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Posts posted by froggg

  1. 2 hours ago, Angry Ram said:

    Anyone had any issues with insurance? Had a couple of the house insurance, no problem, no added clauses. Went to add the Breitling and all of a sudden I have to live in Fort Knox.. Apparently I have to keep them in safe which is built into either the floor or the wall.. 

    If you insure them individually we are being quoted a couple of hundred per watch..


    Check out Hiscox mate, the best.

  2. 13 hours ago, RamNut said:

    Looking for advice. I made a curry recently, which after i added the spices etc tasted fantastic. I left it bubbling away for no real reason other than to let it all do its thing, and the flavour totally disappeared. It were crap.

    What happened?

    No idea what happened there, normally flavours intensify as liquid evaporates from a dish.

  3. 6 minutes ago, David said:

    Ditch the actifry and pick up an air fryer that doesn’t spin around. Thank me later.

    If you want to push the boat out pick up one of these


    The cutter helps keep em all the same thickness so cook even.

    Boil the potatoes a little, run them through that, splash of oil and into the proper air fryer ?


    £4 more and stainless steel, how do the chips move around in an air fryer though?

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