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Worst Adverts on TV


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Barely anything greats my carrot harder than a stupid, irrelavant, poorly made or a downright cringey advert. What's the worst you've seen?

Here are my most hated ones:

1.) The Halifax Adverts. Gahhh. Shut the feck up. You don't have a radio station. And if you did, the DJs wouldn't be bankers. They would be DJs. You can cover up the fact your offers are distinctly average by smiley figures making prats of themselves all you like, but it still makes ME angry.

2.) Direct Line Adverts. Employing comedians to act out your advert doesn't make it funny. Alexander Armstrong pretending to play golf when Chris Addison is trying to sell him car insurance just isn't funny.

3.) The AA Adverts. Jon Cleese, what you doing???

4.) Sensodyne Adverts. WHY DOES THE CAMERA LOOK AT THE DENTIST'S HANDS WHEN HE'S TALKING ABOUT TEETH? :mad: And you can't have "technology" in toothpaste

5.) Gilette Fusion Proglide Challenge. Ok, I'm not going to state what's wrong with the advert; I'll just quote the advert itself.

"Woop! C'mon buddy! How's your shave?"

"It's a little uncomfortable, it snags"

"Wow that's clean"

"It's gliding"

"Ahhh come on, take it" [man in a towel grabs him round the neck] "alright alright!"

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Barely anything greats my carrot harder than a stupid, irrelavant, poorly made or a downright cringey advert. What's the worst you've seen?

Here are my most hated ones:

1.) The Halifax Adverts. Gahhh. Shut the feck up. You don't have a radio station. And if you did, the DJs wouldn't be bankers. They would be DJs. You can cover up the fact your offers are distinctly average by smiley figures making prats of themselves all you like, but it still makes ME angry.

2.) Direct Line Adverts. Employing comedians to act out your advert doesn't make it funny. Alexander Armstrong pretending to play golf when Chris Addison is trying to sell him car insurance just isn't funny.

3.) The AA Adverts. Jon Cleese, what you doing???

4.) Sensodyne Adverts. WHY DOES THE CAMERA LOOK AT THE DENTIST'S HANDS WHEN HE'S TALKING ABOUT TEETH? :mad: And you can't have "technology" in toothpaste

5.) Gilette Fusion Proglide Challenge. Ok, I'm not going to state what's wrong with the advert; I'll just quote the advert itself.

"Woop! C'mon buddy! How's your shave?"

"It's a little uncomfortable, it snags"

"Wow that's clean"

"It's gliding"

"Ahhh come on, take it" [man in a towel grabs him round the neck] "alright alright!"

This one makes me feel sick.

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Has to be that ******* Meerkat, hands down winner. Almost as bad as the Crazy Frog when that was on.

My son loves the meerkat adverts, I think the 1 with the old meerkats is quite funny, as it reminds me of my grandad and what he would be like if he was on those adverts.

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Heh, I actually work in the advertising - months of development go into these ads and a lot of it is very dependent on whether you can get the clients (i.e. the brands) to buy into your agencies idea (which is an uphill struggle believe me).

Honestly in my experience a lot of bad adverts are partially down to the client not actually quite getting what modern audiences want to see. The amount of time you spend planning strategies, researching target audiences, brainstorming ideas, dealing with set backs, etc, etc.

Duracell - to be fair most those adverts you list aren't actually aimed at you, so they won't have been too bothered about putting together something that was mean't to appeal to you. Except Gillette. I did some work on a Gillette project - client was petrified of doing anything remotely interesting or original. Nightmare to work for....

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Duracell - to be fair most those adverts you list aren't actually aimed at you, so they won't have been too bothered about putting together something that was mean't to appeal to you. Except Gillette. I did some work on a Gillette project - client was petrified of doing anything remotely interesting or original. Nightmare to work for....

Fair enough, but can't they get their point accross without annoying the hell out of me? I don't want to lose all my hair by my 18th birthday...

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Surprised noone has mentioned any of the injury lawyers/compensation ads, the woman that falls over and the contents of her bag propelled across the room, with a fringe like that she needs all the compo she can get.

Any advert which involves stooges where you get clearly get a couple of working class yorkshire folk and tell them to read the autocue for a tenner.

And I agree with Duracell; the toothpaste adverts, I can guarantee that toothpaste is the biggest scam there is, buy the cheapest brand as I do as there is no difference in "active ingredients" ie. fluoride in any of them. Trust me I'm a chemist. The better brands just jazz up the taste.

"We buy any car .com" - Enough said.

Football on the BBC = Heaven

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Surprised noone has mentioned any of the injury lawyers/compensation ads, the woman that falls over and the contents of her bag propelled across the room, with a fringe like that she needs all the compo she can get.

Any advert which involves stooges where you get clearly get a couple of working class yorkshire folk and tell them to read the autocue for a tenner.

And I agree with Duracell; the toothpaste adverts, I can guarantee that toothpaste is the biggest scam there is, buy the cheapest brand as I do as there is no difference in "active ingredients" ie. fluoride in any of them. Trust me I'm a chemist. The better brands just jazz up the taste.

"We buy any car .com" - Enough said.

Football on the BBC = Heaven

So Colgate have been no better for me pearly whites than Tesco's own cheap stuff?? Bah, what a con. I'm going to buy the cheap stuff now. Incidently Silly - there maybe another cheap idea to get your gnashers clean. I've seen it suggested to just use a bit of bicarbonate of soda. Will that work too?

Oh and for me, the worst adverts on telly are the stoopid meercat and the go compare guy. The best ones are the M&S ads.

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