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Posts posted by Day

  1. 10 hours ago, Gypsy Ram said:

    @David I'm pretty annoyed right now as my phone is dying after two years of abuse and over a 100 falls (Samsung s7 edge). Don't think it will last until November. So do I get the 8 plus and ignore the X or get a cheap phone to keep me going until the X is out.

    Didn't want to shell out on a new phone as wanted to upgrade my laptop as well to a macbook- and they are pricy. 

    Erm, pass.

    I mean it’s down to what you prefer. 8 Plus is a much larger phone than the X, if that’s your thing go for that as the internals are almost identical. 

    X will cost you a couple hundred more.

    It’s said that sensible people avoid first gen products though, wait for the next model which irons out the kinks. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, RicME85 said:

    @David How have you found Destiny 2?

    Suzi and I finished the majority of D1 and I got to light level 377 last weekend so moved on to D2. Thought the game looks a lot better than the first and they have made some excellent changes. The Cabal move a lot better IMO, like they are organic rather than robots. Being able to go to your next planet from your current location instead of going to orbit first is a time saver.

    Suzi insisted we had our own clan despite it being just the two of us and maxing out our weekly contributions in two days hence rejecting your clan invite. Have hit lvl 17 iirc so will look at doing some raids etc soon if you are interested?

    I will have to discuss your offer with my clan mates.

    Meanwhile you should have a word with your missus. 

    More members = more XP, more XP = more rewards.

    Like you I've maxed out this weeks XP, another 30k from you two would have seen us closing in on level 2. 



  3. 1 minute ago, ketteringram said:

    There's another phone I've never seen outside of a shop. 

    What's the thinking behind removing the headphone jack? Is it just to do with water proofing? 

    Not sure tbh, the tech companies have decided we’re heading for a wireless future and that’s that 

  4. 2 hours ago, froggg said:

    When does the x come out?

    Pre orders 27/10/17, release date 03/11/17

    Limited numbers though so you’ll have to be quick or it will be December/January when you get it. 8am think pre orders start.

  5. 39 minutes ago, Gypsy Ram said:

    @David Did I understand this correctly. You get discounts on Mac products? Help a brother out. I need a powerful Macbook but I can only get 10 per cent discount. :ph34r:

    Discount? I wish, if you're with Barclays you can get 5% cashback when purchasing through their website. 

  6. 42 minutes ago, AdamRam said:

    Sorry to jump on the thread, but is that fact? I only ask as we have a phone that is now dead and my understanding is that consumer law for the 6 years only covers you if you can prove the phone was broke when you bought it.

    Therefore as the phone is now three years old, they have said its wear and tear though use and has been working for 36 months, so was ok when purchased.

    thanks in advance for any advice.


    Came into effect for products bought after 1st October 2015

  7. 4 minutes ago, Moist One said:

    I probably have about 15-20 devices around the flat, some in boxes, or dumped in drawers. I also have stupid amounts of headphones and earphones. I spend ages when I get a new car getting the Audio balance right too. I'm a frustrated/failed musician, but probably spent a long time in my younger years trying to pick out certain instruments in music. It's not snobbery. My chosen in-ear wireless headphones are Taotronics. I also have some Bose QC35s but only really use them on a plane, cos the ambient noise ruins my music. For sound alone, in bed, I will listen to some Sennheisers, and at work I have a pair of lightweight AKGs which can fit in my laptop bag, so it's simply about sound quality. When I had Samsung phones, the music quality was average, same with iphone 4 and 5. ipod classic was a bit better, and I got used to that in the car, then when I went back over to Sony, the improvement was shocking.

    I've gone through more headphones than I'd like to remember, wasted tons on them but more often than not it comes down to comfort/function than sound. On occasions I have cast some aside for having not enough bass, too much treble but very rare.

    Like you I have the QC35's, upgraded from the 25's which are now living at Boycie's house. Only reason for that was bluetooth, can now watch Netflix through Apple TV with those on blocking out the dog making a racket.

    Apple AirPods, as daft as these things look they are insanely comfortable to wear, weirdly my ears hated the standard wired pods. Can only guess that the difference is not having the wire yanking down. Run, shake my head and they stay firmly in. My only minor issue is they are crap at noise cancellation.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Moist One said:

    just the sound quality, the listening experience, the range and acoustic quality. Even in the car.

    I ripped all my CDs at the same time, to a laptop, and have transferred from the same source onto all devices, similarly, just the quality of Spotify or Google Music, lacks something when comparing the Apple Product(s) to the Sony(s).

