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Non-Derby County games thread


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Seeing as it was an off the ball incident, and it didn't strike him in the face, it was disgraceful..

But IMO that's completely different to being fouled in the penalty area and emphasising that to the referee by going down.. There is no way Young could have taken advantage of that situation.. It's a foul anywhere on the pitch, and it was a foul in the penalty area IMO..

Once again, this won't be the last time this happens this season.. And expect some of it at the Euros.. England will be on the recieving end of a decision like this at the Euros I garauntee it.. Only Gerrard and Young are wise enough to do it, trying to be too honest has let us down badly in the past..

It wasn't a foul, he conned the ref.

There'll be loads of it at the euro's and it will still shame the game of football. If it's all stop start because some flash git falls over with dramatic effect, I ain't watching that game.

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I'm fed up of people saying Lampard is *****.

He's unbelievable.

He's scored at least 13 goals a season since 2004. Mainly getting at least 10 assists a season.

He's been great in a Chelsea shirt, but for England he doesn't perform as well. He's had his moments, mind. Used to be my favourite player once upon a time.

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For the first time ever I think I'll give the FA Cup Final a miss.

I'm gutted by that result. Really don't want Liverpool or Chelsea to win. I kind of want Chelsea to win the Champions League, dislike Chelsea a lot, but it's always good to have an English club win it. Plus I hope it means Abramovich thinks, 'Job done,' buggers off and leaves Chelsea to fade into obscurity.

But I don't think either Chelsea or Liverpool deserve a double this season. Neither really deserve one, to be honest. I think both teams are full of horrible individuals, horrible fans and have been awful this season. It's a real shame that one of them is going to walk off with the FA Cup.

Unlucky Tottenham, and Everton.

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Atkinson - what a shocker. Seriously what the fook was he looking at when he gave that 'goal'?

Equally, how many times do we see incidents where a foul is waved play on and then punishment is given retrospectively? That should have been a goal for Bale AND a sending off of the keeper. Instead he completely bottles it by ducking out of any sort of decision regarding the foul on Adebayor.

Atkinson - what a c**t.

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He's been great in a Chelsea shirt, but for England he doesn't perform as well. He's had his moments, mind. Used to be my favourite player once upon a time.

Playing behind Drogba who bullies defenders and drags them out of position has certainly helped.. He's also helped by having Essien, Makelele and Mikel do his donkey work for the past 5 years meaning his job is to get inbetween the defence and midfield and with space shoot or create..

He's the perfect player playing between a world class striker and world class DM..

With England he has no-one to do his donkey work and no world class striker to pull the defenders about.. All he's got is Rooney and Gerrard who basically occupy the same position as he does.. The balance of the England team is all wrong and it's unfair on Lampard to expect him to carry his Chelsea form onto the national stage..

That said he was our best player at Euro 2004 and WC 2010 IMO.

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See that Neil Lennon was his usual classless self again at the end of their SF defeat to Hearts - charging on the pitch to have a go at the referee for giving Hearts a harsh penalty, conveniently forgetting that the only reason they were on terms to begin with was because of Hooper scoring from an offside position.

STFU Lennon you c**t.

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I have to say there was a dreadful decision in each of the 3 games yesterday. I think I'd have been quite mad if I was their manager.

Funnily enough I said to my mate, he's going to give Hearts a penalty here, about ten seconds before he gave it.

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He was knocked out of his stride, yes he has every right to go to ground.. If he wasn't touched it's stepping over the mark, but people are going over the top here.. Young was fouled, whether it was minimal contact or not, he was fouled.. Going down theatrically is clever, it's making the foul more obvious..

If he had stayed on his feet he wouldn't have got a penalty, despite being fouled.. He chose to make the foul obvious, he shouldn't be crucified for that.. The defender was in the wrong, he fouled him.. Young had every right to go to ground.

Your attitude sums up all that I dislike about football these days.

Presumably you think it's okay to influence refs by exaggerating injury after a foul as well in order to get an opponent booked or sent off, seeking to gain an advantage by exaggeration? Same thing really. I think it's sad.

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I hope Chelsea hammer liverpool in the final.

Liverpool fans and whinge king kenny will make out its been a successful season if they win.

No, you've spent 120 million and you are 8th, already having the likes of Gerrard, Reina, Maxi and Kuyt in the team, you should be easily challenging for the title but you are closer to relegation than 4th place.

They also celebrated like they'd beat a top team after beating Blackburn when they should have been down to 9 men with no goalkeeper.

All this being said, congratulations to Brad Jones. A much deserved win for him.

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Your attitude sums up all that I dislike about football these days.

Presumably you think it's okay to influence refs by exaggerating injury after a foul as well in order to gt an opponent booked or sent off, seeking to gain an advantage by exaggeration? Same thing really. I think it's sad.e

No I don't and once again that's completely different..

All Young did here was get fouled and go to ground.. It was a penalty, a foul, whether he stayed on his feet or not.. I bet if he had stayed on his feet and tried to be the valiant, honest type he wouldn't have won a penalty and where is the justice in that?

I'm personally ashamed England try this and disregard anyone else that does it... We're so far behind the times it's unreal.. Argentina, Italy, Spain and Brazil all have WC wins through 'controversary'.. Who actually remembers what they did? It becomes irrelevant and it's the memories of those wins that they'll always have..

England and it's fans try and play the high ground all the time and we only end up disappointed.. We're never going to win anything trying to be princes of football.

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