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Posts posted by MarsdenRam

  1. 12 minutes ago, fred binneys head said:

    The incident when our tiny left back ran up to him, your keeper turned and they touched shoulders and he then threw himself to the ground and asked for the trainer to come on was one of the worst bits of cheating I’ve seen. The referee should have sent him off and kicked him up the arse on the way off for that.

    We've had to put up with this kind of crap so much this year, I hope you will understand Rams fans enjoying his performance.

    But yeah, we know how much it frustrates the opposition.

  2. 7 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    what went on there then? I’m interested, as it seems like there’s a cautionary tale to be learnt there

    Looks to be a classic case of incompetence, lack of stability, questionable owner and it all boils down to money.

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