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Posts posted by Day

  1. 4 minutes ago, Moist One said:

    So to my question(s): 1)I play FM (football manager) surely the iPad version will never be as good as the Windows version. Will they ever reach parity? 2) I use a GPS watch for golf, I plug this in via USB to update the course information every couple of months, how could I do this on iPad?

    1) Not for a couple years yet, then who knows.

    2) You can get a dongle to club USB devices in but you should check with the watch manual first to see if it will play nice. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, rynny said:

    That is one of my main gripes with the iPhone, just cannot get on with the keyboard. Always feels like a chore and really hard to do.

    Really? I find that impossible to believe. You have to be so much more precise with what you are pressing on this and the auto correct fails to kick in at times. Why can't you have auto correct on without predictive?

  3. Just now, ketteringram said:

    I don't know. I wouldn't have one for free. But if you seriously thought the s7 was rubbish, how much would the s8 have to have improved by, for you to think it was OK? Nothing is going to improve that much :). 


    It's changed a fair bit, I tried the edge and was impossible to use as the palm rejection was terrible, no such issues this year.

    Software is slightly improved but I would need to jump on my Mac to write it all as typing on this keyboard is not an enjoyable experience and there lies the problem.

  4. 4 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

    ...and that highlights another issue. When a PC starts to play up with a software issue, you can just clean out unwanted files, runs a malware scan and tidy up the registry. It's easy to do and there is loads of helpful advice online. When a Mac struggles, you are pretty much stuffed once you've cleaned out the file system. Such an inflexible infrastructure set up.

    Well I've had Mac's for years now and never once needed to do any of that, force close app, reopen.

    Probably why you're not finding a great deal of help online 

  5. Just now, CornwallRam said:

    On my PC (now 4 years old) I can watch iPlayer in a small window, edit a photograph, use Dragon to dictate an article and send an email all at the same time. On my wife's Macbook Pro (6 months old), even opening trying to edit a photo whilst doing an internet search results in a thirty second pause whilst that irritating spinny thing makes its hundredth appearance of the day.

    I would suggest that she has an issue somewhere then as I can be watching YouTube whilst exporting a Podcast and internet searches with Skype call going and zero issues

  6. 9 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

    Macs really struggle with multi tasking, iPhones have tiny storage capacities and iPads are pointless for anything other than playing games - which you can do on a cheap Android tablet for 10% of the cost. All three have slow processing speeds compared to their PC and Android equivalents...they do look pretty though :thumbsup:

    In what way? My Mac's can have a number of apps open, never any problems at all. In fact no Windows device would come close to the speed of a Mac, might have the hardware specs but they don't have the optimised software

  7. 8 minutes ago, Moist One said:

    was reading about iOS11 earlier, and it had a bit about the "Home" app, which I've never used as when I opened it, it referred to thermostats, locks, alarms etc. In the article, it suggests this app is used for controlling things like wireless speakers around the house. Do you use it Dave?

    I wonder how many things I do not use cos I simply do not understand what they do!

    I do, I have Philips Hue bulbs setup around the house which I can either control using Siri or in iOS 10 swipe up and across, or iOS 11 swipe up and press the home icon.

    Probably a bunch of stuff people didn't know about.


  8. 4 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:


    You haven't fixed it but made some questionable comments, limited and inflexible in what way?

    Slow I can rubbish easily, I can grab my phone right now, take a pic, open the photos app on my MacBook or iMac and it's there instantly.

    Message, sounds like a Wetherspoons kitchen, ding ding ding.

    Calendar, the same, reminders, notes, instant.

    Slow? utter rubbish. If you are seeing any slowness, that would be your internet connection.

  9. 6 minutes ago, froggg said:

    One useful thing on the Samsung camera is voice activated shooting, suprised iPhone doesn't have it.

    Lots of nice things on there, never been a total hater but it's a big step to make if I was ever to consider it.

    Say what you like about Apple but their ecosystem is second to none, especially when you have a number of devices.

  10. Due to a loophole in O2's t&c's, I have a Samsung S8 arriving today. Yes, a Samsung S8. Chances of me keeping it are very slim mind you, an iPhone 8 is on pre order due to arrive this week.

    I have sim only deals as it works out cheaper, my O2 sim only deal runs out in May. With EE right now I can get the same sim only deal but with 6 months Apple Music, 3 months BT Sport app and a £40 Amazon voucher.

    To just end my O2 contract I would have to pay the £21pm for the remainder of the contract so would make little sense to switch.


    If you upgrade to a phone contract, you have 14 days cooling off period in which you can terminate your account. O2 do not switch you back to your previous tariff, you are contractless leaving you free to go wherever with no cancellation charges.

    Double checked with Live Chat, took screenshots, all true. 

