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Posts posted by Uptherams

  1. 1 hour ago, jono said:

    I think your right there. Waggy is all over the pitch. A bit headless at times but at the moment he has an all round something to give a struggling team. I think Sibley will be more effective when our backs aren’t to the wall. 

    Waghorn has been pretty bad since he's returned. Constantly losing the ball or making poor passes. He's not contributing much at all right now. 

  2. I understand our current situation keeping him out. But that's also an argument to play him as he's the only player who can bag a brace out of nowhere. 

    The best place for him to learn, as with any young player, is playing in the first team. 

    I'm starting to grow concerned over the handling of both Sibley and Bird. 

    Bird is not a DM. Sibley needs to play. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Rampage said:

    Pretty difficult to argue with anything that Wayne is doing at present. Remarkable turnaround in results. Attitude and performance if players. Five new players still to be evaluated but Wayne brought those players in for a reason

    There's plenty actually. I'm no sycophant. Just like how he's critical even when we have a decent win. We are getting results but that's been down the how impressive Marshall has been along with the defence. For 15+ games they've been playing like an automatic promotion side. We need to improve significantly in other areas of the pitch and when we do, we'll be a team capable of play offs every season. I still think we'll end up 3 wins off 6th spot this season.


    Make no mistake, this is some of the worst football I've seen Derby play in a very long time. I thought Cocu ball was bad. I'm very keen to see our approach to matches once we are out of a relegation battle. Which, truth be told, could be up until the final 3 games at this rate. Very tight right now. A team can lose 3 on the trot and then be in a relegation battle. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Yani P said:

    I wonder who advises him..family or agent?

    Never get this type of move so young wont get anywhere near the Liverpool 1st team in years if ever..surely would have made ours much faster. This smacks of a pound signs move..its a shame these youngsters aren't given the time to develop and mature before they make big club moves.

    Hope he makes it and fulfills his potential and doesn't end up as another Bostock.


    If a player is good enough, then they wait for the second time that a club comes in for them, because they will. The lad could have stayed here for another 2 seasons and potentially bagged 50+ appearances. He benefits and so do we. £10m to us is a substantial amount of money. To Liverpool it's next to nothing. Wrong decision. This is the second time this has happened in the last year. The club needs to prevent it from happening again. 

    Then again, they shipped Whiticker out like it was nothing. Our outgoings for as long as I remember have been shambolic. There's only a few exceptions. 


  5. 2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    If they're not training well (as Rooney has specified) then in matches they risk injury, or they can't last the whole match. What's idiotic about that? He hasn't said such about Sibley anyway.

    Conflating what I'm saying. A player is either match fit or they aren't. If he isn't match fit then he shouldn't be included in the match day squad and the priority is to get him match fit. He isn't unfit. If that gets used as an excuse at any point, it'll be hugely ironic on the managers part, as he was done 60 minutes into every game. 

    Football training on the pitch, is almost entirely based on nothing more than football. Not fitness. There's practically no scientific basis for the football training drills. Almost all football managers and coaches don't know if a player is training at the maximumal recoverable threshold. And that's the biggest point, it's a threshold and can vary significantly based on the individual. 

    Players are being constantly monitored. But getting the point across to a football coach that X player needs to stop doing so much in the football training is like talking to a brick wall. Even with the data and scientific research presented to them. They are just viewed as lazy or ironically unfit. As the cause of being unfit will be overtraining. 

    My point is and was generic. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, ramit said:

    He definitely has a nasty streak and sometimes behaves as if he's entitled to rough up opposing players.  Have no problem with him being aggressive, but stupid fouls hurt the team.  He should redirect his aggression to winning games, never giving up, always being hungry, which will inspire other players to up their energy, this would help the team.  He can become very valuable on the field, if he manages this.

    I get all this. But if I was him I'd think I'm being picked on for no good reason. Rooney was a hothead aggressive player. He's asking us to be less nice and rough up the opponent's. CKR constantly boasts of this attribute of his. 

    Waghorn has been accumulating unnessary red cards. Lawrence could practically do whatever the hell he wanted. 


  7. 2 hours ago, Shang said:

    Sibley and Knight are similar players, they're both dynamic box-to-box ball carriers (as in they prefer to dribble and carry the ball towards goal) but the key difference is that he's a naturally selfish player, which isn't a negative thing.

    He's more inclined to work to play himself into a position to shoot, and run off players to get into a scoring position. Knight on the other hand is more likely to bring others into play.

    Sibley would run past CKR more, which would leave gaps in our midfield when defending a counter attack. This used to happen quite a lot when he was getting regular games.f Knight tends to be slightly behind the forwards.

    I personally think that Rooney will either bring Beni into midfield to partner up with Shinnie and move Knight up, or drop Waghorn in favour or a more productive player (Sibley or Roberts). I don't think Rooney trusts Sibley to defend in midfield.

    I can tell you this much. I'm not buying another season ticket until we start playing progressive attacking football. Obviously circumstances are different because of our current position. But I don't think the footballing world has yet to understand this. 

    Pride Park would be lucky to get 20,000 fans, if they are allowed full capacity at the start of next season. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Addingham Ram said:

    Perhaps Sibley doesn't do as much in training as Waggy? Just a thought, not actually read anything to the contrary, but taking Wayne's words at face value, yet Waggy still gets in ahead of Sibley, it does make you wonder.

    I hope not, as Sibley appears to have so much potential, and I'm definitely in the 'Let's see him make the grade at DCFC' camp! 

    I've always found the lazy in training arguments made by managers to be truly idiotic. It doesn't matter if a player does less than others in training. What matters is what happens in matches. 

    Training is about development, recovery, preparation, etc. 

    Overtaining is a bigger problem than undertraining. 

