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5 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

Jesus christ - is James Whale still going? This is just his schtick and always has been, invite someone on that you don't agree with, talk over them, insult them, refuse to engage with them, then cut them off and make out like you "won"

Proper big LOL at the end when he says "if the British Empire still existed the world would be a safer place"

Yes mate because we'd have killed everyone who didn't eat fish and chips on a Friday. 

Who watches this rubbish? It must send you totally mental 


It's TalkTV. 

It's been a disaster and James Whale has tried very hard to generate interest by being openly racist, storming out of interviews, demanding people be removed from his show and all kinds of really dramatic displays. 

And still nobody watches the cack. I think that channel used to give a platform to Nadine Dorries, Jeremy Kyle and Vanessa Feltz too. And of course Piers Morgan. 

They used to be able to get good guests on off the back of October 7th but now anybody who has any basic grasp of what's gone on in the last 75 years and isn't desperate to get on TV bothers. It's a sure fire way to be treated in a similar way to that woman who Whale laughed at when she was talking about being sexually assaulted. 

It's the kind of place a man might claim you can grow concrete. 

Edited by Alph
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11 hours ago, Alph said:

It's TalkTV. 

It's been a disaster and James Whale has tried very hard to generate interest by being openly racist, storming out of interviews, demanding people be removed from his show and all kinds of really dramatic displays. 

And still nobody watches the cack. I think that channel used to give a platform to Nadine Dorries, Jeremy Kyle and Vanessa Feltz too. And of course Piers Morgan. 

They used to be able to get good guests on off the back of October 7th but now anybody who has any basic grasp of what's gone on in the last 75 years and isn't desperate to get on TV bothers. It's a sure fire way to be treated in a similar way to that woman who Whale laughed at when she was talking about being sexually assaulted. 

It's the kind of place a man might claim you can grow concrete. 

Christ I remember James Whale. Didn't realise he was still going.

Used to be my reminder to turn talksport off back in the day. (Well him and Galloway)

More relevant than that idiot, is what Vance is saying about this crisis/war, now he’s in the VP position. He and his boss will be prepared to give Israel whatever they need to “finish the job”.


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Just now, Ramarena said:

Christ I remember James Whale. Didn't realise he was still going.

Used to be my reminder to turn talksport off back in the day. (Well him and Galloway)

More relevant than that idiot, is what Vance is saying about this crisis/war, now he’s in the VP position. He and his boss will be prepared to give Israel whatever they need to “finish the job”.


I assume by "the job" they'll pretend they mean destroying Hamas. Which they know is impossible. We know that they know it's impossible. They know that we know that they know it's impossible. 

But let's all play utterly stupid. Being stupid is how Trump gets in the Whitehouse anyway. Saying lots of things that are proven to be false while under a meaningless vague patriotic slogan of "Make America Great Again" (Not to be confused with the equally vague "put the Great back in Great Britain")

Let's be honest about what the job is. It's settling Gaza. 

Then we can call peace and do it all over again in 2035 where Hamas 2.0 need to be destroyed in The West Bank. And if Egypt or Jordan don't like it then "why don't they take the Palestinians in?!?" 

One good thing about Trump being president is that he'll end the war in Ukraine by appeasing Putin eventually, won't he?


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37 minutes ago, Ram-Alf said:

It aint looking to good is it?


At least when it comes to Ukraine the Americans acknowledge international law. When it comes to Israel they would rather hit out at ICC lawyers and their families. 

I can't see how we de-escalate from here. We appear to have dodged a larger conflict when Iran and Israel exchanged fire. But Israel/Hezbollah has been a growing problem that I thought might push America towards demanding Netenyahu accept a ceasefire. Doesn't seem like that's likely to happen so at some point America will have to intervene more directly. 

Perfect arena for a reasonable man like Donald Trump to step up with his posturing, patriotic nonsense. The man who declared Jerusalem as Israel's capital. 

Exciting times

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10 hours ago, Alph said:

I assume by "the job" they'll pretend they mean destroying Hamas. Which they know is impossible. We know that they know it's impossible. They know that we know that they know it's impossible. 

But let's all play utterly stupid. Being stupid is how Trump gets in the Whitehouse anyway. Saying lots of things that are proven to be false while under a meaningless vague patriotic slogan of "Make America Great Again" (Not to be confused with the equally vague "put the Great back in Great Britain")

Let's be honest about what the job is. It's settling Gaza. 

Then we can call peace and do it all over again in 2035 where Hamas 2.0 need to be destroyed in The West Bank. And if Egypt or Jordan don't like it then "why don't they take the Palestinians in?!?" 

