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3 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

To be honest I, am I suspect many others, are not particularly concerned about challenging the source of the virus right now. We just want us and our loved ones to survive it. What, I think, many of us find frustrating/annoying etc are those that, despite overwhelming medical and scientific opinion, refuse to accept that this is serious. 

I have no idea or opinion at the moment as to whether this was an accident, deliberately released by a foreign state, originated from live animals or has been inflicted upon us my aliens from another planet. 

Yeah but being locked up is boring, let’s at least speculate until we can argue about how bad XX is playing for the Rams ?

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6 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

To be honest I, am I suspect many others, are not particularly concerned about challenging the source of the virus right now. We just want us and our loved ones to survive it. What, I think, many of us find frustrating/annoying etc are those that, despite overwhelming medical and scientific opinion, refuse to accept that this is serious. 

I have no idea or opinion at the moment as to whether this was an accident, deliberately released by a foreign state, originated from live animals or has been inflicted upon us my aliens from another planet. 

Thats why even when i don't quite accept the official narrative, I'm not pig headed enough to think I'm definitely correct, so am doing as everyone else just in case. 

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7 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

1. Is it nature saying enough enough and fighting back?

2. where we on the verge of a financial collapse.  I work in the steel industry and since Q3 last year there has most certainly been a global decline in steel output, which is the leading indicator to a drop in production of most items ( cars, white goods, construction etc etc). And this was released to avoid the crash?
3. Is it just one of those things?

4. Did a “Country” do it on purpose to disrupt world trade due to embargo’s and sanctions being put in place

5. over population is said to be the biggest threat to mankind, is this an attempt to address it?

interesting times, guess we’ll never know but love to hear what people think? (even if it’s shut up crack pot) 


Could be any one of or a mix of all those things. Doesnt help that Gates has spoken about the world needing to be depopulated and does a test run of a Coronavirus outbreak last year and low and behold what happens! 

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11 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

To be honest I, am I suspect many others, are not particularly concerned about challenging the source of the virus right now. We just want us and our loved ones to survive it. What, I think, many of us find frustrating/annoying etc are those that, despite overwhelming medical and scientific opinion, refuse to accept that this is serious. 

I have no idea or opinion at the moment as to whether this was an accident, deliberately released by a foreign state, originated from live animals or has been inflicted upon us my aliens from another planet. 


3 minutes ago, goldstar said:

Thats why even when i don't quite accept the official narrative, I'm not pig headed enough to think I'm definitely correct, so am doing as everyone else just in case. 

As @Tamworthram says, at this moment in time I don't think now is the time to concentrate on where this virus has come from, unless of course it is of human doing and they have a cure/antivirus.

And as @goldstar says, I'm following recommendations so as I and those near to me can survive it.

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7 billion plus people on earth. Given a large enough population, densely enough packed together, infectious disease will flourish. Why do you think they have to smash antibiotics into battery chicken feed?

Population like we have, interacting like we do, this has been inevitable for decades. We're lucky the death rate is relatively small.

MERS, SARS,? Remember them? The world was poised for this back then...and then it didn't happen because the virus hadn't made quite the right evolutionary leap to hit us hard. Now it has. 

One day, maybe tomorrow, maybe in a 100 years, a deadly and infectious virus like ebola will evolve to become active across temperate climates and we'll lose half the population of earth.

One day, maybe tomorrow, maybe in 100 years, a mild but infectious and stable common cold virus will evolve to become deadly and we'll lose half the population of earth.

Our only hope against that is scientific research and our own ingenuity. 

It's not mysterious, it's just outside of our everday experience. The point is that our everday experience does not prepare our imperfect mammalian brains for this.

Was 1918 influenza man made? No. Is it possible that covid-19 was? Yes, we have the tech. Was it? Not in a million years, and if you think it was you're wrong. For one...why? The global economy has tanked. Who gains? Nobody.

Back the scientists, they're the best of us.

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6 minutes ago, Needlesh said:

One day, maybe tomorrow, maybe in a 100 years, a deadly and infectious virus like ebola will evolve to become active across temperate climates and we'll lose half the population of earth.

One day, maybe tomorrow, maybe in 100 years, a mild but infectious and stable common cold virus will evolve to become deadly and we'll lose half the population of earth.

well.....as long as the football is still on. 

