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Posts posted by MadAmster

  1. On 01/03/2024 at 08:21, WestKentRam said:

    Well, like for many others, that has stuffed me completely. Had long ago planned the Easter weekend, and due to long standing arrangements on the Tuesday I won't be able to go or even watch the match on RamsTV.

    This game was part of getting me to the 15+ away category for next season, assuming ticket priority sales are the same, making it easier getting tickets with a 15+ mate that at present is hit and miss and a complete pain in the rear juggling with each match. 

    On reflection Sky has now taught me a valuable lesson in not getting hung up about being able to actually attend matches. The great works they do in skewing the leagues making them ultra competitive such as with money used for parachute payments (Come on Leicester, Leeds and Southampton, you plucky clubs can miraculously bounce straight back up to the PL!) is more important than fans that actually go to the games. 

    As it's only going to get worse next season then I just need to get my head round the slight obsession I have with going to games, and accept that to have any sort of life outside of football without a completely clear diary for the year means that supporting Derby in person is going to be more hit and miss in future.

    Even worse for expats with regard to getting to games. When planning trips home round games we already have to take account of international breaks, possible bad weather, train strikes, pilot or Air Traffic Control issues.... 

    Now we have to take account of matches (being Derby, about half ours will be moved from 15:00 on a Saturday) taking place on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday on top of the 10 or so schedules midweek games. TV games will be announced about 4 weeks ahead of the game meaning booking flights, trains, hotels will be more expensive. 

    Purely on a financial basis, this is likely to result in my attending less games next season. Thankfully I have a RamsTV subscription so I'll be able to see all the games I can't attend on my TV.

  2. On 29/02/2024 at 16:58, David said:

    Just to be clear, and to avoid any more nominations sarcastic or not. I have absolutely no interest in the role.

    None whatsoever. Zero. Zilch. 

    Whoever takes it on, good luck, be prepared for all kinds of abuse and repeatedly told “you don’t represent me”.

    I’ll just stay over here in this little corner of the internet and keep this place online for you all. I’m happy doing that.

    Whoever gets the roles, I wish them well. 

    I would advise them to ignore anybody who abuses them. Those people aren't worth the mucus out of your nasal passages.

    With regard to representation, any decision in which they are involved will be taken for the good of the club. That decision will be taken for the greater good and, 100% certain, that decision won't be universally acceptable. There may even be ones where more fans are against it than for it but, in the eyes of those on the board, who will likely have more information on which to base their thoughts, it will be the right one for DCFC moving forward.

  3. 10 minutes ago, angieram said:

    Yes, I know now as several people have told me above. I don't know when it changed. 

    To the best of my knowledge, Barks has been doing it ever since he took on the pundit role. Can't remember who did it before that.


    1Wildsmith 6  they had 3 shots all afternoon, 0 on target. Nowt to do 

    35Nelson 7 Rock steady as per

    5Bradley 6.5 was on for a 7 but that awful pass towards the end needs cutting out. Not the first time he's done it this season. Hope it's the last.

    6Cashin 7.5 He was, simply, Cash

    23Ward 8 far and away his best performance in a derby shirt

    8Bird 7 Central to our control of the game

    32Adams 7.5 He allows Bird to do what he does. Hope the injury isn't serious and that we sign him in the summer.

    4Hourihane 6 I believe he's found his place as the ship steadying sub

    17Sibley 8 Excellent game both defensively and attacking. Played a great cannon for his first 😉 and his 2nd was as powerful a shot as you'll see

    11Méndez-Laing 6.5 That was more like it from NML, more of the same/better come Saturday please.

    27Blackett-Taylor 6 still looked a little off the pace but he showed more in this appearance than in his previous ones combined

    25Gayle 6.5 decent play and a well taken header

    10Waghorn Did nowt wrong but nowt exceptional. Minutes under his belt.

    7Barkhuizen 6.5 needs to use his speed and agility more. Never seems to move into positions where he can receive a pass and do his "thing"

    12Smith 6.5 Right round peg in the right round hole at the right time.

  5. Here's a post I put in DCFC 1884 on FB in reply to My mate Mike's post...

    Ramstv for me, Mike, here in the Nahe Valley in Germany doing a little wine sampling. When Gayle puts the 3-0 away you'll likely hear me cheering 

    Not a bad guess. It was 3-0 and Gayle did score but it was the second.

    Decent performance overall. I don't recall JW having to make a save and their stat of 0 shots on target verifies my recollection.

    Sibley's first was a stroke of genius 😉 , I mean, who else would have had the audacity to play a cannon off a defender and the keeper?  Rightfully credited to him IMO as it was heading inside the right hand post. Good pass from Ward for the ball. 

    Gayle's was an excellent header from a well placed cross from Adams.