    So I thought I'd see what all the fuss is about, I never just comment on Android phones having never used one, I had a S7 Edge that I played with for a week before confirming it was rubbish compared to an iPhone. 

    Another interesting thing which isn't probably interesting, O2 split your contract between device and airtime, the S8 works out at £600. If I was to fall in love with the phone, I could pay the £600 and end the contract with O2 there and then. The same phone is £690 from Samsung direct. 

    Can't see it happening, expect my love for the iPhone to be stronger by this afternoon.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Joe. said:

    Make sure they're the fast charging ones the standard wireless ones are painfully slow

    They are the standard 5 but fast charge at 10 with an adaptor. I’ve got one Anker adapter already for downstairs. Upstairs they charge over night anyhow so no need to fast charge

  12. Wireless charging has been out ages now, one of my frustrations with Apple slow to catch up with. 

    They have a patent for wireless charging over wifi, probably thought they could skip the pad era all together but taking longer than expected.

    No idea how that’s even possible but if they get that working that would be a hugggge feature. Imagine your phone charging when in wifi range. Nuts. 

  13. I’m downgrading screen size this year, have the 7+ and whilst I love the screen, the phone is just a bit too big. Was looking forward to retaining the screen size but in the standard body with the X but the price and that first year tech is saying don’t do it.

    Can get around £600 on eBay for my 7+, £699 for the standard 8.

    Just stacked up on Qi pads, £14 a pop for an Anker one on Amazon, picked up 4 ready to scatter around the house.

  14. 8 minutes ago, Joe. said:

    It was about well before the iris scanner Samsung does now I had one of the old nexus phones that had face unlock. I'm sure apples with work well, sometimes, I'd be very surprised if it works first time every time

    To be honest I don't pay huge attention to what Android phones do.

    Speaking with the missus tonight though think we're actually going with the 8 this year. Give them a year to improve on the face thing and hopefully see the price come down.

    The upgrade will cost me around £100, will get wireless charging and that, going for the smaller phone. 

  15. 34 minutes ago, Moist One said:

    what's to stop a mugger/robber knocking the owner out and then using the face to open the phone before legging it?

    Would need to also clear the face ID profile which will probably need the passcode, or disable the screen turning off after X mins and 

  16. 10 minutes ago, ketteringram said:

    Do you think this face recognition stuff, not just on iPhone x, but in general, actually works on the face as a whole, or just the eye? 

    I don't think I change much, apart from ageing! But I work with a couple of guys in particular, who are always changing. They seem to grow a beard for a few months, then get rid of it, and stay clean shaven for a while. 

    What about glasses, contacts, etc. or temporary injuries? There must be loads of you on here wearing make up too! 

    Guess the software will improve massively over the next couple of years. 

    Apple have said with there’s you can grow a beard, shave, stick glasses on, hat and it will still work day and night

  17. 3 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

    Having one on the back is even dumber, don't know why makers even bother...

    Especially on the larger phones, finger never rests on the scanner naturally, have to twist your finger.

    Apples Face ID hasn’t hit the world yet so it’s impossible to claim it’s rubbish. Facial recognition will be the future, not just because of Apple, Samsung took the first steps with iris scanner.

    Cash points, the lot will start scanning faces. You can quote me on this. Just don’t ask me about the Burka.

  18. If you’re on a iPhone 6, the 8 would be quite a jump and quite a bit cheaper. 

    Probably cautious of removing the home button and increasing the price by £300. 

    Expect we’ll see a similar 8S next year before they fully move over to the all screen no button £1500 devices.

  19. £1000 phone, I know what they will want, animated emoji’s.

    Bit weird that one, not a fan of the route iMessage is going with all these effects, touch drawing nonsense. 

    Mixed feelings on the X, wish they had blacked out the status bar, blended it in with the hump. Not a fan of the silver either as it looks white on the back, sides silver then black front. 

    Will get the black but this one will really be it for a while, the refreshed version next year will need to be something super special. 

    Looking forward to face ID over Touch ID.

  20. New Apple Watch has cellular, works without your phone in range as it has a SIM card inside, uses your usual number.

    Watch OS impressive, now alerts you if you have a irregular heart beat whilst tracking your resting/recovering heart rate.


  21. 34 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

    Not a hater pop at all. Just a reflection on how people just accept crappy OS, forum, CRM etc.

    Only in this field is such BS put up with. Imagine if it was the same for TVs, cars, anything that used a computer programme...can't see cars owners sitting in their car on a Monday morning waiting for an update before they can start the engine.

    You are wrong. All software be it TV's, Cars, Planes, Phones goes through Alpha and Beta testing before being released to the public, the number of betas is irrelevant as long as the finished product is acceptable.

    You will not find a bug free piece of software anywhere as it is always evolving.

    Oh Apple have had 10 betas, must be crap, wrong. In fact it could be said that more the better as it shows how fast they are working on releasing the best software they can.

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