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Tw@t on the phone in


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Complaining that Clough picked the wrong team, the wrong tactics and wrong formation against Doncaster. Whining that he didn't put 2 up front and be 3 up at half time. WE WON 3-0 and have now kept 3 clean sheets.

Moaning now about lack of entertainment

Asking What will happen to Steve Davies when Tyson is fit - answer he will play up front alongside Davies or play in the Ward role on the right, or Tyson will be on the bench.

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What a muppet.

Was that doncasters heaviest defeat so far?

Was that the only game where o'driscol had felt they didn't deserve anything?

Was giles barnes wild effort from an awkward angle under pressure their only real "chance".

Did our striker score? Our providers provide and our defenders keep a clean sheet easily?

Are we trying to integrate many new faces and yet are still joint top with only lettin in one goal. That coming from a relegated perm team who won a league cup.

Tell the moaning div to give his season ticket back. That's not a fan with concerns. That's someone with a problem.

What was our record at home to Doncaster like before?

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some people have sad and empty lives. their low self-esteem is reinforced everyday by a series of presumed injustices until they see themselves as victims and unfortunates in any given situation. they then project their own deep unhappiness onto everything they encounter. they blame others for inflicting this pain when in reality they have merely projected their own internal melancholy upon an available external target. ah....things haven't been going well recently. i don't know why she ditched me but i'm pretty sure that the lack major investment over the summer put an untenable strain upon our relationship. Glick you bugger!

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[insert shitty joke about the seasons start not being good enough here perhaps also put a smilie after it to give a clue to thick people that it is a joke, then preted I am really clever for making the comment]

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Your all gonna kill me for this, but I found myself agreeing with some of what the tw@t as you call him said.

The fact we were quite comfy and not our usual **** self got me thinking about how we were playing in our purple patch last year, and made me think how we are nothing like as good as last year going forward.

After we scored our first goal we had a 5-10 min period where Donny were really on the wrack and every ball into their box seemed to cause panic.

But only Ward it seemed was prepared to have a go at goal.

Then after this period of time, and from the moment Ward went off, Donny came back into the game, all though they didnt provide a realistic threat to us.

It really felt to me like we had let them off the hook, and we were intend to defend our single goal load. This is the part which disappointed me, like the tw@t caller.

If they were a better team, and they had equalised I would be even more disappointed by Cloughs negative tactics.

Thankfully the second half was better in terms of our intent, no doubt helped by an early second goal.

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some people have sad and empty lives. their low self-esteem is reinforced everyday by a series of presumed injustices until they see themselves as victims and unfortunates in any given situation. they then project their own deep unhappiness onto everything they encounter. they blame others for inflicting this pain when in reality they have merely projected their own internal melancholy upon an available external target. ah....things haven't been going well recently. i don't know why she ditched me but i'm pretty sure that the lack major investment over the summer put an untenable strain upon our relationship. Glick you bugger!

...I heard she 'ditched you' the moment you forgot to lock the cellar door. :D

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When you watch a tennis game the commentators often talk about "unforced errors", ie, when a player tw@ts it into the net twice from his own serve and gives a point to the other player.

Well, all we've done is stopped "unforced errors". We are doing the basics really well. We are defending as a team. We are scoring from corners and set pieces. We are not giving the ball away cheaply. We are not allowing teams to build up a head of steam and create loads of chances. We are pressing, probing, making life difficult for our opponents.

We keep our shape, don't get drawn out of position and actually look like a TEAM.

Not a bunch of individuals - a team. A team that looks like it can continue to improve and grow and blend.

Its a young team, with a bit of skill and pace and plenty of old fashioned graft, work ethic, team spirit and camaradie.

I would suggest to anyone who is disappointed with our start to give it 15 games or so to see how we look then.

Maybe we'll have a dropped a point by then and you can have a proper moan.

We have new, untried at this level, players, trying to gel as well as a horrendous injury list (as normal), yet we are playing with a growing confidence and solidity.

The way the team is playing seems to me that even when we fail to win, or even lose, there is a possibility that we could bounce back and win the next game or two.

Not too many teams want to play us just now.

If you genuinely think we have been lucky so far then its probably time you gave up and go and support Manchester United/City, Chelsea or Barcelona.

Leave the rest of us to enjoy a new chapter in the great rollercoaster story of Derby County.

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Or Russia.

It wasn't me, Gboro :D Was on holidays for the last couple of weeks.

I've seen all our games this season though and happy with results so far.

The only annoying thing is i have no confidence in this team before the next match... unlike i had in BD's team.

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We've won 4 out of 4 and only conceded 1 goal. Honestly, if you still find time to moan my advice would be stop going to the football all together! What is the point if you're so negative, where's the enjoyment?

I went to the Watford game and the first half was one of the worst 45 minutes I've seen for quite a while....but the joy of celebrating the goal and walking out of the ground with 3 points makes all that go away. That's what football is about, just try and bloody enjoy yourself! Too much thinking about what's wrong with this or that will give you a stroke!

For once, enjoy the goals, enjoy the clean sheets and enjoy the wins...they might dry up before you know it...then you can have a good old moan!

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I am glad we can grind out results, during our purple patch the only way we won games was with great attacking ability and when the games got closer and closer we still played well but we ended up losing games, we are doing the complete opposite this season which makes me think we have got the right formula to last the distance!

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