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We are now accepting mediocrity


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I very rarely post now, but do read threads. I am amazed at how Derby fans are now just accepting mediocrity from Derby County. On and off the pitch we are in just a sorry state of affairs.

After yesterdays game, Watford are now above us in the table. FFS - Watford.

Glick has shamefully exploited Derby Fans. "We're building a top 6 team" and all.

Match days are not entertaining - they cannot even be bothered to remove the poster advertising some Sky Sports Wrestling event from November last year!!!

And Clough now has a winning percentage of 31.48%. A poor right mid playing on the left, a loan signing who I am convinced has a 'must-play' clause, no back up at right or left back and this is the position Clough/GSE have got us in 162 games since Clough first arrived.

I'm amazed that there is no protests against Clough or GSE on match days by and large. This is why I think Glick has pulled the wool over your eyes.

I see us going absolutely nowhere with both at the club.

Now this is the bit where I will get shot down - I absolutely do not care how we do on Tuesday. I hope its not a draw. I still support my team, I have renewed paying my slight 10% increase (More Wool over your eyes), but if we win, great, if we lose (Helps Forest stay safe which i want because I want to go to these games!) and it will help push you people further away from supporting the current regime.


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I very rarely post now, but do read threads. I am amazed at how Derby fans are now just accepting mediocrity from Derby County. On and off the pitch we are in just a sorry state of affairs.

After yesterdays game, Watford are now above us in the table. FFS - Watford.

Glick has shamefully exploited Derby Fans. "We're building a top 6 team" and all.

Match days are not entertaining - they cannot even be bothered to remove the poster advertising some Sky Sports Wrestling event from November last year!!!

And Clough now has a winning percentage of 31.48%. A poor right mid playing on the left, a loan signing who I am convinced has a 'must-play' clause, no back up at right or left back and this is the position Clough/GSE have got us in 162 games since Clough first arrived.

I'm amazed that there is no protests against Clough or GSE on match days by and large. This is why I think Glick has pulled the wool over your eyes.

I see us going absolutely nowhere with both at the club.

Now this is the bit where I will get shot down - I absolutely do not care how we do on Tuesday. I hope its not a draw. I still support my team, I have renewed paying my slight 10% increase (More Wool over your eyes), but if we win, great, if we lose (Helps Forest stay safe which i want because I want to go to these games!) and it will help push you people further away from supporting the current regime.


Bang bang.

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Rammieib you make some good points but I am going to shoot you down as you predicted. If you don't care about Tuesday you're not a true Derby fan I'm afraid. We're playing the red dogs. Get a grip, have a word with yourself, come on!

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Derby fans naively believe he is one of us.

If you support Mr Clough or not the one thing that I can assure you of is that he and his family is 'one of us'.

I was at the match yesterday and thought Derby were 'toilet' - almost regretted the expense and travel... doing it again on Tuesday having taken 3 days leave just for it.

I believe in Derby, I believe in Nigel Clough and I believe we will move forward.

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The stadium is silent. Leicester are now more noisy and have a more passionate crowd than us, despite a smaller following. It's embarrassing.

I'm sick of the stupid, bizarre decisions of Clough. I'm sick of the board's stinginess and willingness to be rolled over by other mediocre nPC teams. I'm sick of the dull inspired crowd that seems like they're just turning up because they have to.

Things have to change.

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Give it 3-5 years and we will take the premier league by storm. It will take absolutely fookin ages, but we will get their eventually. And I'l be in my football supporting prime and you lot'll be pondering a move to the north stand for a bit of piece of quiet while you watch the game with Arthur and Vera. 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

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The stadium is silent. Leicester are now more noisy and have a more passionate crowd than us, despite a smaller following. It's embarrassing.

I'm sick of the stupid, bizarre decisions of Clough. I'm sick of the board's stinginess and willingness to be rolled over by other mediocre nPC teams. I'm sick of the dull inspired crowd that seems like they're just turning up because they have to.

Things have to change.

spot on sir

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We are years in front of other clubs in preparation for FFP, 4 or 5 championship clubs are in dire straights and could be in thinking of going into admin...Big prices for players will no longer be paid clubs in our league. Its painful, its very painful at times. Thats the future guys. 2013 is when its in.

