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Posts posted by admira

  1. Up and coming gigs & festivals:

    The Subways (Ipswich)

    Sidney Barnes (Brentwood)

    Hard Fi (Cambridge)

    Northern Soul weekend (Coventry)

    Frank & Walters (London)

    Rock by Candlelight (Ipswich)

    Toyah & Robert Fripp (Bury St Edmunds)

    Royston Club (London)

    Reyton's (Norwich)

    Butlins Soul (Skeggy)

    Shiiiiiiine On (Minehead)

    Lottery Winners (Cambridge)

    Liquid Engineers (Lowestoft)

    Ian McNabb (Stowmarket)

    Prettiest Star (Colchester)

    Ryan Hamilton (Great Yarmouth)

    Big Country & Icicle Works (Ipswich)

    Absolute Bowie (Norwich)

    Pink Tribute (Bury St Edmunds)

    Soul Festival (Blackpool)

    First Light festival (Lowestoft)

    Foo Fighters (London)

    Y Not festival (Derbyshire)

  2. A guy walks into a bank in the centre of London and asks the manager if he can borrow £10,000 in cash. He says that he needs the money right away for an important purchase and that he will pay it back in a week.

    The bank manager checks his details and he seems legit, but the manager is still a bit sceptical.

    The man says, “Tell you what, I have my brand new Mercedes parked in your car park. I’d be happy to offer that as security. If I don’t come back and pay off the loan in a week, you can keep it. It’s worth over £50,000”.

    The bank manager inspects the car and documents and agrees to lend him the money, at an annual interest rate of 10%. The guy hands over the keys, takes the cash and off he goes.

    A week later he returns to the bank and hands over the £10,000. The bank manager says there will be an interest charge of £20 for the week, which the guy happily pays.

    He then collects his car. Handing him the keys, the bank manager says “That was probably the strangest loan I’ve ever given. Do you mind if I ask why you borrowed the money”?

    The guy says: “Well, how else could I park my car in London for a whole week for just £20”.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Anon said:

    Right game, one year out.

    I had no recollection of this game at all, which is odd because I was going to most games in this period. To be fair, I didn't bother turning up for league cup games because our players never turned up either. This was the 4th season in succession we got dumped out by lower league opposition in the first round.

    Correct, 2012. Lost 7-6 on pens.

  4. On 23/09/2023 at 09:37, IlsonDerby said:

    We’ve recently had the latest poll about whether people want Warne to stay or leave. I don’t want to get into the nitty gritty of why you voted the way you did as that’s been done to death on those other threads. 

    What I am interested in is what would it take for you to change your mind? Be it someone who still wants him here or someone who wants him gone. 

    For me (I think it’s fairly obvious I’ve been really unimpressed so far) I like Warne. I want him to do well. I don’t like the personal jibes at him. For me to warm to him and want him to stay the course it’d take: 

    More play going through our good midfield players. 

    A flexibility to move away from 5 at the back until he’s sure he has the players with attributes needed to play it well. 

    Looking to control the game in key parts of the match rather than the hectic ‘you attack we attack’ ping pong it sometimes feels like. 

    And this is the big big one for me, because we will end up in the play offs in my opinion with or without him as it’s a weaker division than last season. The one for me is that I want to see us really take it to and compete with the so called strong teams in the division. 

    I know it doesn’t seem like it but I go into every single match with optimism that this is the match that’s going to get us going and going to kick start our season. 

    Anyway keep the criticisms to a 0 please and focus on the Q. What would it take for you to change your mind from the answer you gave on the poll? 

    Winning consecutive games without letting a goal in. Oh hang on ...

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