially better option overall, but I get used to something and don't want the faff of changing it. I shall definitely buy the phone outright and stick with my sim only deal though. 

    The obsolescence factor is therefore a major consideration. I'm only looking to upgrade at the point where the latest system looks like it has superseded previous models and will be around for a while. I'm assuming that's now the case with the X. The 6 and 7 didn't seem enough of a step up to be worth the outlay. 

    Tbh, my 5s still does pretty much everything I need, but it's slowing down and may not support future iOS updates, otherwise I wouldn't be thinking of changing... first world problems. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, David said:

    Really depends what your priorities are I guess, but if you're coming from a 6 or 5 whatever you have, the XR would be a huge upgrade. 

    Thanks, yes, I'm still on a 5s. Looks like a good potential next step, presumably better than an 8. The better battery life would actually be more use to me than a crispier screen. And nice colours...

  5. 5 hours ago, Parsnip said:

    @Lambchop If I had to guess which film you'd review on this thread, I would've guessed Mio fratello è figlio unico.

    Or if not that then some other film depicting the post war political struggles in Italy through the experiences of a divided family.

    You read me like a book. 

    But of all the films depicting the post war political struggles in Italy through the experiences of a divided family, Mio fratello è figlio unico is the best. 

    Chattering classes, innit. 

  6. 49 minutes ago, David said:

    You don’t go down the pub for a pint in peace, that’s why you have a conservatory built 

    I have a hypersensitivity to particular noises, it's a spectrum thing. Dominos is one of those sounds which makes me feel like my brain is being put through a garlic press, so is best avoided. 

    Other pub sounds are fine, apart from the clashing of two different sources of music, or the bleeping of games machines. 

  7. 1 hour ago, angieram said:

    I play dominoes. I don't think that's sad - I enjoy it.

    It's sad for others who have to put up with the racket. 

    Why oh why does it always have to be played on an amplified tea tray, and why does most of the game consist of shuffling them about for as long and as loudly as possible.

    It's antisocial. I rarely go in one of my favourite pubs now because of it. As soon as the 'dommies' come out it's time to drink up and get your coat. 

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