    I use my devices probably 10:1 "music" to "phone use".

    I've always thought audiophiles were just snobs, whilst some products out there like Beats for one are more fashion/fad purchases and you can get the same if not better for a fraction of the price, I've never found them particularly bad to listen with. 

    Can see why people dislike them or more the people that buy them, but then you have those that have a strong dislike for Bose, feels like it's just a hate for things that are recognised brands.

    Now I see people like you complain about the iPhone streaming quality and think my ears are probably just not as in tune as others. I'm easily pleased kinda thing. Being an audiophile is a real thing, not just snobs with their exclusive products, especially when yours is a Sony special.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Moist One said:

    Android isn't just Samsung. I had a Sony Xperia Z3. The battery was epic. The camera was better than anything I have seen before or since, and the sound quality of the inbuilt walkman (when bluetooth streaming or via headphones) was infinitely better than any iPhone.

    Until iphone7, their (Apple) cameras were bang average, and not a patch on any top-end android. They are now competitive in this field, and better than some. A lot of work needs doing on the iPhone, and their sister scam company Beats to get up to exceptional sound quality though, and this is important to me. I'm still using a Sony Vaio MP3 player from 2005 which has much better sound quality than my iphones, ipod or ipad.

    Seen you talk about this before, streaming music on an iPhone quality thing, I don't doubt you, in fact I question it myself more as I really don't have any issues with it at all. Find a lot comes down the headphones yet I know you have a decent pair.

    Are you talking sound quality or is it disconnecting, buffering or something?

  10. Just now, GboroRam said:

    Been Samsung since as long as I can remember. Galaxy Ace 2, S3 (x3), S5, S6 edge, S7, S8, Core Prime - all the family. Not one hardware issue other than a cracked screen.

    Skipped the Note 7 then? :whistle:

  11. Just now, coneheadjohn said:

    Is this an improvement on the 7?

    Is wireless charging any use?

    Which one is the better upgrade on a 7?

    Each year be it Apple, Samsung, HTC they all release phones which are an improvement on the last model. The question is, are the improvements enough to warrant an upgrade.

    You will see these tech reviewers tell you not to upgrade from a 7 to a 8, it's not a big enough jump, but if wireless charging will change your life then it's worth it.

    I have wireless pads now around the house, every room I walk in can just pop it on, no pulling adapters and moving cables around the house. I love it, the missus loves it. 

    I've gone from a 7+ to a a regular 8 so I can't really like for like compare, the 8 feels much better in the hand, the glass back whilst adding a slight bit of weight feels more sturdy in the hand. The downside is, say you stick your phone on the sofa, on your leg and there is a slight gradient, your phone will slide down. 

    iOS 11 just feels that bit quicker with the new 8, not a wow quick, we're talking F1 timing required quick. Siri loads and acts on your request instantly, I can even say Hey Siri and continue with my request without waiting for it to load. 

    The camera is better, the colours are more vibrant and pictures sharper. The 8+ has more options with the camera with the dual lens, depth effects, portrait mode. 

    The sound, that really is noticeable. I would watch YouTube videos on max volume before, now I listen at maybe half to 3/4 volume. More bass as well. Makes the Samsung S8 sound like a £2.50 portable speaker you would buy from Skegness souvenir shop.

    If you have the money but can't justify the cost of the X and fancy a refresh go for it.


  12. 5 minutes ago, BathRam72 said:

    Hmm while I do agree with the camera being very good. I swapped from an Iphone to a HTC. Loved the HTC it was superb. But last year I decided to try Samsung. What a disaster. It has been back for repairs more times than I care to think about. Eventually it was beyond repair so got a new one. This one is playing up as well. Still have a year on my contract. 

    Can't justify the outrageous prices to keep up with the Iphone revolution. So I will be looking for some thing else and hoping for the best.

    New consumer law should cover you for a length of time now if it’s a manufacturing defect.

    Apple cover you for 6 years, you might know this but so many still don’t. If they can’t repair they have to offer a refund/exchange. 

  13. Got another iPhone arriving today. 

    The silver 8. Only had a white phone once but after a few days of the space grey it looks like it’s been handled by a greasy fingered toddler.

    Guess that’s the downside of having wireless charging.

    Need to see this silver up close, decide if I can be happy with it for 2 years. Colour decisions aside this is as good as it will get for a non full screen phone. 

    Just something a little girly looking about white phones. Need to see it up close.

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