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14 minutes ago, Archied said:

Is it really that wrong to turn around and give it back to those that slate others ? 
there is a level of selfishness in some covid rule breakers no doubt , but by god there is a level of selfishness in the people at the other end of the extreme which I find stunning that they can’t see in themselves 

Each to their own, I wasn't even commenting on the content, more around the post stating I'm not having a go but really I am.

If it makes you happy to rant and rave about something then that's your prerogative, the poster didn't make the rules, he isn't breaking any laws, but if it makes you feel better for doing so then fire away. Personally I don't see the connection between someone, for example going to a shop without a mask on just to cause a scene and someone having an extension built or buying beer from another country, but hey ho that probably makes me a hypocrite as well.

Similarly if you think everyone who is working from home has benefitted from the lockdown and hasn't had it as hard as others and you think they are selfish, off you go, rant away, personally I find the idea laughable, but it thats what you feel, go for it. I'm more than happy to take anything coming my way, won't lose any sleep over it ?

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50 minutes ago, Archied said:

Yep the whole post is stunningly lacking in self awareness and beyond comprehension on how it’s possible to label those against lockdown as selfish ?????

Sadly it was my most self-aware post of the day. Deliberately phrased and intended to trigger a certain reaction, and thank you sir for not letting me down.




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6 minutes ago, BIllyD said:

Each to their own, I wasn't even commenting on the content, more around the post stating I'm not having a go but really I am.

If it makes you happy to rant and rave about something then that's your prerogative, the poster didn't make the rules, he isn't breaking any laws, but if it makes you feel better for doing so then fire away. Personally I don't see the connection between someone, for example going to a shop without a mask on just to cause a scene and someone having an extension built or buying beer from another country, but hey ho that probably makes me a hypocrite as well.

Similarly if you think everyone who is working from home has benefitted from the lockdown and hasn't had it as hard as others and you think they are selfish, off you go, rant away, personally I find the idea laughable, but it thats what you feel, go for it. I'm more than happy to take anything coming my way, won't lose any sleep over it ?

Sorry billy but it called giving it back ,you can call pointing out hypocrisy in the most finger pointing posters ranting and raving if you like it’s up to you,

to think the idea of just working from home is anywhere near the real suffering people in this is totally laughable 

im willing to bet that b4 has had to put building his extension on hold now his job at the cinema is furloughed and under threat , but hey cinemas and the like are just luxuries, it’s not like we are living in dungeons ??,


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1 minute ago, Archied said:

Sorry billy but it called giving it back ,you can call pointing out hypocrisy in the most finger pointing posters ranting and raving if you like it’s up to you,

to think the idea of just working from home is anywhere near the real suffering people in this is totally laughable 

im willing to bet that b4 has had to put building his extension on hold now his job at the cinema is furloughed and under threat , but hey cinemas and the like are just luxuries, it’s not like we are living in dungeons ??,


I've had to work from gone for the past 2 years, COVID just prolonging that. Plenty of other stuff within our family that has happened as a result of both this and the virus, financially and other things that I prefer not to go into.

But as I said, you carry on putting everyone into them buckets, makes no odds to me ?

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5 minutes ago, BIllyD said:

I've had to work from gone for the past 2 years, COVID just prolonging that. Plenty of other stuff within our family that has happened as a result of both this and the virus, financially and other things that I prefer not to go into.

But as I said, you carry on putting everyone into them buckets, makes no odds to me ?

Think your a bit unfair there billy , I’ve treated you with respect regardless of whether we agree or not ,I’ve not really called you out on stuff simply because you’ve not thrown out the level of self righteous rubbish as some

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5 hours ago, Norman said:

He linked that sort of treatment months and months a go. 

But it wasn't peer reviewed and he was asked for scientific data that made it impossible to have a discussion, and was ridiculed. 

Nah this is another drug. Many cancer drugs have been trialed in may different settings and had very positive results. Truth is, many don't want these things to be true. They thrive off the misery of Covid and adore the propaganda. 

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5 minutes ago, Archied said:

Think your a bit unfair there billy , I’ve treated you with respect regardless of whether we agree or not ,I’ve not really called you out on stuff simply because you’ve not thrown out the level of self righteous rubbish as some

I've said previously that I don't do the tit for tat but haven't got an issue with it being done. I don't mind your posts because they don't hide behind anything, other than calling it for what it is. Don't say I agree with them, as I'm sure you do t mine, but as I say I'd much rather someone saying something as it is rather than having a hidden dig.

My post was around the people who have it better because they are able to work from home and they have it better, which you have put a few times. I'm one of those, id certainly say I have it better than some, but worse than others, but to put all us into a bucket as you have done, saying we want lockdown to continue, IMO is wrong.

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4 minutes ago, BIllyD said:

I've said previously that I don't do the tit for tat but haven't got an issue with it being done. I don't mind your posts because they don't hide behind anything, other than calling it for what it is. Don't say I agree with them, as I'm sure you do t mine, but as I say I'd much rather someone saying something as it is rather than having a hidden dig.

My post was around the people who have it better because they are able to work from home and they have it better, which you have put a few times. I'm one of those, id certainly say I have it better than some, but worse than others, but to put all us into a bucket as you have done, saying we want lockdown to continue, IMO is wrong.