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My little family has apparently overdosed on Corona news.  To take our minds off things we watched a Sherlock Holmes episode we had not seen before.  5 minutes in there is a scene of a young couple in a passenger ship's cabin much relieved after having escaped the evil clutches of the notorious Italian Red Circle society.  Automatically my first thought was two meters people, two meters, but then it got worse, they embraced, oh the humanity, followed closely by horror and disbelief at the madness of them passionately kissing.

i was going to keep these thoughts to myself until Mrs ramit blurted out that she had thought the exact same thing.

If we were meant to be thoroughly conditioned, i can say with confidence job done.

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On 20/03/2020 at 12:48, smiths_tavrn said:

But what I can't see is how anyone can take the stance of "it's official public policy therefore it's 100% correct, 100 % of the time." and yet so many people seem to take that point of view.

Nah mate, what you do is convince yourself that your the only person on here capable of critical thinking so that you can sermonise everybody else with your inane conspiracy theories. Let's be honest, it's not just this virus that you've prattled on about, is it?

Strangely, you don't seem to care one iota that some folk on here are genuinely concerned, whether they should be or not, rather far more interested in appearing fully woke amidst a sea of 'politically correct sheep' - WTAF? 

And as for inferring you'd carry on as normal even if you thought you might have the virus, well that just shows what an utter weapon you really are. 

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1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

I think along the same lines to be honest, no way this has come from bat soup. 

Cross species virus transmission is not unusual at all, and humans are entirely susceptible to it. It's happened frequently in the past, it may very well have happened now with coronavirus and it will happen again in the future.

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5 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Ah, I'm back off ignore am I? How many times is that now, old boy? ?

Um....I dunno....I lost count ? 


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4 minutes ago, RamNut said:

Um....I dunno....I lost count ? 


There's a knee-high joke here but I'll refrain this time.

On thread, there's some right scumbags out there. This is about as low as you can get - from the Beeb...

A man has appeared in court charged with making fake kits which claimed to treat Covid-19.

Frank Ludlow, 59, was arrested in a post office near his home in West Sussex on Friday, the City of London Police said.

He was arrested by the force's Intellectual Property Crime Unit after it was contacted by US counterparts.

The kits allegedly contained harmful chemicals which people were being told to use to rinse their mouths with.




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1 hour ago, goldstar said:

Could be accidental, there is a bio lab in Wuhan, very near to the market where they are blaming the outbreak. Also wondering whether the rumbles of an upcoming economic crash has coupled nicely with this so they can blame the depression on bailing everyone out with these loans, closures etc. when really it was ducked anyway. 

Nice to hear someone not completely closed minded! Never hurts to be open to other ideas. 

There you go presenting your theories. That's all I was asking .

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4 minutes ago, bigbadbob said:

There you go presenting your theories. That's all I was asking .

Id say a theory was a bit more in depth than that but fair play 

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23 hours ago, smiths_tavrn said:

You will make a veiled threat like that and get away with it scot free. I  guarantee the mods on here will condone it. 


14 hours ago, smiths_tavrn said:

Lol no comment.


14 hours ago, smiths_tavrn said:

Oh I geddit, it's all just a dry sense of humour is it? How would you know when someone who is dry by nature is serous? Anyway forget that melodrama, Vaccination is another issue and seems like you want to open up another can of worms. Lets stick to the possibility that anti-viral drugs are the problem here and not go down the rabbit hole of vaccines for the time being. Although I expect they'll be trying to rush a vaccine out as the supposed cure for what is likely a false narrative. Of course the vaccine will be largely untested and the side effects, which could be highly dangerous, nobody will have a clue about.


12 hours ago, smiths_tavrn said:

Just been down the supermarket for one item are the shelves are being stripped bare again. I dread to think what some peoples stockpiles must be like. 


3 hours ago, smiths_tavrn said:

The coronavirus death toll in the UK has reached 233 after NHS England said a further 53 people had died in England after testing positive.

The patients were aged between 41 and 94 years old and all had underlying health conditions.


Anybody any idea what anti-virals these patients were taking?



22 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

You sound like a barrel of laughs.


15 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

But I was being sarcastic. You'd be someone in the pub I'd avoid like the plague.


4 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

I most certainly wouldn't. What a totally idiotic comment. Are you trolling?



So anyway, Smithy... Why exactly have you omitted the "e" from "tavern"?

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