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Posts posted by MarsdenRam

  1. 55 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    The whole performance around Wigan has to be hugely embarrassing for the EFL with them being on a finance plan following administration just like we are and it will probably mean the EFL are less likely to be helpful towards ourselves.

    I don't know, they might want to might to show that if teams place nice, nice things happen to them - to contrast with what's about to happen to Wigan.

  2. 16 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

    We have higher expectations than them for good reason.  We've pretty much been a top 30 club for almost 140 years, including two stints as the best of the best!   

    Success comes from hard work, tenacity, vision and guile.  Being seen as a 'big club' in our circumstances seems to be as much of a hinderance as an advantage. The weight of expectation on players and managerial staff must be nigh on unbearable.

  3. Title: Dr Carrot

    Written by: Wayne Rooney

    Logline: In 2020, Wayne Rooney, the manager of Derby County Football Club, discovers a new performance-enhancing formula made from carrots and other vegetables, but he soon realizes that it comes with some dangerous side effects. As Wayne struggles to save his team, he must confront the consequences of his choices and face the ultimate test of his leadership on a log flume ride.

    ACT I

    We open on Wayne Rooney, the manager of Derby County Football Club, watching his team play from the sidelines at Moor Farm. They're struggling to keep up with their opponents, and Wayne is frustrated.

    WAYNE: (to his assistant, Liam Rosenior) We need to do something different. This isn't working.

    LIAM: Have you considered hiring a sports scientist?

    WAYNE: (skeptical) A sports scientist? What can they do that we can't?

    LIAM: They might have some new techniques or technology that could give us an edge.

    Wayne thinks it over and decides to give it a try. He contacts a renowned sports scientist named Dr. Carrot and invites her to work with the team.

    ACT II

    Dr. Carrot arrives at the club and presents her new performance-enhancing formula to Wayne and the team. The formula is made from carrots and other vegetables, and Dr. Carrot assures them that it's completely natural and safe.

    WAYNE: (skeptical) Are you sure this is legal?

    DR. CARROT: Absolutely. It's been approved by all the relevant authorities.

    Wayne decides to give the formula a try, and the team starts using it. At first, the results are amazing. They're faster, stronger, and more focused than ever before. They start winning game after game, and the fans are ecstatic.

    But soon, Wayne starts noticing some strange side effects. Some of the players are becoming irritable and aggressive, and they're having trouble sleeping. Wayne contacts Dr. Carrot and expresses his concerns.

    DR. CARROT: Don't worry, Wayne. These are just temporary side effects. The formula is still doing its job.

    Wayne is still worried but decides to trust Dr. Carrot.


    As the team continues to use the formula, the side effects become worse. Some of the players start experiencing hallucinations, and they're having trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy.

    Wayne starts to suspect that there's something seriously wrong with the formula. He contacts Dr. Carrot again, but she brushes off his concerns.

    WAYNE: (angry) What the hell is going on, Dr. Carrot? My players are losing their minds!

    DR. CARROT: (calmly) I understand your concerns, Wayne. But the formula is still doing its job. It's just a matter of time before the side effects wear off.

    Wayne is furious and decides to stop using the formula. He informs the team and tells them to stop taking it.

    But it's too late. The damage has been done. Some of the players are still experiencing the side effects, and they're becoming increasingly erratic and dangerous.

    ACT IV

    The team's performance starts to decline, and they start losing games again. The Rams fans turn against them, and Wayne's job is on the line.

    One afternoon, Wayne takes the team to Alton Towers as a distraction from their troubles. They go on various rides, including a log flume ride.

    WAYNE: (to the team) This ride is a metaphor for our season. We've had our ups and downs, but we're still here, still fighting.

    The team boards the log flume ride, but something goes wrong. The ride malfunctions, and the log flume car carrying Wayne, Liam and several players gets stuck at the top of a steep incline.

    The team starts to panic as they realize they're stuck on the log flume ride. Wayne tries to remain calm and assess the situation.

    WAYNE: (to the team) We need to stay calm. Help is on the way.

    But as time passes, help doesn't seem to be coming. The players start to become more agitated, and some of them start hallucinating again.

    PLAYER 1: (frantically) I see carrots everywhere! They're coming to get me!

    PLAYER 2: (also hallucinating) I'm flying! I'm a superhero!

    Wayne realizes that the formula is still affecting some of the players and that they're in serious danger.

    WAYNE: (to the affected players) Listen to me! You need to snap out of it! We're in a dangerous situation here, and we need to work together to get out of it.

    But the affected players are too far gone to listen. They start to struggle and fight against each other, making the situation even more dangerous.

    Wayne realizes that he's the only one who can save them. He takes a deep breath and makes a decision.

    WAYNE: (to the unaffected players) You need to help me restrain them. We need to get them under control.

    The unaffected players nod and start to help Wayne restrain the affected players. It's a difficult and dangerous task, but they manage to do it.

    Finally, after what seems like an eternity, help arrives. The team is rescued from the log flume ride and taken to the hospital for treatment.

    ACT V

    After the ordeal on the log flume ride, Wayne realizes that he made a terrible mistake by trusting Dr. Carrot and using the performance-enhancing formula. He decides to come clean to the club and the public.

    WAYNE: (to the club executives) I made a mistake. I trusted someone I shouldn't have, and it cost us dearly. I take full responsibility for what happened.

    The club executives are initially angry, but they eventually forgive Wayne and decide to give him another chance.

    Wayne apologizes to the team and the fans, and he starts to rebuild their trust and confidence. He also starts to work on finding a new, legal way to improve the team's performance.

    In the end, the team starts to win again, but this time, it's without the help of performance-enhancing formulas or shortcuts. They win with hard work, dedication, and teamwork.

    As the movie ends, we see Wayne standing on the sidelines, watching his team play. He smiles to himself, knowing that he's learned a valuable lesson about leadership and responsibility.

    WAYNE: (to Liam) Sometimes, the hard way is the only way. But it's also the right way.


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