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Posts posted by Scott129

  1. 50 minutes ago, YorkshireRam said:

    He's examining the provenance of a source, that's the objectively intelligent thing to do. If you shared a video of David Icke, pointing out he believes lizard people are real would be pertinent to his overall credibility. If you want to present a contrary stance, then make sure your evidence comes from a reliable, credible source, or that it cites its references- it's not hard (unless you're trying to support some weird conspiracy theory when the only people that agree with you are nutjobs)

    Icke's son supports Derby County, doesn't he?

  2. 24 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Jumped through hoops to find excuses ,,,,,, that and the rest of your post tells me it’s time to give you a swerve , I told a poster earlier in this thread that although I didn’t agree with some of what he said I was genuinely interested in how he thought we could improve the justice system in these types of cases , got no answer , you’ve given yours above , you don’t give a duck about rightful or wrongful convictions as long as conviction numbers rise ,

    there’s not anywhere anybody sensible can really go with that🤷🏻‍♂️

    Archied - while it's not a position I agree with in this particular example - I do admire your steadfastness at wanting to hear both sides of the story.

    I just don't know how you can see those messages and your initial reaction not be 'my god, what a scumbag' and instead think 'I want to give this guy a chance and hear his side of the story first'. The hypothetical situation that he's lied, in my opinion, probably has about a <1% probability.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Ok , let’s say for instance he is dumping her and he says it is because she drinks to much and her behaviour is terrible , she responds with something along the lines of he’s crap in bed and has tiny equipment and wouldn’t sleep with him again anyway , let’s say there’s a long line of hurtful words thrown backwards and forwards between two angry / hurt people , people do say stupid things that they don’t mean or would never do and people can say really stupid things in the heat of the moment ,

    the only thing I’m saying here is that if the above messages are all that’s given with no context or right of reply from the accused then no way can I comfortably say yep , guilty , 

    I think it is likely brand is guilty but still need to hear ALL the evidence ,


    Not quite what I asked. By sending those messages, would you agree that it looks likely that he's guilty? And that, because he's sent them, he now needs to provide concrete evidence that that's not the case?

    For reference, that particular man was convicted. His 'defence' was that he was manipulated into thinking that he raped her.

  4. 1 hour ago, Archied said:

    Did the accused claim in court he was just being a vile twXt by saying this but he didn’t do what he said ? We on here really need the whole picture to form any kind of proper opinion of guilt of rape , we are not seeing all of the messages/ interactions between the two parties which could well be a series of nasty hurtful insults and jibes , people say stupid things to and about each other ,

    it’s kind of difficult to imagine a rapist actually telling someone he has raped them while they slept if he actually did but of course he may be a very stupid moron guilty of the crime ,

    cue the posts accusing me of defending rapist s which I can assure you is nonesense, catch them and string them up is my view but I’m gonna need to see / hear all the evidence to have the slightest chance of getting it right as best I can 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I'm really struggling to imagine a scenario where he would lie about this. Even if he was just trying to get a reaction, there must be a part of his brain that thinks 'I'm technically admitting this - there's a chance I could get in trouble here', especially knowing full well that messages and comments can all be saved/screenshotted/restored. To counteract this 'admission', he'd have to have some pretty concrete evidence to prove he wasn't there, didn't do it, etc.

    Surely even you can admit, being the devil's advocate that you are, that that sort of admission makes it at least likely that he did rape her?

  5. 19 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Indeed - anyone on this thread with a female partner should ask her, not just her views on this case, but also ask how many times they have experienced sexual harassment of some form and how they felt about it at the time

    It's the misogynstic undertones in that post as well.

    'Women are nasty and vindictive, and if you do something to wrong them, they will destroy your life because that's just how they are'.

    It's a narrative that you see quite a lot in the incel movement and in Andrew Tate's work.

  6. 2 hours ago, Normanton Lad said:

    You don't seem to understand that C4 and The Times are just propaganda outlets. They have no more credibility than the bloke next door. 

    What are the facts we know for certain?

    We know that Brand has had sex with hundreds of women. He's admitted that. He's also had sex unprotected with prostitutes. He's admitted that.

    What can we infer from that? Well I would say that there is a very high chance that he has herpes and he has passed this on to many women. 

    If you someone has given you herpes you are not going to publicly accuse someone. No woman wants the world to know she has herpes. How else could you get back at someone who has given you this disease? I'm not saying he hasn't raped all these women but you have to look at all possible explanations. You can't take things on blind trust.


    Genuine question mate - do you have a female partner/wife?

    I can't quite put my finger on why but this post screams that you don't.

  7. On 09/09/2023 at 20:13, David said:

    Breaking news, Cooper Kupp is broken again and placed on IR.

    The Calvert Lewin of the NFL. 

    I'd say a huge loss for the Rams, but then again I doubt any of you fans have much hope for this season anyway?

    Still 1-0 though 😂

    In Kupp's absence, Puka Nacua looks like an absolute star. Even Tutu Atwell, who I was convinced was a bust, stepped up big time.

    I expect us to do no better than 6-11 tbh. Anything more than that would be incredible with the inexperience and lack of proven quality on the roster.

  8. Odd topic - I wouldn't say that I hate old people because they're old.

    The only thing that grates on me is when they involve themselves in discussions about the housing market. They don't seem to be able to grasp that it's considerably harder to buy a house now than it was for them X years ago, and instead blame young people's inability to buy a home on their spending habits (Netflix, Starbucks, tattoos, etc.)

    It always ends up in a competition of sorts - 'oh, well it was difficult for me too back in the day - I had to work overtime and cut back on spending, blah blah." Yeah, thanks Grandma, but that wouldn't make the slightest difference today.

    Rant over haha.

  9. 57 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Shouldn't they factor in that we had a bid for £3.5m. Isn't that relevant to the assessment? 

    Yes, but it will be the most recent bid(s). And I expect that Brighton won't be offering £3.6m in January. 

    I'm also not sure if it's based off of the whole package (clauses, add-ons, etc.), or whether it's just the initial fee.

  10. 20 minutes ago, Jram said:

    Anyone actually know how the compensation system works? Should be leave for free next summer, how do the EFL figure out what we’re owed?

    There's a number of factors. Number of club appearances, international appearances, how long he's been with us, what sort of contract we've offered, etc.

    Other people might be able to provide better estimates based on recent history but I'd guess at about 1-1.5 million. We would get more for Bird, I believe.

    Edit: it's decided by an independent panel.

  11. Unless we're comfortably in the top 2 and can offer some very worthwhile contracts, I am fully expecting both Cash and Bird to leave us in January.

    Need to have started tying down other players by that point too. Thompson and Sibley for starters.

  12. There's no substitute for playing regular games in a player's development.

    If I were him, I'd be banging down the door to go out on loan. Not necessarily to us, of course, but it would beat sitting on the bench for odd cup games.


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