The club are not going to spend big again because of the FFP. If you fed up of the silent stadium then make some noise yourself for goodness sake and encourage others around you to get involved.

Once Derby are in your blood they stay there forever. Top of the premier or bottom of whatever league they find themselves in I will always support. them.

To say you don't care about the result on Tuesday is garbage, deep down you know in your heart of hearts that you want Derby to win. No matter how good or bad you thought we played against Watford, and how well we did to come back against Birmingham and Blackpool in the depths of your mind you know that you want a result on Tuesday

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We are years in front of other clubs in preparation for FFP, 4 or 5 championship clubs are in dire straights and could be in thinking of going into admin...Big prices for players will no longer be paid clubs in our league. Its painful, its very painful at times. Thats the future guys. 2013 is when its in.

The club are not going to spend big again because of the FFP. If you fed up of the silent stadium then make some noise yourself for goodness sake and encourage others around you to get involved.

Once Derby are in your blood they stay there forever. Top of the premier or bottom of whatever league they find themselves in I will always support. them.

To say you don't care about the result on Tuesday is garbage, deep down you know in your heart of hearts that you want Derby to win. No matter how good or bad you thought we played against Watford, and how well we did to come back against Birmingham and Blackpool in the depths of your mind you know that you want a result on Tuesday

First of all you sound like Glick banging on about FFP, get over it. We understand. Secondly I am fed up of the crap atmosphere, but your one step solution is easier said than done, well actually it's utter b*llocks if you think it just happens like that. Otherwise I agree with the rest.

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We are years in front of other clubs in preparation for FFP, 4 or 5 championship clubs are in dire straights and could be in thinking of going into admin...Big prices for players will no longer be paid clubs in our league. Its painful, its very painful at times. Thats the future guys. 2013 is when its in.

The club are not going to spend big again because of the FFP. If you fed up of the silent stadium then make some noise yourself for goodness sake and encourage others around you to get involved.

Once Derby are in your blood they stay there forever. Top of the premier or bottom of whatever league they find themselves in I will always support. them.

To say you don't care about the result on Tuesday is garbage, deep down you know in your heart of hearts that you want Derby to win. No matter how good or bad you thought we played against Watford, and how well we did to come back against Birmingham and Blackpool in the depths of your mind you know that you want a result on Tuesday

I'm pretty sure FFP will not pan out how you hope it will. This has been discussed many times already so no real need to go into it.

All I can see FFP creating is a league of haves with Prem parachute payments and those that don't have this. Also add the fact that there will still be £5m debts per season allowed and rich owners finding loopholes to invest, then FFP certainly won't be the gamechanger you are hoping for us.

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After yesterdays game, Watford are now above us in the table. FFS - Watford.

When I started watching Derby in 1984, Watford were 11th in the top division and FA cup finalists, we got relegated from the old second division.

What makes you think we have a divine right to be finishing above teams like this?

You will probably throw the 'we are so well supported and sell x amount of season tickets' back at me, but how good is how support if we have fans that 'absolutely do not care' how we go on in the match against our biggest rivals.

I wonder if any of our wonderful fans have ever considered that there lack of support actually hinders our team.

Don't get me wrong, I am far from happy with where the football team is at but I don't think that I as a fan has a divine right to be watching us in the Premier League.

I would also suggest that the 'we are in a sorry state of affairs off the pitch' quote is very wide of the mark too.

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Being "years ahead" of others on FFP is the equivalent of standing still and hoping the rest go backwards. Yes, some clubs are still playing a crazy game with wages etc and could well get a shock if their gambles don't come off. But others are tightening belts and making progress eg Boro.

The uncomfortable fact is that Clough doesn't possess the leadership, tactical nouse and motivational capacties for us to make significant progress in the NPC. 162 games in, we aren't going to see anything new from Clough. He may be the guy to keep us treading water whilst we adjust to the new financial realities, but I just can't see him taking us above mid table.

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You are wasting your time chap. A significant number of Rams fans have accepted that mid-table mediocrity is the future without having any real qualms about it. As has already been said on here, FFP is not going to be the panacea people think it will be. The Championship is going to become the Premier League 2. Half a dozen clubs will splash the parachute cash year in year out, getting promoted and relegated, and clubs like ours will be solvent non-entities making up the numbers.

