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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Was just thinking the other day, what on earth happened to Jacob Rees-Mogg?!

He's asleep at the moment - Nanny tucked him in. Although I'm not quite sure how she manages that, what with him hanging upside-down from the rafters sleeping off a nice meal of peasant's blood.

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1 hour ago, Uptherams said:

What happened to most of the Conservative party? They are obviously distancing themselves from the leadership because they plan to get rid of Boris and Hancock, etc. Good luck to them ??

You may have missed this, but most of them left around last December time, with 2 or 3 hanging around on the back benches.

The party that won the last election, certainly aren't conservative.



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9 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Some posters on here seem knowledgeable about coronavirus and the world's governments responses to it.

I haven't got a clue, but i have tried to read different views from different sources and i still have no idea what to believe.

Is there any truth in this article for instance?



Chossudovsky is a complete and utter nutcase, and GlobalResearch is a website for the average batshiat insane conspiracy theorist.

Inbound angry disagreement in 5....4....3....

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6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Chossudovsky is a complete and utter nutcase, and GlobalResearch is a website for the average batshiat insane conspiracy theorist.

Inbound angry disagreement in 5....4....3....

You won't get any anger from me Eddie. I really am trying to understand whats going on.

The one thing i do know, becasue of my job, is that cloth masks are bad for you. That's  a long standing proven fact. The build up of bacteria over even a short period of time could easily cause a pneumonia type infection unless you put a clean one on after every use, even a 5 minute use to pop in your local shop.

This doesn't seem to have been explained to everyone, if it has i must have missed it.



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17 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Some posters on here seem knowledgeable about coronavirus and the world's governments responses to it.

I haven't got a clue, but i have tried to read different views from different sources and i still have no idea what to believe.

Is there any truth in this article for instance?



Covid is a very complex problem the world in facing.

Even the leading experts in the relevant fields do not have all the answers. The experts will argue, the economists will scream at the scientists, the media will add its opinion to the mix, politicians will make mistakes, the population will scream at the politicians and each other, fingers will be pointed and fights will ensue. But at the end we will pick up the pieces and carry on, as humans we are very adaptable. 


If you are unsure take your information only from the BBC and other official reliable sources.

The article you posted is talking poop.

Ask yourself the question, why would my government want to nose dive the economy and purposefully let its people die, and then to top it off pay billions upon billions of pounds to do it. 

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8 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

You won't get any anger from me Eddie. I really am trying to understand whats going on.

The one thing i do know, becasue of my job, is that cloth masks are bad for you. That's  a long standing proven fact. The build up of bacteria over even a short period of time could easily cause a pneumonia type infection unless you put a clean one on after every use, even a 5 minute use to pop in your local shop.

This doesn't seem to have been explained to everyone, if it has i must have missed it.



Yes masks can be negative in certain circumstances. If you don’t already have health problems though I wouldn’t really worry about having to wear one. 

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17 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Show me the scientific evidence for your 'long standing proven fact' please.

Cloth masks will harbour bacteria which multiplies very quickly. If you don't wear a fresh one each time you're breathing in huge amounts of bacteria.

I work in a food manufacturing factory and we were taught this 30 years ago.

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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:

When we left Blair was PM. Are you telling me he's not still in charge?

Oh good god no!

We now have a different public schoolboy in charge, who takes holidays at a different billionaires expense each summer, and has a blue tie instead of a red one. 

You won't recognise the place!

As a sign of progress for example, Vinyl is now more popular than the new fangled Compact Disc.

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3 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Cloth masks will harbour bacteria which multiplies very quickly. If you don't wear a fresh one each time you're breathing in huge amounts of bacteria.

I work in a food manufacturing factory and we were taught this 30 years ago.

Surely that's your own bacteria though, so what harm can it do?


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1 hour ago, uttoxram75 said:

Some posters on here seem knowledgeable about coronavirus and the world's governments responses to it.

I haven't got a clue, but i have tried to read different views from different sources and i still have no idea what to believe.

Is there any truth in this article for instance?



'Global Research' is a conspiracy theory website, who push disinformation, and are allegedly Kremlin backed. The founder is a board member of other pro-Russian platforms as well. 

They're big on claiming things are false flags if my memory serves me right, including claiming the CIA did 9/11, and if I recall right they even claimed that a coalition of the US, UK and Israel did the London bombings.

On Covid, they initially claimed it wasn't real, then that it originated in the USA. They also have a history of vaccine based conspiracy theories. 

Also, you can usually spot such websites, as they're usually chockers with ads. Actual research tends to get externally funded, hence doesn't need to rely on clicks in the same way. Conspiracy websites almost exclusively make their cash from people consuming their nonsense, hence get filled to the brim with ads. Ads doesn't immediately mean you should disregard a source of course, but you should usually look more into it when there's so many. 

As to their actual claims, they spend much of this article quote mining to build a platform to appeal to authority, then go off the deep end. The real meat of their claim comes back to PCR testing, and claiming more testing means more false positives, to 'spread panic'. Now, there's a massive number of problems with what they're claiming, not least of which is that the trend isn't just in cases, but hospitalisations, and deaths, which is what you're expect for a second wave. Their claim that more testing leads to more positives is easily shown to be false, given that countries where the virus is controlled have maintained extremely low positive rates (as nobody has it). This is not the case in the UK. Additionally, they're just flat out wrong about the PCR testing in terms of false positives in any case; they're rare, and make up a vanishingly small number of the positive cases. Their claims about it 'picking up parts of influenza viruses' are just them misrepresenting how the PCR testing works, the tests in question are highly specific, and will not be picking up other viruses as they claim. They also ignore serology studies. 

They brush over the deaths by just saying 'the falsification of death certificates'. We know there is an increased number of deaths this year, and they correlate with the cases; there is no question that the virus is killing people, none at all, we can tell this both case by case, as well as through testing and analysis of trends of deaths. If anything, the suggestion is that the number of deaths has been underestimated, as the virus can kill by organ failure, but these can get missed as the virus is widely associated with pneumonia. Given the number of cases, the number of people you expect to die 'with', as opposed to 'of' Covid-19 is quite small, as discussed earlier in this thread. 

So, it's a conspiracy website with alleged links to the Kremlin pushing disinformation. 

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Just now, reverendo de duivel said:

Surely that's your own bacteria though, so what harm can it do?


Its the amount of bacteria you inhale, doesnt matter where it comes from. We were also taught that bacteria will travel through cloth so any touching of the mask will transfer to your hands.

In an ideal world people would dispose of their mask immediately after use and use a fresh one next time. In reality we will have them stuffed in our jeans pocket or car door and reuse them over and over.

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2 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

As long as you change it every 10 minutes.

The types of masks most people are wearing  have masses of airflow and are not the type of mask you generally need to worry about.

Surgeons change masks around every 90 mins as a guideline. Bearing in mind surgery is the one place infection control is critical due to the vulnerability of the patient. 

Your everyday joe is wearing a simple mask to stop large droplets, homemade masks are adequate, we are not talking specialist masks. 


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