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23 minutes ago, David said:

Sorry to hear that, but as I said earlier I think it needs to effect you personally be it yourself, a friend or loved one for you to actually sit back and think this is real.

Many people live in areas that haven't been effected badly, or know anyone that has tested positive, hospitalised or know or at worst died, and when you're in that position it's easy to brush it off as just a cold.

Try not to be offended, but to understand why they may not take it as seriously, where I live the case rate per 100,000 people is 6.3 - the tenth lowest in the country, so you do become a little complacent at times as that number is so so low.

I'm not offended at all. You get matey with some on here over time but I'll never meet any of them so that's as far as it goes. Some opinions I respect, some not so much. No biggy.

Fact is that it's dead easy to trot out a bunch of glib rubbish if you've not been directly affected, but the conscious bravado of some on here does my swede. I'm not talking about you btw!! Also, even I've found myself being complacent, as you put it, at times. It's hard not to let your guard down on occasions, we're not machines after all. That I understand, the other stuff, not so much.

A final thought is that there will be more folk on here who have been affected than we are aware of. They might simply not want to share that with a bunch of people they've never met. I thought long and hard about it to be honest. It's just a shame that some folk are obviously incapable of taking that into account. 

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19 minutes ago, David said:

Sorry to hear that, but as I said earlier I think it needs to effect you personally be it yourself, a friend or loved one for you to actually sit back and think this is real.

Many people live in areas that haven't been effected badly, or know anyone that has tested positive, hospitalised or know or at worst died, and when you're in that position it's easy to brush it off as just a cold.

Try not to be offended, but to understand why they may not take it as seriously, where I live the case rate per 100,000 people is 6.3 - the tenth lowest in the country, so you do become a little complacent at times as that number is so so low.

You’re thinking about going out on that mobility scooter again aren’t you

.Dallas Cowboys Eye Roll GIF by ScooterMagruder

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2 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

I'm not offended at all. You get matey with some on here over time but I'll never meet any of them so that's as far as it goes. Some opinions I respect, some not so much. No biggy.

Fact is that it's dead easy to trot out a bunch of glib rubbish if you've not been directly affected, but the conscious bravado of some on here does my swede. I'm not talking about you btw!!

A final thought is that there will be folk on here who have been affected and might simply not want to share that with a bunch of people they've never met. I thought long and hard about it to be honest. It's just a shame that some folk are obviously incapable of taking that into account. 

It's not glib rubbish, but reading back my post it does work both ways and I think it's important people do stop to think about others when they post. Hopefully my post and the replies do make people stop and think a little, it has me for one who probably has become somewhat complement due to my experiences in my little world.

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22 minutes ago, David said:

Sorry to hear that, but as I said earlier I think it needs to effect you personally be it yourself, a friend or loved one for you to actually sit back and think this is real.

Many people live in areas that haven't been effected badly, or know anyone that has tested positive, hospitalised or know or at worst died, and when you're in that position it's easy to brush it off as just a cold.

Try not to be offended, but to understand why they may not take it as seriously, where I live the case rate per 100,000 people is 6.3 - the tenth lowest in the country, so you do become a little complacent at times as that number is so so low.

Maybe there is more impact if you know someone. I forgot to mention a guy I work with who had it really bad right at the start. I didn't know he had it until I spoke to him in towards the end of March. He seems like a fit and healthy guy and he was proper shook up by it.

There is no getting away from the 50kish excess deaths though we had in the Spring. Those numbers are just huge. Some people have been talking as if this didn't actually happen/or couldn't happen again, even when the rise in hospital admissions has started.

We screwed the economy up for he first wave as well as having one of the worst death rates per head. The same thing looks like it's going to happen again.

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1 minute ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

I wasn't referring to your post and actually edited mine in case you thought as much. Anyway, best I leave it there really.

I know you wasn't referring to me, I've barely posted in this topic for the past few months so don't worry, no offence taken. But my experiences do possibly mirror others that have possibly not been as sympathetic. 

I don't think they are at fault as such, you get trapped in your own little bubble, what you see and go off that, as I say maybe the replies to my question may see a different tone in the replies going forward?

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1 minute ago, David said:

I know you wasn't referring to me, I've barely posted in this topic for the past few months so don't worry, no offence taken. But my experiences do possibly mirror others that have possibly not been as sympathetic. 

