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Reddit vs. the Hedge Funds


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I'm fascinated by this. The financial system is set up to favour the institutions against the people so it's lovely to see the people fight back. My (very limited) understanding is that the shorts of the hedge fund in question mature tomorrow, but that might be wrong. Reddit is urging the people to stay strong and not to sell the stock, and this in theory could bankrupt the hedge fund (which was trying to bankrupt the games outlet whose stock this is about). It reminds me of the early stages of Pretty Woman!

I bought some stock as an experiment. But just for fun, which is what this particular reddit is about. Like cryptocurrency, presume you're going to lose it all and anything else is a bonus! BTW - this is not financial advice, just my philosophy!

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Absolutely wonderful to see the hedge fund and financial types losing their heads over this. It seems that high risk gambles and market manipulation is only acceptable when it's working in their favour. They are quite happy to see businesses go down the pan to secure their short positions, duck the lot of 'em.

On the flip side, this Gamestop bubble will burst, and 'normal' people will lose a lot of money. Some of the crusader types that just want to give the hedge funds a slap can probably afford to lose what they put in. There will be a few bandwagon jumpers that can't.

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49 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

I bought some stock as an experiment. But just for fun, which is what this particular reddit is about. Like cryptocurrency, presume you're going to lose it all and anything else is a bonus! BTW - this is not financial advice, just my philosophy!

Precisely this, go in with something you're prepared and expecting to lose/waste anyway.

Exactly what I've done, made £500+ all from the winnings of a £10 bet I won on SkyBet the other week! Just going to continue holding and listen to the people cleverer than me on Reddit who've made tonnes of money so far.

A certain user, has made $49m from $55k he invested as a YOLO buy in 2019.

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Put in a small amount to AMC and Nokia yesterday because I love what’s going on. Holding and seeing how it goes, not enough money to bother me if I lost it all tomorrow but I enjoy sticking it to the man.

Not sure if people have seen but RobinHood and Trading 212, the two largest apps for retail in U.S and Europe, have stooped users being able to buy GameStop and AMC today. They can only sell.

Extremely blatant market manipulation. The hedge fund, Capitol, that bailed out the hedge fund that started all of this by shorting GameStop, Melvin Capitol, handles 60% of RobinHoods trades. You do the maths.

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Down 32%.

Someone on Reddit had put $200,000 in at close, just hope they could afford it. Some great stories of student and medical bills being paid off, families bailed out of debt, fear there will be a darker side to this where some will have lost a hell of a lot of money. 

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1 hour ago, David said:

It is but a lot of brokers have now suspended buying, can sell only so it’s taking a huge hit today. Down 20% at time of writing. 

Yep the big boys don't like ordinary people costing them money. 

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33 minutes ago, David said:

Down 32%.

Someone on Reddit had put $200,000 in at close, just hope they could afford it. Some great stories of student and medical bills being paid off, families bailed out of debt, fear there will be a darker side to this where some will have lost a hell of a lot of money. 

It's betting now, not investing.

They'll be someone who's followed the pack and loses everything.

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By restricting people's ability to buy the dips whilst simultaneously continuing to short the stocks (that they've already shorted to death), hedge funds are doing alright out of today. People will see the decline and figure they've had enough, driving the price down further.

It could well just be an attempt to lessen tomorrow's losses. In GME's case they've still borrowed more stock than is available on the market for their shorting purposes, so hopefully people with shares in them will hold throughout this evening - a lot of these short positions are due tomorrow. 

I put a bit into AMC yesterday for fun, who for the same reasons are down a lot right now. Just got to hold and wait for the hedge funds to come begging for your shares! 

*not investment advice, barely know what I'm on about*

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4 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

It's also very similar to  the ending of Trading Places!

there was an end  ? I only remember Jamie lee curtis boobs.

sorry I'm a sexist pig.

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