One good thing about Trump being president is that he'll end the war in Ukraine by appeasing Putin eventually, won't he?


As you suggest, causality may want to mess with Mr Trumps plans, whether in Israel/Gaza, or Ukraine/Russia

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  • 3 weeks later...

Countries urge nationals to leave Lebanon as Mid-East war fears grow

Several countries have urged their nationals to leave Lebanon - , with the US warning its citizens to do so on “any ticket available” - as fears grow of a wider conflict in the Middle East.

Iran has vowed “severe” retaliation against Israel, which it blames for the death of Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on Wednesday. Israel has not commented.

His assassination came hours after Israel killed Hezbollah senior commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut.

Western officials fear that Hezbollah, an Iran-backed militia and political movement based in Lebanon, could play a key role in any such retaliation, which in turn could spark a serious Israeli response.

Diplomatic efforts by the US and other Western countries continue to try to de-escalate tensions across the region.

But reacting to such concerns, the US, the UK, Sweden, France, Canada and Jordan urged their citizens to leave Lebanon as soon as possible, as a growing number of flights are cancelled or suspended at the country’s only commercial airport in Beirut.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Good old Stephen Yaxley Lennon and his Zionist links being exposed. 

EDL and JDL as one. Money dropped into his account from sponsors with one hand in "The liberation of England" and the other hand in "disputed land" 

Got quite a history, our Stephen. A walking contradiction. He's not alone. There seems to be quite a few high profile figures who's "patriotism" has glaring contradictions and comes with cosy financial benefits. 

Not that any of the "patriots" that follow him are bothered by the links to the FIDF. They just see an ally against Muslims. 

I think Joe Glenton covered the riots quite well and goes some way to explaining the state of the country and the consequences of war mongering. 

I'm sure, moving forward, that the rich will continue to make the poor fight the poor, protect their circle and do whatever they can to support their sponsors, such as AIPAC, in a war against Iran and Hezbollah along with the ethnic cleansing in occupied Palestine (not just Gaza) as they destroy any hope at potential peace. 

It's not just Russia that plants seeds of discontent in our democracy. 


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I think we've now completed the full set. 

All the things Israel claimed (often without evidence) about Hamas are now being compiled against Israel.... with evidence (plenty by Israeli investigation). Despite the fact Israel won't allow independent journalists in

Killing babies, rape, torture, executions, targeting civilians, human shields, genocidal policy, mass graves, targeting aid workers and journalists, mutilation (of the dead and living), starvation....

All this while the world is watching. But we can assume before October 7th that they were "the most moral army in the world that holds up to the very highest standards of international law"

The Henry Jackson Society is going to have to get Katie Hopkins and Stephen Yaxley Lennon to work harder

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It's a land grab, plain and simple.  West Bank next, while we watch and impotently comment.

Indiscriminate slaughter, don't be a softie, the little kids grow up to be big terrorists.

For Greater Israel, the end will justify the means.

In this upside down world, it's about Lebensraum don't ya know.

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16 hours ago, ramit said:

It's a land grab, plain and simple.  West Bank next, while we watch and impotently comment.

Indiscriminate slaughter, don't be a softie, the little kids grow up to be big terrorists.

For Greater Israel, the end will justify the means.

In this upside down world, it's about Lebensraum don't ya know.

Certainly seems that way and not just the IDF doing the grabbing either. There's a lot of nice coastal reall estate up for grabs for anyone prepared to raze villages to the ground. 


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18 hours ago, ramit said:

It's a land grab, plain and simple.  West Bank next, while we watch and impotently comment.

Indiscriminate slaughter, don't be a softie, the little kids grow up to be big terrorists.

For Greater Israel, the end will justify the means.

In this upside down world, it's about Lebensraum don't ya know.

Given the current actions by the Israeli government, that's more likely than ever.  Which is the biggest irony of this whole tragic conflict. The more Israel does to 'defeat Hamas' the more it guarantees Hamas' existence in future by encouraging recruitment. 

I'm sure Netanyahu and his ilk know all this, but they just don't care.  The US still have their back, and that makes them internationally invulnerable. 

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3 hours ago, Highgate said:

I'm sure Netanyahu and his ilk know all this, but they just don't care.  The US still have their back, and that makes them internationally invulnerable. 

Oh I'm sure they care. We know they support and encourage Palestinian infighting. If Hamas didn't exist then they'd find another enemy as sure as one would rise up anyway. 

Only a fool would claim Israel want to destroy Hamas at this point and thankfully most the media has given up on that ridiculous claim. Most. 

They haven't needed a big group like Hamas to encourage them into the West Bank. They'll find enemies wherever they need to. They did it before Hamas and they'll do it after. 

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