    Sibs 2nd was put away with venom from another good cross from Ward who had, IMO, far and away his best game in a Derby shirt.

    I thought the ref was fair and even handed, let the game flow and pulled players up when necessary.

    Hopefully this improved performance will signal a return to better days and the end of the D&G of successive 2-1 defeats having gone 1 up.

    Good opening 25, after which they slowly got back into it and enjoyed a fair amount of possession and territorial advantage without looking dangerous in the first half. 2nd half they had a header which went just wide, the same player also had a shot which was yards wide. Apparently, they also had a 3rd shot, I must have blinked 

    Brizzle Rovers away next. Here's hoping we keep Coldplay quiet. Then it's time for revenge against Reading who do seem to get more good results against us than they should and then the biggy at home to Bolton. I shall be at the latter 2. Not seen us lose yet, this season. 4 wins and a draw. Looking forward to 6 and 1 

  6. If Bolton make top 2 it will be some effort as they play 6 of the current top 7 in the run in. The only top 7 side they don't play is themselves... 😉

    Barnsley v Bolton tomorrow is a big game. Barnsley win sees them level on points with us and Bolton but with a game in hand. Bolton win has them 3 points ahead of us and Barnsley 3 behind but with a game in hand. A draw sees Bolton 1 point ahead of us and Barnsley 2 behind with a game in hand.

  7. 2 hours ago, Sparkle said:

    Yes on paper or 3 centre half’s and a full back or it could easily be said 4 centre half’s 

    Semantics. Cash, when we play 3 at the back, is the left sided of the 3 and part of that job is the left back role when the wing back, as often happens, can't get back to cover. Whatever you choose to call the positions, we had Nyambe (Wilson after Nyambe's injury), Nelson, Bradley and Cashin playing as a back 4, not the back 3 to which many allude. 

  8. 16 hours ago, DavesaRam said:

    The criticism isn't so much for going for a back 4, it was when he switched to a back 3 - again - and it all fell apart. The concern over a back 4 was having to put Cashin out at left back.

    We started with a back 4 of Nyambe, Nelson, Bradley and Cashin. Nyambe went off injured and Wilson dropped into the right back position, again a back 4. Which of the 4 didn't play in the back 4 but in a different role?

  9. 17 hours ago, IslandExile said:

    @Ram-Alf has already answered but - yes, Sibley. He has performed well in that position.

    But the other points are:

    1. We get the best centre back pairing of Nelson and Cashin.

    2. We play 4 at the back.

    3. We have more attacking options from the wings

    We did play 4 at the back. Nyambe, Nelson, Bradley and Cashin. 2 full backs and 2 centre halves.

  10. RamsTV

    1Wildsmith - 4 (Cost us a goal by delaying coming out and then being reckless - and then jumping up and down and getting done my May timing his run so he took the penalty when JW was in the air and incapable of diving either way almost guaranteeing a goal)

    24Nyambe - 6 We'll miss him if he's missing at the weekend. Ward, Wilson and Smith are not of his standard

    7Barkhuizen - 5 didn't seem to get involved

    35Nelson - 6.5 held their defender down well so the lad couldn't jump for the ball allowing Cash to head home

    5Bradley - 6 not perfect but adequate

    6Cashin - 7 LCH or LB there's not a great deal of difference and at least we had a defender in that role

    2Wilson - 5 looked good beating his man several times but the final ball was poor

    12Smith - 6 combined with Adams in controlling MF especially 1st half

    17Sibley - 6 Nowt exceptional  but no blunders either

    32Adams - 7 Rock in MF. Awful pass from Wilson that led to their 2nd

    27Blackett-Taylor - 6 nothing to judge him on

    11Méndez-Laing - 4 apart from the last 10 minutes or so totally ineffective in open play

    8Bird 🐦 -  6 adequate in his defensive role, apart from 1 poor pass couldn't do much in an attacking sense as there was no decent outlet

    25Gayle - 6 needs the ball in the channels to run on to

    10Waghorn - 5 looked rusty, little wonder considering how long he's been out

  11. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    You've forgotten how decent he looked there last season, involved in our long unbeaten run? I would have had to say what a good choice it would have been, but I didn't need to! 😄

    No, I haven't forgotten, neither have I forgotten the reactions on PW picking him there earlier this season nor the slating he got on social media for doing so.

  12. 1 hour ago, Ram-Alf said:

    You asked a question to another poster...I took it on

    Now your looking into a Chrystal Ball with a comment that people would have slated PW if he had played an attacking left back.

    As he didn't we'll never know what the outcome would have been...now would we? 

    He's played Sibs there earlier this season and got slated. Why would you expect any difference this time?

  13. 11 minutes ago, Ram-Alf said:

    I'll take that on


         Nyamby             Nelson                      Cashin             Sibley


                     Wilson                                         Barkhuizen 









    Right... and nobody would have slated PW for picking an attacking player at LB... of course they would.