  9. 3 hours ago, SIXTEEN AGAIN said:

    That may be a bit of a set back, landing control on seems a bit difficult to achieve.

    Do you know when SN10 will be kitted and ready to go?

    If that doesn't work as well i can see them needing a format  for a conventional wheeled landing.


    What they are trying to do is immense though, straight outta a Sci Fi movie.

    The long term plan isn't landing on legs. They want to remove that additional weight so the payload can be larger. Catching them with the launch tower arm. 

  10. 51 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Personally, I haven't seen anything in Whittaker that suggests he's got a big future.

    I have. 10lbs more muscle on the lad and defenders will hate him. He can drive forward with the ball so well and has shown he's a tough tackler too. Likes a shot also. 

    He just needs a consistent run of games. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, mike93rh said:

    He's also been given very few minutes considering his ability, in my opinion.

    Always irks me when people write off a player who's only being given the ends of games to show what they can do (I don't mean you).

    For me Sibley is our best attacking threat we have.

    Whittaker too. Big future still for him. 

  12. I've been annoyed at the lack of playing time Sibley has been getting. Especially considering how few goals we are scoring. This lad can create and score as many of his own chances as the rest of them put together. 

    Hopefully it's for his development. I've equally been frustrated at Birds lack of involvement. However it's been understandable due to how well Shinnie is doing. When Bird came on against QPR he looked physically bigger and fitter. 

    Sibley is above Lawrence in the pecking order for me. Maybe after a few more wins and Rooney is confident a relegation battle is behind us, he'll drop him back in. 



  13. 5 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    Stephen Pearce was on Radio Derby last week saying we would only sell if it made financial sense.

    Selling one of the best 16 year olds in the country for £1 million makes no financial sense at all.

    I don't care what financial situation we are in this is disgusting.

    If he's that good. Which he obviously is (already training with the first team and Rooney said he's one of the best in training)

    Then you keep hold of him and get him in the first team next year.

    Just like Birmingham did with Jude Bellingham. He was on of the best 16 year olds in the country. One season in the first team and he's off for £35 million. 

    I mean it's pretty clear that everything Stephen Pearce said on the Radio was a lie.

    Sums up my feelings entirely. Another season or two with us and he'll get game time and we can sell him for £20m+. 

    The lad and Derby both lose in this situation. He's not going to be playing for Liverpool for years. What's the point? 

  14. 25 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:


    Few humans have done more for the planet than Musk. For decades we were facing Carmageddon with the motor industry not giving a stuff. Elon single-handedly has transitioned the world towards electric cars and sustainable transport, with a heavy focus on solar power too. Reluctantly the traditional car companies are being dragged kicking and screaming in Tesla's wake, but they're all a decade behind now so effectively are already dead. 


    Forget government's and politicians, it's people like Musk who create the positive change. We could do with 10 more people just like him. 

    One project I'm particularly excited about is Starlink. I don't like the encroaching grip ISP's, government's and mega tech and major corporations have on the internet. 

    Forget the cloud, Musk will announce plans in the next few years for larger data centres beyond the clouds, in space. 

  15. On 16/11/2020 at 15:31, Carl Sagan said:

    For those who want to see the rudimentary Starship on the test stand, this is SN8 being readied for its 15km flight. It's the first of the prototypes to have the nosecone and flaps fitted. Above it we see the Moon, where as I said some adapted Starships may go, but above that we see Mars, the real target.

    Starship itself stands 50m tall (9m diameter) with Super Heavy an additional 70m, so when they're mated together for flights into Earth orbit, it will be the tallest rocket ever built, but more importantly will have much bigger carrying capacity than anything that's gone before.

    For context, you could lay this on the pitch at pride park and it would just fit on the green, beyond the pitch boundaries. 

    Crazy just visualising that and how enourmous it will be. 

  16. 15 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Watching Watfud now, that was just what I was thinking. He's so much better than he's being allowed to show.

    Always has been. Even with us. Sacrifices personal prowess for helping the team. A shame really, kind of player you should allow a free role, especially because he'd still help the team out, versus some flair player's who couldn't care less. 

  17. 4 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Burnley fans seem quite disappointed that he's gone. Would you knock Will Hughes for having worse stats than that?

    I think Hendrick has had an excellent career that many would dream of. None more so than playing a vital part in Ireland getting to the knockout stages of Euro 2016, beating Italy along the way (with his childhood best mate scoring the winner!).

    Both simply don't get to be the flair player's they are due to the teams they play for. If either played for a team in the top 6, they'd fulfill their potential. But both have shown they are more than good enough at that level. 

    I'd have both back. Especially Jeff right now. Maybe we'll have a cheeky punt. Offer an inticing promotion clause ??

  18. Sometimes they get stuck on a silly subject a tad too long. A couple of key moments could or have occurred and it appears like they aren't even watching. Just something I have noticed. Just need to learn when to drop a conversation. But all in all, fantastic coverage. 

  19. 4 hours ago, LesterRam said:

    good post, working online is notorious for depression and I have now been online my entire adult life and mostly on my own, if I can give advice on what I have found out with trial and error...

    never use any device, laptop or anything that radiates light an hour before going to sleep, something about the blue light removes melatonin which enables you to sleep.

    buy a sad lamp, they do work.

    regular exercise, just go and take a brisk walk.

    talk to colleagues and try and keep it upbeat.

    never take work home with you, leave it in the office.

    I can talk but if I have a lot of work on I will break all these rules and my mood deepens, probably hence my negative posts :unsure:

    hope your ok Mostyn and please try my ideas mate because this is 20+ years research that works for me.

    On the blue light point. Anyone can download a piece of software called f.lux for free.  It mirrors daylight and after two days or so of using it you are completely unaware that you are using it. Blue Light is a huge problem, even for people who don't think it is for them. I recommend everyone uses f.lux immediately. 

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