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Cover for Frankie

Hucknall Ram

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When do we found out if Frankie's Ban is 1,2 or 3 match ban? If it's 3 do you think Clough wil either

1. Recall Severn from Eastwood

2. Recall Atkins from Burton

3. Put Bywater on the bench

4. Get a keeper on a months loan?

I think one or four is the most likely

I think we will recall Severn, as he would be able to go back on loan, as soon as frank is available, for longer than Atkins would at Burton. Although it should only be a 1 match ban shouldn't it?
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When do we found out if Frankie's Ban is 1,2 or 3 match ban? If it's 3 do you think Clough wil either

1. Recall Severn from Eastwood

2. Recall Atkins from Burton

3. Put Bywater on the bench

4. Get a keeper on a months loan?

I think one or four is the most likely

or Not name a sub goalie.

(or get savage back.)

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A big step up for one of the youngsters, certainly give the under 18 keeper experience.

Are we allowed to bring Severn and Atkins back? They might not have a recall agreement as part of there loan deals.

Perhaps Nigel will take a chance and not have a goalie on the bench

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I believe you can't recall any loan player for the first 28 days, then it's a matter of if anything is written into the loan agreement.

Wiki states that Severn went out on loan on 12th August so should be fine to be recalled if we are able to.

There is an exception to that rule for goalkeepers if the club has no other professional keepers available. Obviously that wouldn't apply to us unless Nigel has actually kneecapped Bybywater.

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Personally I would say put Callum Ball on the bench, risky but clubs do it all the time.

Option 4 is the one Clough took last season and its the best option cause if he gets injured you then have Atkins and Severn to call back. Thus giving Clough Lego in goal and 3/4 choices in backup.

He won't recall Atkins, he's Burtons number one keeper and didn't he go there as part of the Lego deal? Would be harsh. Surely he'll just throw Bywater on the bench?

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