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Posts posted by admira

  1. 18 minutes ago, Vyrdasm said:

    Anyone noticed Micheal smith isn't in the starting line up or subs tonight for Wednesday.  bannan is and other first teamers. 

    Could be on his way? (I hope)

    SSN said Weds have been toothless up front so sure Smirh will start their next game 

  2. 2 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

    No, but the Huddersfield Town sticker was!

    All the best, the joys of under funded police forces, call centre driven insurance companies and algorithm fuelled response reporting. The world is crying out for a company who just pick up the phone and listen, even if they would go bust in six months probably.

    Huddersfield Town!

    You’re  clearly not a fan of the greatest man in rock and roll! 

  3. I was driving home from the supermarket Sunday, minding my own business when I spotted a car driving erratically behind me.  

    As the lights were changing ahead, I slowed down and they ploughed straight into the back of me.

    As I turned around to get out, I saw them from my side window, hastily doing a U-turn, despite it being a dual carriageway and the lights being red and they sped off back in the direction they had come from.

    Luckily I managed to memorize their registration number and write it in my phone before calling 999, thinking they'd be interested in helping since leaving the scene of an accident, especially without checking if anyone is hurt is illegal I believe.

    I was given a crime number, which I've chased a couple of times but I've been met with nothing but apathy from the police. I've been told they will call me "at some point". Meanwhile, the other driver is probably getting the front of his car fixed so if and when someone does knock on his door, he can deny all knowledge, despite traces of their paint being all over my broken bumper.

    My investigations seem to suggest that the other driver is insured and his tax and MOT are up to date so not sure why he did what he did.

    Having spoken to my insurance company, they were pleased that I managed to get the reg number and will be pursuing it. My broker did say that my premiums will increase though, despite it not being my fault.  I still have to fork out for the excess, deposit for the courtesy car and suffer general inconvenience of it all while mine is being repaired.

    Has anyone else suffered a similar problem? Will the police care less? Will I end up out of pocket?



  4. 3 and a half hours to deadline and a record £750+ in the prize pot with over 150 people entered.

    Thanks for the phenomenal response so far, "we're gonna need a bigger spreadsheet"!

    Click on the link above in the initial post to have a chance of winning and to see what all the fuss is about. Only takes ten minutes to enter. 

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