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Posts posted by admira

  1. 5 hours ago, jameso said:

    I have absolutely no idea... nor who Darren Powell is!

    What a strange line-up too... did we bypass midfield that day?! (Paul Green being the only midfielder on the sheet... presumably Addison played holding midfield?)

    Must have been a transition between Jewell and Clough so I'll go for 2009 (which means it's almost definitely going to be 2008).

    Genuinely no recollection of the game/opponents so over to the rest of you!

    2009 is good!

  2. 33 minutes ago, jameso said:

    Norwich away. Problem with the floodlights (or have I imagined that?) 

    It was under Lampard but can't remember which side of Christmas it was... 2019?

    Norwich yes, but slightly out on the year...

    One of my favourite ever away games. (A) because it's only up the road from me and (B) yes, one of the floodlights went out so there was a ten minute delay when we were losing 3-2 from memory.  Then two glorious late goals and it was back to the pub to celebrate!

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