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Sick Doughty chants

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Its a shame that it took Mr Doughty's death for you to appreciate what he'd given you. And on this occasion, it has taken sick chanting for him to be praised by you. Well news for you, you're too late. You had a gem of a chairman and you should have praised him when he was alive, you just have to live with the fact that you did the complete opposite. Trying to ignore what you did, and then shift everything onto Derby, isn't going to work. You made his life miserable while he was alive. And thats what counts.

My thoughts exactly.

The chanting was vile, from both sets of fans. What has been overlooked as well was that forest started chanting 'let him die on the floor' when Barks was down, I think a lot of people missed that as they where drowned out by the sick retaliation of the fans in the SE corner whom I suspect are the onesw that only come to the big games.

2 wrongs don't make a right, they just cause greater pain.

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It was wrong, the majority of us disagree with any distasteful chanting by anyone and certainly don't condone it. I even had a Forest fan threaten me for simply being a Derby fan!

However I won't let anything take the gloss off the fact that we did the double and it felt bloody brilliant to be in the East Stand celebrating. However I do have an injured shin from some kind of celebratory injury 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

Me too, proper whacked it, drew blood as well. This club should be providing more leg room for us fans, BOARD OUT 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

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Don't like the appology to be honest.

Actually, I like all of it especially to his family, except for appologising to their club and fans.

His family are the ones that need to be considered in all of this, no one else.

I know we are taking the high ground, and it is the right thing to do in principle, and refelcts on the club in a posative way, but it just sticks in my throat that they have not once so far appologised for the conduct of their fans and we are still being lambasted for it:-(

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I am not condoning behaviour and we should have not stooped to their level. It was clear that when Barker was down and it was clearly a serious injury - full credit to Tudgay who screamed for help and apparently it was heard on the benches by the staff and reports last night if he had not reacted the way he did it could have been life threatening.

However what was very clear that something happened in the corner as the chant was a reaction as the SE was not happy with something being chanted by them. I sit NE corner couldn't tell what was chanting but up until then there was no disresptful chanting by us. It happened about 3 mins into whilst Barker was being treated and the SE suddenly just reacted and that chant came out. They were not loud in the Forest end and could not tell that was being chanted. It was definately not the loudest chant of the night and I think others in ground me included could not tell why all off a sudden that chant went up.

Forest were beaten on the pitch outsung in what was probably the best atmosphere of Pride Parks history. If fans are chanting for one of our players to die on the pitch then sorry there is no sympathy at all but still sad that we stooped to the chant. The fact that the whole ground did not chant it also supports that it would appear to be a reaction chant as there was no hint before or after that injury.

What also startled me is that they seem to think its ok to chant Brian Cloughs name although since he left them there has not been too much respect for the Cloughs shown also until Doughty unfortunately passed away not many people at Notts Forest had a decent word and blamed him for everything. Think most Derby fans would have loved a chairman to put as much heart, time and money in the club to try and bring success, the last one we had was Pickering god bless his soul.

Derby fans put aside the differences to offer sympathy and well wishing messages, unfortunatley this type of news is not reported but the fact that this is.

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I don't like chants of this kind and don't want to approve them however I do believe that there isn't a club where these sick but mostly immature and childish chants won't see a dayllight at times. People that sing these chants deserve to be punished if possible but most of all they should be totally forgotten after that since they don't deserve any thought from normal fans.

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I chose not to join in with the chants as i thought it was innapropriate, but all this mock horror makes me laugh. I'm a bit annoyed we gave them the oppotunity to deflect away from how utterly **** they are.

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yes it was bad and im sure there will be some fans who now wish they hadnt sang it.To ban people would be stupid.People get carried away in the heat of the moment and do and say things they shouldnt.I have and im sure most of you have.It was a fiery atmosphere last night.

fo**st fans shouldnt get carried away with trying to claim the moral high ground either.Their chants to Commons about his baby were sick too.They also hated doughty so their compassion for a dead man is rather hollow.

I also doubt they would be kicking up such a fuss if they had won.....but they didnt.

Should Suarez have been banned then? It was only in the heat of the moment, after all.

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Should Suarez have been banned then? It was only in the heat of the moment, after all.

Yes, because it was repeated and calculated. Also it is nowhere near the same thing- he is a professional sportsman who is paid a lot of money to kick a ball around and he has abused a fellow professional due to the colour of his skin in a one on one situation, repeatedly on international television.

