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Posts posted by Day

  1. 10 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

    There are less bugs on appletrees than that operating system, how many betas did the last one go through and still came out bugged? Android nearly as bad, just wish consumers didn't buy the BS.

    Is there a set number of betas software should have? This forum software alone had around 20 before being officially released and still came with bugs.

    Just another hater pop, scraping that barrel ?

  2. Just now, Carl Sagan said:

    Fair enough but nowadays if you want to stick with just Google you get vast amounts integrated out of the box (chrome of course is Google's as is Maps and Keep is the notes package and there's tons more - no music but I just use YouTube which of course is Google's too). And if you want it to everything syncs between phone/laptop/tablet and (android) telly!

    What’s the difference between being in Apples ecosystem and Google’s?

    Find with Google they load you up and sign you up to all kinds of services you don’t need because you want one thing they offer, they also tend to over complicate things compared to Apple’s more minimal and simple methods.

    Despite owning all these gadgets, wouldn’t call myself a geek as such, I’m not into computers, how they work or get excited by the possibility of changing my graphics card. 

    Left Windows almost 10 years ago now, no anti virus, adware, spyware, malware software, no installing updates 34 of 5784 before booting it up. 

    Keep saying it but it just works when I want it to, what more do you want?

    Androids, Windows you might get more bang for your buck in hardware but the software isnt optimised like Apple who don’t have a number of devices to support. 

    Only thing I really dislike about Apple is the price tags, but having to go back to Windows really would push me away from the internet.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Will that ever happen? (seriously - I have no idea on that)

    And even if it could, what's not to love about android and it's cusomisability and free apps? Doesn't a techie lad like yourself not feel constrained in the straitjacket of iOS? And isn't Apple's closed ecosystem a betrayal of the Web - philosophically surely open source is the way to be? And even Macworld admits of Google Assistant vs Siri "its capabilities seem far more advanced thanks to contextual understanding of language that allows follow up questions to initial queries": http://www.macworld.co.uk/feature/iosapps/siri-vs-google-assistant-3659249/

    A problem for Apple is that if you want to do amazing interesting work in the California tech industry that might change the world you'll be at Google or Tesla or SpaceX or similar. Or else you could go to Apple and do a tiny tweak on how an Apple watch works. So they don't have the calibre of people for genuine innovation any more.

    Apples ecosystem is what I love, everything just works together. 

    Evernote, Spotify, Chrome.....don’t need it, take an iPhone out the box and it has a browser, notes, music streaming app that all works great. iCloud, the ability to handover from phone to iPad to iMac instantly and flawlessly is perfection.

    I have zero interest in the customisable options Android offers but one, micro SD slot that’s it. Show me a Android users phone and I will probably vomit at their theme and font choice, looks like a 2 year old has been let loose with their mums make up bag.

    I have zero interest in moving backwards to a Windows PC and trawling through 3rd party apps to achieve the same when Apple has it right there.

    I only use Siri to turn lights on, set a reminder, send a message or use it as a calculator. All works fine. Keep hearing how great Google assistant is yet I have a Google Home collecting dust now as 50% of the time it doesn’t listen and I end up using Siri.

  4. 1 minute ago, Boycie said:

    Bet you'd like the new one.

    Not planning on getting a new one, same look but you can make cellular calls from it. Doesn’t interest me.

    Will be getting the new phone that’s it this time round. 

  5. Just now, Boycie said:

    That's like eating caviar off a piece of cardboard ?

    I love the look of the S8, just a shame it runs Android with a layer of poo on top.

    Honestly all the leaks of the iPhone 8/X not feeling it at all but the software is too good to leave.

  6. Just now, Carl Sagan said:

    Won't stop the Apple herd buying it. But it's not too late for you to come away from the darkside & embrace android. Search your feelings!

    The minute you can have iOS on Android phones I’ll be there that day

  7. 26 minutes ago, StockholmRam said:

    Hi Eddie. I'm in Sweden and was trying to watch on iPad and it didn't work. Our internet speed here is 4g and works fine generally. I wrote to the help centre as first half I couldn't get the stream to work at all and received the following reply...


    Thanks for your email.

    Please refresh your browser and clear you cache. 


    Overseas users - you will only be able to view on desktop/laptop

    Chromecast is not available. 

    Please note live games CANNOT be shown in the UK 

    I hope this helps."

    Strange that some iPads work and others not then. My lap top is on my work desk and I don't fancy lugging it home every time there is a game on. I noticed the platform they stream on ( Colin Gibsons pre match show which I could watch, did not link to my Apple TV. No icon top right of screen). 

    Puzzeled now. 

    Have you tried using Chrome browser?

  8. 23 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

    unfortunately no, got all the options could not select any.

    See the follow up replies to Eddie, you're using an end of life version of Windows so the developers won't be looking to fix it.

    If you can/want to update to Windows 10 I'm told they work fine.

  9. Just now, richinspain said:

    No, the IP address. Tried sending you a pm with a screen shot but it says that I can't 

    If it’s the 6150 number that’s just a id relating to the crash not a IP address

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