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Posts posted by Day

  1. Had mine a couple hours now, initial thoughts are....it’s great, will take some getting used to with the gestures, hard to get out of the press home button action.

    Size wise it feels perfect, slightly bigger than the standard iPhone size but smaller than the plus, it’s hit that sweet spot.

    Has more weight to it but in a good way, feels really balanced in the hand, more solid with the stainless sides. Hard to explain but just pick one up and you can tell it’s a premium product.

    The notch, it is there, I am noticing it and can’t decide if it annoys me or not yet.

    Screen, I’m not wowed by it like others, can’t see much difference between this and the 8, you do notice the ghosting a bit more when scrolling fast past several tweets and that. 

    Screen size wise though it’s awesome, love having a full screen with more content in view.

    Also I’ve seen complaints of wasted space below the keyboard, that space allows the keyboard to be in the right place so you don’t have to shift your grip, I admit it looks a bit odd, maybe they could have filled it with less used buttons maybe copy and paste or something but no major.

  2. 8 minutes ago, ketteringram said:

    Does the current Mrs David know about her arrival? 

    Yup, she’s waiting on my thoughts as she’s tempted herself to get the silver version 

  3. 3 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    I’m very curious now. I’m trying to think of a p word that google might object to. The only word starting with p in his post was position. What does it rhyme with? Or is it code for some secret moderator stuff? In which case, what’s the secret, I won’t tell anyone. 

    A word associated with adult sites 

  4. 6 hours ago, StivePesley said:

    They aren't that great, they are just stylish and fashionable - therefore priced at a premium

    So when you pay a premium for an Apple phone that does the same as a cheaper non-Apple phone, the irony is that you are paying "cool tax"

    So at least someone is paying tax somewhere in the equation

    I strongly disagree. They are great phones, alot of tech guys agree. 

    Fun fact they are also the most used phone to access this forum and it’s not even close.

    Keep hating though, it’s cute :) 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

    Just replied to a post (Manager Sacking') and post was 'hidden' - any idea what happened and how I un-hide it?

    The p word holds posts for moderation, we don’t mention the p word around here.

    Edited and approved.

    Have to keep Google happy.

  6. 13 hours ago, Alpha said:

    He blitzed him though. Took no punches, picked shots, played to the crowd, took him down 3 (?) times in 1 round. It was punch perfect. 

    I can't imagine any other heavyweight doing it so spectacularly perfect. Even Joshua tends to spend round 1 getting the range and figuring out the mechanism of the opponent. Wilder put on a show. 

    Well I enjoyed it anyway.

    Still think AJ will do him.

    Stick me in a ring with Wilder and you would have seen the same fight, just I’m a little more skinny.

  7. 19 minutes ago, needles said:

    Blimey. Seems to be OK on chrome. 


    Just confused now. Don't really want to default to chrome. 

    Try removing all data again in Safari, might not have cleared fully or as I say it could be a rogue plugin that isn't playing nice with the site

  8. Nope, didn’t actually let me on till 20 minutes after pre orders started so 2-3 weeks was given.

    Not that fussed, reviews so far seem to be all positive which will be bad news for Google and their screen issues with the Pixel

  9. 13th - 20th November, had to order one just to have a play. You get 14 days to return it, even if used so seemed rude not to see if the hype is worth it.

    Really happy with the 8 though, does the job.

  10. 1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

    If that doesn't work you could try a Windows laptop? Cheap, very reliable. They also make games and stuff for them, you might enjoy doing more than web surfing and email?

    Don't shoot the messenger, just trying to help...

    Not trying to create more problems for himself!

  11. 55 minutes ago, needles said:

    Disclaimer: I'm technically incompetent. (On a MacBook)

    I keep getting a "Safari can't open page". Something about "server unexpectedly dropped connection". Takes three or four refreshes to get a page up. Frustrating if I'm going through a 10 page thread.

    I don't have any problems with any other sites. Anyone else having this??

    Checked the server logs and no issues there, as Laurel and Hardy have suggested try clearing your cache, might be something in there that’s throwing a wobbler

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