I don't think they are at fault as such, you get trapped in your own little bubble, what you see and go off that, as I say maybe the replies to my question may see a different tone in the replies going forward?

Well like your good self, I don't bother posting in here these days. When you read folk saying they'd crack on the same even if one of their own was taken, it's not hard to surmise that debate is dead and opinions entrenched. I've not agreed with much of this government's handling of the virus but I abide by the rules nonetheless, as I did before my girlfriend fell ill. It can be dressed up any way we like but that's the simple choice. The rest is just waffle and window dressing.

None of us knows how this will play out because few, if any, are qualified to assess what comes next. The virus is mutating at a rate of knots and I remain fearful of a significant second wave especially in the colder winter months. I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

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6 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Maybe there is more impact if you know someone. I forgot to mention a guy I work with who had it really bad right at the start. I didn't know he had it until I spoke to him in towards the end of March. He seems like a fit and healthy guy and he was proper shook up by it.

There is no getting away from the 50kish excess deaths though we had in the Spring. Those numbers are just huge. Some people have been talking as if this didn't actually happen/or couldn't happen again, even when the rise in hospital admissions has started.

We screwed the economy up for he first wave as well as having one of the worst death rates per head. The same thing looks like it's going to happen again.

No getting away from the numbers, but out of a population of 60m that is relatively small with the odds of knowing someone personally, and like anything as sad as it sounds, it really does need to effect you to take notice. 

Take cancer for example, huge killer globally, yet Simon Thomas, ex Sky Sports presenter who sadly lost his wife to blood cancer, would he be campaigning now for awareness of blood cancer had it not been for his wife? Possibly not, and thats not a dig at him personally, we are all guilty of it.

In England in 2016:

12,018 people were diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma

8,208 people were diagnosed with leukaemia

4,731 people were diagnosed with myeloma

1,717 people were diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma

2,163 people were diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndromes



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4 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Well like your good self, I don't bother posting in here these days. When you read folk saying they'd crack on the same even if one of their own was taken, it's not hard to surmise that debate is dead and opinions entrenched. I've not agreed with much of this government's handling of the virus but I abide by the rules nonetheless, as I did before my girlfriend fell ill. It can be dressed up any way we like but that's the simple choice. The rest is just waffle and window dressing.

None of us knows how this will play out because few, if any, are qualified to assess what comes next. The virus is mutating at a rate of knots and I remain fearful of a significant second wave especially in the colder winter months. I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

As a virus mutates, it typically becomes more virulent and less harmful.  If this is a naturally occurring virus, that's what we´re looking at, if not, well..

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8 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Well like your good self, I don't bother posting in here these days. When you read folk saying they'd crack on the same even if one of their own was taken, it's not hard to surmise that debate is dead and opinions entrenched. I've not agreed with much of this government's handling of the virus but I abide by the rules nonetheless, as I did before my girlfriend fell ill. It can be dressed up any way we like but that's the simple choice. The rest is just waffle and window dressing.

None of us knows how this will play out because few, if any, are qualified to assess what comes next. The virus is mutating at a rate of knots and I remain fearful of a significant second wave especially in the colder winter months. I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

I haven't seen that said, but if it has I won't try and defend that.

As you say the governments handling hasn't been great, but in fairness I don't know any country where the population are happy with how they have handled it, even Sweden that were the most relaxed have come in for strong criticism whilst things are improving.

The experts worldwide can't even agree on masks, distancing etc. When the experts can't agree, it's easy to see why us lot can't agree with no virus medical background.

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Someone I work with has had it and she hasn't been able to work properly since

I work with six schools up north and they have had the deaths of three head teachers parents and a couple of TAs

I'm in isolation at the moment as my daughter has the symptoms

We as a family had the tests at Toyota on Wednesday and waiting for the results

I'm taking it all very seriously

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4 hours ago, David said:

Having only just started to read this topic, just curious and this isn't to start any conspiracy theory or prove any point as just, just complete curiosity that is all as members on this board are from across the country where as I only have a small sample size.

Does anyone on this forum know of anybody personally that has been hospitalised with Covid-19, or even friend of a friend. 

I know one person, a friend of my missus who was tested positive for it, but wasn't hospitalised, 

My niece and the boyfriend of another over in England have had it, and although they weren't hospitalised they were quite rough. Two couples we are good friends of, their daughters are just coming out of it. Neither has been hospitalised and were actually without symptoms or at most only mild.