I've worked from home too, I know I'm better off than some but I'd say still not been a walk in the park,  was put at risk if redundancy which was stressful for the couple of months the process ran for, had my pay cut to the same levels as many if my colleagues who were furloughed while having to pick up extra workloads owing to half our team on furlough for 4 months. 

its better now but has been massively stressful at times. 

Plus work at home or not I still haven't seen my family for months now.

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6 minutes ago, BIllyD said:

I've said previously that I don't do the tit for tat but haven't got an issue with it being done. I don't mind your posts because they don't hide behind anything, other than calling it for what it is. Don't say I agree with them, as I'm sure you do t mine, but as I say I'd much rather someone saying something as it is rather than having a hidden dig.

My post was around the people who have it better because they are able to work from home and they have it better, which you have put a few times. I'm one of those, id certainly say I have it better than some, but worse than others, but to put all us into a bucket as you have done, saying we want lockdown to continue, IMO is wrong.

We disagree where the tipping point on lockdowns are and that’s fine , your missing the point though billy when you say I’m putting you all in a bucket ,,, if you look back you will see my argument is very much the opposite, I have been arguing very strongly against the we are all in it together garbage being thrown around hence pointing out how we are very much not all in the same bucket

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3 minutes ago, Archied said:

We disagree where the tipping point on lockdowns are and that’s fine , your missing the point though billy when you say I’m putting you all in a bucket ,,, if you look back you will see my argument is very much the opposite, I have been arguing very strongly against the we are all in it together garbage being thrown around hence pointing out how we are very much not all in the same bucket

Maybe I am missing your point then ?‍♂️

To quote one of your posts "to think the idea of just working from home is anywhere near the real suffering people in this is totally laughable".

Maybe Im wrong in what you are implying here, because it seems to me that you are saying if you work from home, it's nowhere near the suffering that other people are having to go through ? Is that not what you are saying, or is it something else, because as I said, I'm struggling to see what you are implying if it's not ?

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9 minutes ago, BIllyD said:

Maybe I am missing your point then ?‍♂️

To quote one of your posts "to think the idea of just working from home is anywhere near the real suffering people in this is totally laughable".

Maybe Im wrong in what you are implying here, because it seems to me that you are saying if you work from home, it's nowhere near the suffering that other people are having to go through ? Is that not what you are saying, or is it something else, because as I said, I'm struggling to see what you are implying if it's not ?

What I’m trying to do is make it clear that throwing round the covidiot and selfish insults is very wrong by some on here and it can easily be turned around ,

of course working from home can be fine for some but could be soul destroying for others , there are people for whom ending lockdown without delay is vital to them ,for all sorts of different reasons 

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9 minutes ago, Archied said:

What I’m trying to do is make it clear that throwing round the covidiot and selfish insults is very wrong by some on here and it can easily be turned around ,

of course working from home can be fine for some but could be soul destroying for others , there are people for whom ending lockdown without delay is vital to them ,for all sorts of different reasons 

The bit that pees me off most is that From day one of this there has been the dilemma of destroying lives and costing lives to save lives but some preach there’s no argument or debate to be had and if you don’t agree with they’re opinion on it they insult and accuse ,there comes a time to give it back??‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Uptherams said:

Nah this is another drug. Many cancer drugs have been trialed in may different settings and had very positive results. Truth is, many don't want these things to be true. They thrive off the misery of Covid and adore the propaganda. 

In the report from Israel, it stated that the cancer drug cured Covid, was relatively cheap and had no side effects. 

Why are we letting people die when they could be saved, why aren't the media all over it?

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7 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

In the report from Israel, it stated that the cancer drug cured Covid, was relatively cheap and had no side effects. 

Why are we letting people die when they could be saved, why aren't the media all over it?

Reports once came out of America advocating coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body. 

The drug you refer to is under clinical trials at the moment, along with lots more. 

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5 hours ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

The vulnerable are now protected there’s no need for us to be locked away. 

I had my first jab 2 weeks ago. The second will be another 10 weeks in the future, and then it will take another 3 weeks after that for this vulnerable person to be 'protected', at least according to the recommendations of the vaccine manufacturer.

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2 hours ago, Archied said:


stive has already stated he is working from home so all good financially 

now he is having builders , roofers ect round building an extension 

he finds wickets quite busy 

and can’t see what people are moaning about 

why would you be in an hurry to end lockdown unless you were just selfish?

just wow 


Yes, but at least he didn't buy a box of beer from Belgium in November last year, so he's not personally responsible for thousands of deaths. That guilt is consuming me - I think I'll end it all.

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5 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I had my first jab 2 weeks ago. The second will be another 10 weeks in the future, and then it will take another 3 weeks after that for this vulnerable person to be 'protected', at least according to the recommendations of the vaccine manufacturer.


Are sure? As I understand, you’re protected 3 weeks after your first thus allowing the jabs to be spread apart. This process has allowed us to give the first dose and “protect” 17m people.


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31 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

In the report from Israel, it stated that the cancer drug cured Covid, was relatively cheap and had no side effects. 

Why are we letting people die when they could be saved, why aren't the media all over it?

Same reasons why people aren't being told every hour to go outside get some fresh air and do 10-12k steps in an hour of sunshine whilst also supplementing with Vitamin D. 

Imagine if these vaccines were only as effective as Vitamin D. 

Watch as these vaccines become an annual thing. Non optional. All about the money. 

Now we are getting people trying to convince us all to eat synthetic meats. Let's call them what they are, processed foods. Just like all the processed vegan junk meals. 

People are idiots. 

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