    Time to stop playing NML behind the striker. He's much better out wide in his favoured position. Poor last night, poor at Barnsley. Plus, not having him out wide has seen us not create chances in front of goal.

  14. 1 hour ago, IslandExile said:

    And had Warne done his job properly and stuck with the centre back pairing of Nelson and Cashin in a back 4 that brought all the 'success', then Bradley wouldn't have been in the team....

    Who would you have played at left back then? Would that have made a better back 4 than the one chosen?

  15. 1 hour ago, Ellafella said:

    It feels to me that the momentum we had has been sacrificed all for keeping Sonney Bradley at CH in a starting position. It took a new level last night when our best player /prospect was played at left-back.

    The style of football is Sunday Morning Burton & District FA circa 1989 (picture of Terry Whyman pops into my mind’s eye) - smash the ball forward/wide quickly and then “lump it” into the box. 

    I am even considering not renewing my season ticket after over 10 consecutive seasons, it’s that dire. 

    I've seen this comment a lot and it doesn't make sense to me. About as much sense as the folk on social media last night and this morning slating PW for playing a back 3 which was actually a back 4 of Nyambe (Wilson after Nyambe got injured), Nelson, Bradley and Cashin at left back.

    Who else was going to play LB in a back 4 with Elder and Foz unavailable?

    Made perfect sense to me. Criticise by all means, however, critique without offering an alternative is negativity for negativity's sake.

    PW is getting stick for going with the back 4 most fans want. How else would YOU have structured a back 4 last night, one better than the choice he made?

    The only alternative for a back 4 would have been Bradley on the bench, Nels and Cash in the middle and Sibley at left back... IMO, the  choice made was the best one.

    He could have gone back 3 but that would have seen 90% of the fanbase on his back.

  16. What a strange 90 odd minutes. For half an hour we bossed the game. Won all the second balls, applied the press very successfully causing them to give up possession. Lots of nice passing combinations and some of the best "proper" football we've seen all season. Unfortunately, it led to nothing as our 1st shot was on 18 minutes from Nyambe out wide and about 30 yards from goal and went 4 yards wide of the near post. Our 2nd was another hit and hope by Smith from outside the box. Our only other attempt on goal in the first half was the corner from which Cash scored. Honesty demands that I add, if we'd had VAR, it would have been disallowed for Nelson's headlock on one of their defenders preventing him from jumping for the ball.

    The last 15 of the first half, was pretty even, apart from the goal.

    2nd half we never got going. They got all the 2nd balls, their press worked and we, as with them 1st half, failed to string 3 passes together. They started to play long balls into the channels to try to undo us with their speed which caused the backline to defend deeper, dragging the MF back and the front 4 as well. Despite their having taken control, as with us, 1st half, that dominance didn't turn into decent attempts on goal. Then JW had his rush of blood, should never have gone through with the challenge, defenders and MF's were getting back and the Charlton player was going away from goal. Silly challenge and a penalty all the way. Then JW made a 2nd mistake. All that stupid jumping up and down and left to right, far from putting the taker off, actually gives him an advantage, one he seems to have gladly taken. When utilising these antics, the keeper's feet are off the ground more often than they are on it. When they are off the floor he can move neither right no left. The little jumps tend to be at a constant frequency. Time your run so you strike the ball when the keeper's feet are off the ground and anywhere towards either post will go in with the keeper totally stranded. had the ball gone straight down the middle and he'd stopped it, it would have been retaken as JW was off his line too soon... that would have been a 3rd error.

    Their 2nd goal, poor pass from Wilson to Adams who, therefore, couldn't control it and the ball fell to Aneke who ran on, decent pass to a colleague whose shot was well parried by JW but the rebound fell to Anderson who smashed it into the roof of the net.

    We well and truly shot ourselves in the foot.

    To those looking no further than when Charlton last won... their previous 2 games were a 3-3 draw at Bolton (level with us on points with a game in hand) and a 0-0 draw at home to Pompey (7 points ahead of us). Jones has them hard to beat and capable of decent play. But no, they haven't won for ages... new manager, current form... passed you by did it? Plus, as I've seen all too often in the 63 years since my first Derby game, teams on a long run, be it a winning or a losing one, often see that run ended when they play Derby.

  17. 3 minutes ago, sage said:

    How did he make that money with a company with such a small turnover.

    He got those funds from Goldman Sachs as an investment in his company. He blindsided the financial director and moved the company money into his own account.

    That was never going to work in the long term. I fail to see how he thought he would ever get away with it.

    That's what I've thought about it too. Did he simply not look forward? Did he think he'd never get caught? Did he think a year, maybe 2, of a life of luxury "Walter Mitty" life would compensate for spending the rest of his life behind bars? We'll never know.

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