Trouble is, although you are disillousioned you have renewed your season ticket. Thats what GSE rely on; loyal fans like you who have a bit of a moan but then fork out for another ST come the seasons end. As long as that continues the board will continue to pay lip service to Rams fans and their concerns about the future ambitions of the club.

Having said that, and whilst understanding your sentiments in relation to the result on Tuesday, I cannot possibly condone wanting the Rams to lose to the Red Dogs under any circumstances. Even if we don't win another game all season, we've all got to get behind the team on Tuesday night and hope they hammer the bast**ds back into the relegation mire!

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Im not accepting it , it's just what can i actually do about it?Nothing. I won't not renew my season ticket and stop going to away games, because i would have nothing else to do and im still passionate about Derby.... I would love Clough to succed,obviously because of the name , just i really don't understand some of the decisions he makes, green at RB/RM when we all no he is a quality CM. Some of the players he just lets go, etc etc.... Without his name everyone would hate the man. On the topic of the board, everyone which keeps going on about how we're ahead of clubs regarding FFP are just trying to hold on to the last glimps of something positive about our club....

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When I started watching Derby in 1984, Watford were 11th in the top division and FA cup finalists, we got relegated from the old second division.

What makes you think we have a divine right to be finishing above teams like this?

You will probably throw the 'we are so well supported and sell x amount of season tickets' back at me, but how good is how support if we have fans that 'absolutely do not care' how we go on in the match against our biggest rivals.

I wonder if any of our wonderful fans have ever considered that there lack of support actually hinders our team.

Don't get me wrong, I am far from happy with where the football team is at but I don't think that I as a fan has a divine right to be watching us in the Premier League.

I would also suggest that the 'we are in a sorry state of affairs off the pitch' quote is very wide of the mark too.

Which is why if you read the post is what he is saying, fans are accepting mediocrity.

Lack of support hinders the team??? Are you having a laugh, the lack of talent, lack of skill, lack of cover, and lack of direction not to mention the continued drive to turn the club into an model that Gse can try to sell to others is what is hindering the club. Shout as much as you like, it will not improve the tripe being served up at the moment.

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Average team, average manager, average board, average performances. Mid-table position.

That's not enough for some (fair enough), others accept the situation as it stands (also fair enough). But to characterise it as more than that I think is an exaggeration. We're dour, workmanlike, unadventurous and uninspiring, and can churn out enough wins to scrape to safety in a season.

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I'm thinking of writing Nigel a letter simply saying

"attack! attack! Attack, attack, attack!!"

But I'm worried he'll not understand the point I'm trying to make.

He says we "need to go back to keeping clean sheets"

Jesus Christ. I hope Forest score early so we have to attack a bit.

The way he intends us to play is how we played v Boro away first half. Where as we hammered them in the second half and amazingly, weren't attacked confidently. Same with Blackpool and Watford. We gave away less chances by attacking than by "keeping clean sheets"

As For the FFP. Glick would have everyone believe if you spend £3m on a player then you'll end up like Pompey (who might of done a little more than that.... eh Benjani?) or Rangers (who spent £83m recently on transfer fees alone)

I can't trust anyone who tells me they have a 10yr plan IN FOOTBALL!! That our academy will provide what we need to reach our promised land.

Unless 3 players of significant quality are signed or we change our mentality we'll go down next year.

Nigel is too stubborn. Learn from mistakes, or keep repeating them elsewhere please

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Which is why if you read the post is what he is saying, fans are accepting mediocrity.

Lack of support hinders the team??? Are you having a laugh, the lack of talent, lack of skill, lack of cover, and lack of direction not to mention the continued drive to turn the club into an model that Gse can try to sell to others is what is hindering the club. Shout as much as you like, it will not improve the tripe being served up at the moment.

I don't accept mediocrity, I always want us to improve. Have we improved on last season? Depends how you measure improvement - performances or league position.

And yes lack of support I do consider a factor in the performance, how many times has NC mentioned about players being nervous of playing at home? We even have people in our ground who boo when the team is being read out. Yes it doesn't make the players rubbish but it is more likely to make them shy away from the action if they know they will get booed every time they put a foot wrong.

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