The couple that own the apartment beneath ours (in their seventies)are from Madrid and were hospitalised when the virus first took a hold. Both were very ill, although I don't think they were in intensive care. Unfortunately the sister and her husband of the woman both died due to Covid.

I must admit, considering how many people we know very few have actually been diagnosed as positive, however both my wife and a niece are nurses ( my wife over here and my niece over there) and will both categorically state that this is no hoax.

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2 minutes ago, richinspain said:

I must admit, considering how many people we know very few have actually been diagnosed as positive, however both my wife and a niece are nurses ( my wife over here and my niece over there) and will both categorically state that this is no hoax.

Would like to think nobody truly believed it was a hoax, just maybe not really truly appreciated the severity of it.

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12 minutes ago, David said:

The experts worldwide can't even agree on masks, distancing etc. When the experts can't agree, it's easy to see why us lot can't agree with no virus medical background.

Nail on head right there. This is further exacerbated by the fact that many 'experts' are just playing lip service to their respective governments because they are funded from the public purse. Our own government played down the importance of PPE when we had none, but recently performed another massive u-turn now insisting on us using it. My guess is that their 'advice' is more rooted in political expediency than science so I can understand why folk are confused and angry. I do however see a groundswell of civil disobedience and I fear that if I'm not just imagining it, it will most likely only end one way and that won't be pretty. Of course anyone voicing that opinion just gets accused of scaremongering so it's scarcely worth discussing. 


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2 minutes ago, David said:

Would like to think nobody truly believed it was a hoax, just maybe not really truly appreciated the severity of it.

Unfortunately I've also got family members who believe it's all been invented by governments to control the Prols. At least that's their latest belief, before that they swore it was because of the 5g masts!

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3 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Nail on head right there. This is further exacerbated by the fact that many 'experts' are just playing lip service to their respective governments because they are funded from the public purse. Our own government played down the importance of PPE when we had none, but recently performed another massive u-turn now insisting on us using it. My guess is that their 'advice' is more rooted in political expediency than science so I can understand why folk are confused and angry. I do however see a groundswell of civil disobedience and I fear that if I'm not just imagining it, it will most likely only end one way and that won't be pretty. Of course anyone voicing that opinion just gets accused of scaremongering so it's scarcely worth discussing. 



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2 minutes ago, richinspain said:

Unfortunately I've also got family members who believe it's all been invented by governments to control the Prols. At least that's their latest belief, before that they swore it was because of the 5g masts!

I see a lot of people say this is all about control, but I can't see that, many world leaders don't get on, can you see Trump and Putin for example agreeing to create this pandemic to control? It just wouldn't happen. 

The 5G thing was just daft, although thats not to say we should be completely dismissive of the idea it's not safe. We know that holding mobiles to our heads isn't exactly a great idea.

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4 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Nail on head right there. This is further exacerbated by the fact that many 'experts' are just playing lip service to their respective governments because they are funded from the public purse. Our own government played down the importance of PPE when we had none, but recently performed another massive u-turn now insisting on us using it. My guess is that their 'advice' is more rooted in political expediency than science so I can understand why folk are confused and angry. I do however see a groundswell of civil disobedience and I fear that if I'm not just imagining it, it will most likely only end one way and that won't be pretty. Of course anyone voicing that opinion just gets accused of scaremongering so it's scarcely worth discussing. 


When I went into the hospital the other day I saw two terrifying things.  firstly a chap at the entrance getting people to change many masks to medical grade ones as there's were no longer considered efficient- since May we've been told to cover our faces with an old sock as long as it had a filter made from toilet roll and that would be ok .  Seems it isn't .  Secondly a bloke creating havoc as he'd put some self tan on his face and didn't want to wear a mask in case it left marks.  

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7 minutes ago, David said:

I see a lot of people say this is all about control, but I can't see that, many world leaders don't get on, can you see Trump and Putin for example agreeing to create this pandemic to control? It just wouldn't happen. 

The 5G thing was just daft, although thats not to say we should be completely dismissive of the idea it's not safe. We know that holding mobiles to our heads isn't exactly a great idea.

I agree with you entirely, however conspiracy theorists seem to make more noise than the rest of us.

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