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Ghost of Clough

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Posts posted by Ghost of Clough

  1. 34 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Doesn't mean our way was the only way though. Like saying the only way to protest against injustice is to do it in a way that inconveniences nobody. 

    If it was the difference between my club surviving and going to the dogs, I'd do it every single time. I don't blame Reading fans one bit for doing everything they can to save their club.

    They save their club when Dai decides to sell or puts them into administration. There are a few problems with that...

    1. Does Dai care about selling them? Or will he eventually put Reading into admin like he has done woth other clubs in the past?

    2. The Club doesn't own their training ground or stadium.

    3. The Club is £100m in debt (predominantly to Dai)

    Even if someone bought them out of admin (probable cost around £15m), Dai would still demand at least £30m for the stadium and training ground. Admin would also make them a L2 club.

    Reading need a local businessman to step up. No one without an attachment to Reading will buy them in their current state, so their fans pitch invading isn't going to make any difference.

  2. 2 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    MM puts £100m into Sevco as a directors/shareholders loan.

    Sevco buys £100m shares in DCFC.

    Sevco has a creditor (MM) of £100m.

    DCFC has no creditor.

    Not sure which part you are not grasping?

    I think the confusion is the 'joint administration' bit. For the benefit of those who don't know what this means, this is when the administrotrs handle multiple (related) administrations together for convenience (efficiency and reduced admin costs). Creditors are all managed collectively but registered seperately, however, each individual company is still treated as its own legal entity.

  3. 1 hour ago, Chesterfield_Ram said:

    This is the table I was looking at. As it shows in the Clowes Developments accounts that were published over the weekend, CD bought Gellaw Newco 202 Limited which housed the companies named in the table. 

    By following the numbers you can see that a substantial amount (shown in the bottom 2 rows) that unsecured non-football creditors (not HMRC as they are secured under the rules) could have claimed. It doesn't go into the specifics of whose owed what, but I presume this is where the sum mentioned by journalists and Maguire came from. Also, in further defence of Maguire he is not alone in what he has said about Morris writing off some of the debt.

    As for the table you produced. It is labelled as the statement of affairs in administration, which explains why these large sums are not present. This is due to them not being claimed during the administration, potentially due to whoever they are writing them off.Screenshot2024-01-23at13_49_14.thumb.png.529c6b7920da2acdaf51274b1f3a4afb.png

    Gellaw Newco 202 is the company which owns the stadium. This company was bought by Clowes Developments.

    This shouldn't be mixed up with Gellaw Newco 203 which owned Sevco 5112, which in turn owned The Club, The Academy, etc. Gellaw Newco 203 and Sevco 5112 are both dissolved.

    Clowes Developments also bought Derby County (The Rams) Limited, which bought the assets of The Club.

  4. 2 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    10.5m deal believed but was officially undisclosed. So no knowledge of components of upfront fee, add ons etc.

    Hughes on a similar basis rumoured to be 8m.

    Best case then, got 18.5m. academy been cat a for 10 years.

    Neither of those players came through the cat 1 academy. 

    Not saying don't have any academy. Have a cat 2 one. Fees/costs considerably lower.

    Paying 2m pa now for what we have got for the last 7 years or so is not going to be sustainable.

    We also get about £1.2m per season from the PL for having a Cat 1 academy

  5. 47 minutes ago, Chesterfield_Ram said:

    I’m not trying to start an argument here, but those companies were the companies controlling the club. 

    Sevco 5112 was split into 9 companies: SEVCO 5113, Global Derby, Gellaw 101, Derby County Football Club, Club DCFC, Stadia DCFC, Derby County Academy, Derby County Stadium and DCFC. Resources would be filtered through these companies to basically cut costs in areas then hide them elsewhere. For example, it looked good on paper when the ‘team’ made a profit in 2017, but some of the costs were ‘hidden’ in another of these companies.

    It's OK to admit you're wrong. Maguire made a comment which was 100% incorrect. That's what is being debated here.

  6. 39 minutes ago, Chesterfield_Ram said:

    There the companies I was talking about previously. While the administrators don’t say who exactly was owed the money at that point, the only 2 I can think of would be Morris or msd holdings. 

    I must clarify though that I don’t believe at all that the club owes Morris anything financially.

    Exactly... those companies are not 'The Club'.

    You'll probably find it was all equity. Shareholders are only paid if there is money leftover after paying unsecured creditors and in most cases (including ours) those shares are considered worthless.

    Going back to Maguire's comment: "the club owed Mel in excess £200m but he claimed nothing". The club didn't owe him money, and he wasn't entitled to any money as there was never going to be any money left after paying all the creditors anyway.

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