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Posts posted by McRamFan

  1. Is that the same company that paid £12m in tax on a £2bn profit in the UK a few years ago, only about £400m short?  The same one that got a £11bn fine for tax avoidance?

    When they start paying their tax I might look at their products. 0.005 per cent tax on its European profits for more than a decade...

  2. It was like a movie, rang every emotion out of me, just about caught up today!

    I have a feeling AJ will have a career like LL, he will get beat once or twice, however will destroy them in the rematch's.

  3. 12 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    I am not defending the neglect issue.  As for your last sentence, you are a bigger idiot than I have previously given you credit for.

    The question is valid, name calling just proves you have no answer to give. So why was Maddy the only one taken, alledgedly?

    So what are you defending? They LEFT their kids alone and unsupervised, their direct actions caused the events 10 years ago, and they have not been held to account.

  4. 20 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    Blimey, the Met have been all over this matter for the last 5 years, and still have 4 full timers working on the case. And all the time the answer is available on YouTube. Very annoying.

    Other things that is annoy me:

    The McCann's putting their children at risk. A very poor decision.

    People still sniping at them 10 years on. I hope they find their child. They have paid their dues for a very poor decision.

    It stinks, that why people are sniping.

    They left their kids, alone, to go out, they have admitted that.  That, in my opinion and the opinion of many others, is child neglect, child neglect is a crime that, in ths instance, would have gone to Crown Court, and a custodial sentance imposed.

    How come only one child went missing?

  5. 1 minute ago, Coconut said:

    Make yourself look like a bit of a bellsniff by:
    Honking your horn when sat in a queue of traffic (varying from 0-7mph) because the car directly infront of you hasn't immediately driven up the arse of the car infront of them the very second they've had the chance to move.

    Make yourself look like even more of a jeb end by:
    Overtaking said car 'holding you back' (thus reaching speeds of a whopping 10mph) to gain 1 solitary space in line.

    Make yourself look a complete and utter shitsausage of the highest order by:
    Pulling out onto the other side of the road, overtaking 4-5 cars to jump the queue (you're still not ******* going anywhere) and then honking your horn/remonstrating at the people who've waited patiently in line when they refuse to let you back in, as you hold up the oncoming traffic on the side of the road, as if they/anyone other than you is somehow in the wrong.

    It was nice seeing you in my rear view mirror as we waited at the traffic lights further down the hill. I hope your face stays the colour of the purple headed warrior you so clearly are for the rest of your liife.

    I will join your gang.

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