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Posts posted by MadAmster

  1. 1 hour ago, CBRammette said:

    Thing I dont understand from here and rumour mill thread is why is Warne seemingly getting all if the negative comments about blowing "his" budget on what we will already have? Unless dcfc is run differently to every other business and he has miraculously gained his accountancy exams (in which case congrats Paul) he will not be monitoring the budget or how much he has spent already or negotiating/signing off the player purchases or sales. I am not moaning at DC for the budget being low or lower than expected either - as no accident that PW was appointed who is used to operating on a low budget. But there are other people at the club in charge of such things and so not fair to place any blame for that on PW (if there is blame to be attached that is)

    As I understand it, PW passed a list of targets on to the "recruitment team". They then do the contacts with club and player. Pearce does the financial side of things on fees, wages, bonuses. PW talks to the player about how great PP and MF is. About the squad. About the plans he has. About how he wants the team to play. About how the player, like the rest of the squad, won't have a guaranteed start. PW doesn't talk money. That is why I'm convinced it's all kidology on his behalf.

  2. Why not?


    Why do you build me up (Build me up)
    Derby County
    Just to let me down? (Let me down)
    And mess me around
    And then, worst of all (Worst of all)
    You never call, Derby
    When you say you will (Say you will)
    But I love you still
    I need you (I need you)
    More than anyone, Derby
    You know that I have from the start
    So build me up (Build me up)
    Derby, don't break my heart

  3. 3 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Ricky Gervais’ character in the office is a hapless manager who believes he’s better than he is and makes terrible jokes that never land. He thinks his staff all like him, they don’t. 
    Some people are drawing that comparison to Warne. 


  4. 7 hours ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Rather accurate though, not sure who you think you are, but if he wishes to repeat it, over more and more threads, he is more than welcome.

    He has my permission to carry on playing the same record.

    Would someone please explain the "Brent" joke to me as I've lived in the Netherlands since 1984 and have no idea what it is... thanks in advance...

  5. 12 games in is the time to extrapolate how the season is going. Not after 1 League game. It's akin to those who failed to see +s last Saturday believing that the indigenous people of North America walk in single file based on the one they saw doing that...

    There's another 23 days of transfer window to go. Most of any action will be in the last 10 days when PL sides decide who would benefit from a move or a loan as they aren't going to get into the 25 or however many man squad it is there. That's when moves will be made as the PL sides will know their young uns will develop better elsewhere getting playing time than just sitting in the stands watching millionaires diving...

  6. 2 mistakes led to their goals. The 2nd one was the ref not disallowing it for Wyke pulling Cash's shirt preventing him jumping for the ball. Having said that, if a keeper goes for a ball it has to be his.....

    As others have said, that won't happen every game.

    Bird seems to be a marmite type of player. Folk either rate him or they don't. I look at it this way... he was at the centre of that 20 or so unbeaten game run last season. He got injured and we started to lose. Coincidence?

  7. 3 at the back works, however, when 2 of the 3 seem to have been given permission to join the attack (Cash and Nelson), the MF has to cover when they do bomb on. When they don't cover we are susceptible to quick breaks from the oppo as happened yesterday...

  8. The stats say we had 55% possession, 17 shots to 7, 4 to 3 on target. The team looks like work in progress still. Up top we are getting a stream of crosses in. Unfortunately, too many are either under- or over-hit. That ought to improve. At the back, it looked like Cash and Nelson have been given permission to join the attack. That leaves us short at the back and susceptible to fast breaks. When one or both join the attack, the MF has to cover at the back.

    Their first was down to a blunder by Bradley. 2nd? JW came and when a keep does that he HAS to collect the ball. He didn't. That, however, should have been academic as Wyke had his hands full of Cash's shirt preventing Eiran from jumping. Foul. Goal should have been disallowed.

    Too many crap passes for my liking. Cashin didn't have his best game for us. Fozzy too many wayward passes and crosses. having said that, he might have had 4 goals...

    I enjoyed the game despite the result. Saw more +s than -s. It's one game out of 46 and we will come good.

    Ref? Seemed to have a fair few of the changes in his head. Obviously I'm disappointed with his allowing their 2nd. Blunder. There was also the incident where he gave a free kick for Collins getting kicked in the head. That should have been a yellow. The perpetrator then picked the ball up and headed back towards their goal with it preventing a quick free kick. Another yellow. He only got the one. It would be interesting to know which of the two wasn't given...

  9. Full full. Start of a new season. 7 good signings so far. 2 or 3 more to come. Collo loving the the service from  the wings, especially from Ward. Another behind closed doors job midweek saw Wash score 3 and have another disallowed. Defence looks good and will get better. A mate of mine had a double bet in the week. £50 on us to go up and the Red Dogs to go down. Just over £450 pay out if he's right. I wish him well.

    A year ago I was saying midtable finish and anything better would be a more than welcome bonus. I can think of quite a few games last season where we should have got more points than we did. Dodgy penalties against us like the Plymouth away one. I'm going in to this season with real hope of being at the pointy end come May. Keep them full glasses coming Landlord...

  10. 13 hours ago, Andrew1 said:

    I understand what it was designed to do, I’m not that daft.  But it doesn’t work properly.  A player can be genuinely injured even if the foul isn’t severe enough draw a yellow.  The rule as it stands sort of suggests that the severity of the injury is linked directly to the quality of the challenge - which is complete BS.  The very fact that a foul is given at all should not be cause to effectively disadvantage the team that the foul was committed against.  And like I said how daft is it when there is a “technical issue” that would be plain and simple enough for the ref to see, unless the rule makers think that players are gaming the system by having their boots fail at a specific advantageous moment in the game?

    There are, as in most things these days, 2 opposite ends to this. How do you discourage players feigning injury on the one hand and not disadvantage teams who have a player injured in a foul tackle? That middle ground is hard to find. I'm not sure if there IS middle ground in this question. Do you have any thoughts on it?

  11. On 09/01/2023 at 19:41, Ewe Ram said:

    The defender dancing with the attacking player to stop them gaining possession and allow the ball to go over the byline. Anywhere else on the pitch it would be a foul 

    There is no Law demanding a player plays the ball. The ball has to be within playing distance otherwise the shielding becomes obstruction. Talking of which, how many times did you see an indirect kick for obstruction given last season?

  12. On 31/12/2022 at 21:31, Andrew1 said:

    Stupid rule that means a player injured in a foul, then has to go off the pitch, effectively punishing the side the foul was committed against.  Or even like it was yesterday, when your boot gets broken or needs replacing… ridiculous.

    Came in with good reason. Designed to discourage players from going down injured when they're not. Also agree with the part of that same rule that says you don't have to leave the field following treatment if the offending player received a card for the foul or you are the keeper.

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