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I think something needs to be done to highlight what the red dogs were chanting to barker. If we've apologised for our fans they should apologise for there's. I've not seen one forest fan say they shouldn't have chanted that to barker and admit it was unacceptable. They're too busy going on about the chants about their late chairman who gave his all to a club and received hatred from the 'fans' in return. As per usual forest fans have let themselves down.

Also what's this about Barkers injury being potentially life threatening if he hadn't received treatment? Someone shed some light please!

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I think something needs to be done to highlight what the red dogs were chanting to barker. If we've apologised for our fans they should apologise for there's. I've not seen one forest fan say they shouldn't have chanted that to barker and admit it was unacceptable. They're too busy going on about the chants about their late chairman who gave his all to a club and received hatred from the 'fans' in return. As per usual forest fans have let themselves down.

Also what's this about Barkers injury being potentially life threatening if he hadn't received treatment? Someone shed some light please!

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Yes, because it was repeated and calculated. Also it is nowhere near the same thing- he is a professional sportsman who is paid a lot of money to kick a ball around and he has abused a fellow professional due to the colour of his skin in a one on one situation, repeatedly on international television.

  • Does it matter that it was on international television?
  • Was it not calculated that we 'made' not one, two but three chants? And also, therefore repeated?
  • Is it worse to abuse someone because of the colour of their skin, than abuse someone who has died recently? I wonder how the Doughty family would answer this.
  • We abused and offended fellow supporters, as Suarez did with a fellow professional. What's the difference?
  • Just because supporters aren't professionals, surely their moral compass should still point north?

I'm playing devil's advocate here, I don't necessarily think our supporters should be banned, but there's certainly an argument for it. I wasn't particuarly offended but I understand why they would be.

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I understand it too but I think we can agree that it is a very different situation.

It was aimed at riling the fans, not the family and because it wasn't aimed at doughty (RIP) himself it isn't abuse.

There was no hatred or derogatory terms used so therefore it wasn't abuse

It wasn't one on one

It wasn't by an employee of the club or role model

It isn't illegal to mock someone for being dead

It is no worse to chanting that goes on week in week out that Forest have party to themselves- in fact they have done much, much worse

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Gotta say I really think the rumours about barker chanting are exactly that-rumours. Every forest fan applauded him off the pitch-every fan, you could hear it on the radio. there is no proof of any barker chanting and it just seems like some people are using this to justify doughty chanting. Another thing that needs to be said 'you got what you wanted' is NOT justified chanting, that suggests that people wanted him to die, no one in football EVER wants another person to die that's just sick, why would you say its ok to say that

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Gotta say I really think the rumours about barker chanting are exactly that-rumours. Every forest fan applauded him off the pitch-every fan, you could hear it on the radio. there is no proof of any barker chanting and it just seems like some people are using this to justify doughty chanting. Another thing that needs to be said 'you got what you wanted' is NOT justified chanting, that suggests that people wanted him to die, no one in football EVER wants another person to die that's just sick, why would you say its ok to say that

the chants from your lot were heard where i sat, neither set of fans can even attempt to justify what the minority of each fans sang both bang out of order and have no place in the game. but morale high ground can not taken by anyone

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Some of the comments on here are typical of this modern, hand-wringing, navel gazing, can't-wait-to-be-offended, fake moral outrage society we now live in.

Get over it, it was a football match between two bitter rivals.

Sitting in the East Stand I didn't hear any of it, didn't even know a thing about it til afterwards, so it couldn't have been that loud or sung by that many.

Sorry Vulcan, I disagree with that, in fact I'd say the opposite of what you said. Perhaps some of us are right to be outraged as we want to retain what's left of a once decent society, without being labelled as 'can't wait to be offended'.

Just because it's a football match, it doesn't mean that we should all walk with our knuckles dragging on the floor acting like idiots. That kind of stuff belongs in the dark ages, along with holliganism.

Not for a minute am I saying fans should be seen & not heard, but surely chanting stuff about someones death is a bit much?? Or am I just being a killjoy thinking it's in bad taste? Don't think so somehow but that's just me.

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I think we should stop talking about this now. 5 pages of it, we all agree the chants were wrong, the club has apologised, let them deal with it now. Lets just talk about the brilliant result we got and that bullet header from Bucko.

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