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Posts posted by Day

  1. 11 minutes ago, jono said:

    Really David, many many thanks. My little rant and your logical response stired me in to action. Jeepers ... I now have my own ID and we have sorted sharing .... Eureka 

    :o :thumbsup:

    Ha sorry about that! I forget that people are new to the ecosystem and probably not aware of what you can and can't do.

    Really would be nice to see user account switching on iPads when they advertise them for the family, just can't see them doing it, would rather try and push you to have a device per person for obvious reasons.

    When you do have your own account/device you see how flawless it all is.

  2. 3 minutes ago, AdamRam said:

    Is the battery is no longer working isn’t this a manufacturing fault that would be covered under the 6year warranty you talked about?

    If the phone wouldn't work at all I would have thought so, but a decreased life is expected, not sure any battery would retain 100% of it's capacity for 6 years.

    Your battery is designed to retain up to 80 per cent of its original capacity at 500 complete charge cycles. The one-year warranty includes service coverage for a defective battery. If it is out of warranty, Apple offers a battery service. Prices and terms may vary.


  3. 7 minutes ago, Joe. said:

    Ah cheers I'll have a look of hers is like that too

    If it’s a SE they are doing battery replacements for £25 right now, not sure when they end the offer though

  4. 6 hours ago, Joe. said:

    My Mrs's iPhone cuts out and dies when the battery status says anything from 20-40% (not always but sometimes), she's / refusing to get a new one until her contract runs out. I want to bang a new battery in it for her but anyone know if this a software issue or an issue with the battery before I do it?

    Sounds software related....or just trying to avoid taking your calls/texts

  5. 7 minutes ago, jono said:

    Thanks David .. I sort of realised that but these things grow .. And if I have my own Apple ID then what happens to "our" music .. Suddenly I can't play it. .. And I guess there will be a family share answer to this but ... Jees it is so clunky because it's all about " ownership" licensing and stuff .. Which all goes back to my money issue ... Apple exists because it can take zillions of micro payments from zillions of people and limit what they get for it in a myriad of complex systems that work ... But only if you are prepared to give up half your life to understanding them. 

    If you want to share music from your Apple ID then yes set up family sharing, it will share just your app purchases, music and if you have a monthly music subscription.

    This bit I don’t like, when you have family sharing setup and say child 1 wants to buy a game it gets charged to your account. 

    There is an option to approve all purchases before they are made though.

    To me it’s simple as I’ve seen it evolve I guess, but as with anything once you get your head around it, does get kinda simple.

  6. 13 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    My iCloud is full of selfies too. Not mine either. ☹️

    Setup two Apple ID’s, one your personal, the other family. If you want to share app purchases link it through family sharing.

    On your iPhone use your personal. No kids allowed.

    On your iMac set up a personal account using your personal Apple ID, then a family account using your family ID. Password protect your personal account.

    iPad use the family ID if everyone uses it.

    Job done.

    If you need any pics or files on the iPad, manually airdrop them.


  7. 1 hour ago, jono said:

    Multiple family iPads, and old Mac Book, iPhones and one account. Easy ? ... Naaaaa

    Are you trying to use multiple devices with your family all under one Apple ID?

    If so that’s your problem right there, no wonder you can’t find anything, it’s not designed for that, you need one account per person.

    Also iPads and iPhones do not support user account switching, MacBooks you can.

    It’s all pretty simple if you use them as intended, and the hard drive limit is just that, if you have a ton of pics you need to buy devices with large storage. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Lambchop said:

    11.2, I think. Have I broken it? I notice that battery life is reduced and it takes 3 or 4 seconds to load things, but otherwise it’s fine. It is 4 years old. 

    Sorry 11.2 yeah that's the latest, you've gone from iOS 7 to 11 that's quite a jump, 4 year old phone now, bit late now but probably should have stayed at iOS 9 at the latest. They shouldn't really let phones go that far tbh.

    Battery life will have reduced, they have cycle counts and lose around 20% of it's charge maybe 18 months in with normal usage. No battery lives for ever! They may replace it for the £25 charge but it won't help with the speed now and no way of downgrading either.


  9. 16 minutes ago, Lambchop said:

    The 5S is buggered then?

    The 5S doesn't have the same power management built into the software, if your phone is slow, it's probably just a case of installing one too many software updates.

    Are you running 10.2?

  10. 3 minutes ago, rynny said:

    I was on about the option to turn the battery saver off, Samsung have been able to do that for years. :sleep:

    Yes, but you’ve also had to do it on a inferior phone which I have no sympathy for you

  11. 17 hours ago, Pearl Ram said:

    No, not switching devices, I’ll try the refresh situation but as I say, I get logged back in when I go to any thread so it’s not a big deal, just wondered if it was something you might want to be aware of.


    Let me know if it happens again, hopefully it shouldn't, made a few changes behind the scenes

  12. 4 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

    Every time I go to the front/home page I get logged out. Any ideas ?

    Edit, I am automatically logged in again when I go to any thread. 

    Are you switching devices by a chance?

    Just hit refresh and it should log you back in, few times should stick, I think I know what might be causing that so I'll have a play tomorrow.

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