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God I hate fire works


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4 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

I love fireworks. I’ll try to defend them. But I’ll fail. I live them like an NRA nut likes guns. I’ll try to say they’re an important part of our culture, I only use them to defend myself, but ultimately, I just like them. 

I actually decided last year we’d only go to organised shows as a family. It’s cheaper, safer, and better, to be honest. We had a great time at an event round here. 

but with lockdown I had to get a little selection box from Tesco. And we had a nice time in the garden. I’m creating memories for my kids, like my dad did for me. 

someone moaned on Facebook on Friday: ‘firework night was last night, give it a rest!!’ That’s daft, I think you have to accept as long as there are fireworks, they will be going off for at least the 5th and the weekend, if not about a week. People aren’t going to have fireworks parties on a weekday. I told her she’s going to really do her nut on Saturday night, if she can’t cope with a couple of Friday night. 

I tell you what, dog owners, if you can stop moaning about fireworks for 4 days, I’ll promise not to loan next time I step in dog poo. 

Some of us pick our dog mess up and put it in a bin.

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Just now, B4ev6is said:

Some of us pick our dog mess up and put it in a bin.

Most I think.

Sadly its the minority as always who create the Ill feeling. 



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3 hours ago, Sith Happens said:

Different debate but it does seem harder to go anywhere these days without dogs being there.

I like dogs, but i dont understand why anyone would take a dog into a pub where food is being served. I sort of get having an 'area' where dogs can go, but they often have free reign of pubs nowadays.

Also, keep your dogs on leads people if they arent well behaved enough to jump up on me with their muddy and wet paws.

Some are well behaved and go to sleep under the table and perhaps they dont like to be left.

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Just now, B4ev6is said:

Some are well behaved and go to sleep under the table and perhaps they dont like to be left.

I am not debating that. i just don't want a dog near me when I'm eating.


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Ban dogs and fireworks. Sorted. 


Although dog owners tend to be the problem rather than the dogs themselves, fireworks are just awful. Maybe before the internet and TV they were a semi-interesting spectacle but loud bangs and "ooh look at the pretty lights" is hardly my idea of entertainment. Think you have to be pretty easily amused to enjoy them. 

Wouldn't mind if they were only allowed on one night of the year or at Public displays only but it's the two week long barrage that wears thin.

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7 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

I've always thought that fireworks are crap and overrated (apart from the ones at Disney), but, for a long time, didn't have a strong opinion on them.

But after reading tales of how they distress pets and vulnerable people year on year, I see absolutely no justification for their casual use.

More people than we'll ever truly know about, have been "tough enough and brave enough" to fight wars to help us keep safe and free, and yet now seem to spend the bulk of November hiding away, quaking and curled up in a corner somewhere.

Upsetting enough for those of us who witness it, let alone those that actually experience it.

The sooner they are banned, the better, imo.   

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3 hours ago, GenBr said:

A ban on fireworks is an excellent idea. Technology has moved on - just do as the Chinese do and use drone's with lights on instead. No loud explosions to bother peoples pets and they look a million times better


This is amazing. I look forward to these drones being used in the future... as a way to enhance a firework display.

notice how all the best ones had fireworks in the background. 

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3 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

Ban dogs and fireworks. Sorted. 


Although dog owners tend to be the problem rather than the dogs themselves, fireworks are just awful. Maybe before the internet and TV they were a semi-interesting spectacle but loud bangs and "ooh look at the pretty lights" is hardly my idea of entertainment. Think you have to be pretty easily amused to enjoy them. 

Wouldn't mind if they were only allowed on one night of the year or at Public displays only but it's the two week long barrage that wears thin.

Dogs are the probleam it is bloody fire works just does affect pets but wild life as well.

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21 hours ago, Sith Happens said:

Different debate but it does seem harder to go anywhere these days without dogs being there.

I like dogs, but i dont understand why anyone would take a dog into a pub where food is being served. I sort of get having an 'area' where dogs can go, but they often have free reign of pubs nowadays.

Also, keep your dogs on leads people if they arent well behaved enough to jump up on me with their muddy and wet paws.

I agree and I’m a dog owner. I was in a food shop the other day and a woman bought a dog in. Someone pointed out it wasn’t allowed and she said ‘he’s ok, he’s well behaved’. You have to accept dogs are dogs and people are people. 

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Just now, Ewe Ram said:

You have to accept dogs are dogs and people are people. 

I dunno,  have witnessed some behaviour where the lines are blurred.?

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Think they need to ban certain fireworks for public use. Our friends brought them kid friendly ones which got the thumbs up from their neighbour who has a couple of dogs. The massive ones which are like a shower of bombs need to be banned. Far too loud, unnecessary and dangerous. 

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