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3 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Are you serious? You realise that nobody dies from covid and nothing else?

It's a virus, and our immune system fights it off - until it doesn't (for whatever reason) at which point our immune system gets overrun and it's things like pneumonia that finish us.

Your logic says that no one dies from being stabbed They just die of blood loss. There are no fatal stabbings, just people whose blood fell out of a knife-shaped hole

Ok so you have validated my point, how many people have died from COVID not with it. 

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14 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Am I? People are trying to explain to you that, whether those deaths are from COVID or with COVID is immaterial for the 65,000 people who you are claiming died because of something other than the "flu" that this virus is. 

I agree that the numbers are mostly meaningless and I've avoided getting bogged down in trends of tests, of meaningless 24 hour death tolls and the other random number generators that this government have been pumping out. But the excess deaths for the year is the best measure we have. That's a lot of people dying this year over and above the norm.

This is not a flu. It needs people to treat it seriously.

If excess deaths are the best measure - and given we are now at about 7 per day as the hospital average, can we please just get most things returning to bloody normal?

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16 minutes ago, rammieib said:

If excess deaths are the best measure - and given we are now at about 7 per day as the hospital average, can we please just get most things returning to bloody normal?

Well we could, if we didn't know that we're seeing a rise in cases again. We know what happened when cases rose last time. It's how can we manage the population best and prevent the infections getting to the levels they were in March onwards.

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13 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Well we could, if we didn't know that we're seeing a rise in cases again. We know what happened when cases rose last time. It's how can we manage the population best and prevent the infections getting to the levels they were in March onwards.

How do you know they will get to them levels, stats currently are saying the opposite.

Anyway my last and parting quote on this topic. Shame on all of you who have welcomed the “new norm” with open arms and not questioned any of it. I hope you will be really happy when you see your neighbours houses being repossessed and loved ones heading to the food bank come spring next year. 

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Deaths pre lockdown were at a similar level to they are today. It can clearly 'take off' any time, which is why measures are in place and will continue to be so, and change regularly until such time someone who is more qualified than anyone on this forum is happy to lift them.

If we had just sat back and thought only a handful of people have died why bother with lockdown what would have happened? I dare bet more than 65k excess deaths would have been recorded, a lot more.

Lets face it we all have opinions but they matter little really as we arent experts and arent being paid big bucks to guide the policy.

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9 minutes ago, djfred84 said:

What's being forgot aswell from usual suspects is flu season is soon to be upon us. You need to keep hospitalisations down so people can have other treatments ie cancer etc. 

Worth people being aware if you are vulnerable you should qualify for a free flu jab, and this year that's extended to anyone living with vulnerable people. 

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Why did 100 people turn up at an A&E in Bolton wanting a Coronavirus test? Are some people just really dumb? Surely they know if they think they have it the last place it needs spreading to is a hospital. The problem is people think getting a test is the be all to end all and have actually forgotten to isolate. People are having tests when returning from holiday and thinking they are ok and not quarantining when required. The problem is 50% of the population is thicker than the average person. Get ready for the second wave.

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7 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

Why did 100 people turn up at an A&E in Bolton wanting a Coronavirus test? Are some people just really dumb? Surely they know if they think they have it the last place it needs spreading to is a hospital. The problem is people think getting a test is the be all to end all and have actually forgotten to isolate. People are having tests when returning from holiday and thinking they are ok and not quarantining when required. The problem is 50% of the population is thicker than the average person. Get ready for the second wave.

I’m guessing it was a school WhatsApp group stunt

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Still no test results here from the Monday morning test. Despite the supposed 48 hour turnaround. And someone we know had a test in Burton on the same day and got theirs back on Tuesday. So we all continue to isolate

What I find interesting is that the people who were shouting about how the schools needed to reopen for the sake of our childrens' education aren't expressing the same level of passion about the failing test system that is keeping thousands of kids off school (needlessly in almost all cases I'm sure). In fact they seem to making excuses for the failing test system. Which makes me wonder if they ever really cared about the childrens' education in the first place

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26 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Still no test results here from the Monday morning test. Despite the supposed 48 hour turnaround. And someone we know had a test in Burton on the same day and got theirs back on Tuesday. So we all continue to isolate

What I find interesting is that the people who were shouting about how the schools needed to reopen for the sake of our childrens' education aren't expressing the same level of passion about the failing test system that is keeping thousands of kids off school (needlessly in almost all cases I'm sure). In fact they seem to making excuses for the failing test system. Which makes me wonder if they ever really cared about the childrens' education in the first place

The system is only failing because of massive & in many cases unnecessary demand.

I'm only bringing this argument up again with you because Mrs Wolfie was telling me this morning about 2 social workers in her team, who yesterday were saying they're struggling to get tests booked & asking what should they do?

When asked why they wanted tests, they said they have no symptoms but had done home visits to children in care this week who thought they may have covid (but were displaying cold symptoms only).

So not only were the children trying to get unneccesary tests, but their 2 foster carers and 2 Social workers who'd visited them whilst wearing PPE and social distancing.

In case you're wondering, Mrs Wolfie told them both to stop being silly (or words to that effect) & just check & follow the guidance online.

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If someone has got suspected symptoms of Covid 19 then they self isolate until they have had the test undertaken to positively confirm or not.

These were always the rules from day 1. Not sure what's suddenly changed now? Seems very simple to me. You can't have a test every day so someone coming into contact with other people might test negative on day one but if on day 3 when they come into contact with a carrier then the original test result won't be valid anymore. A lot of the pressure currently being placed on the system is people unnecessarily trying to get tests done.

Or are we saying that the whole country should be placed in lockdown again.

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33 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

The system is only failing because of massive & in many cases unnecessary demand.

I'm only bringing this argument up again with you because Mrs Wolfie was telling me this morning about 2 social workers in her team, who yesterday were saying they're struggling to get tests booked & asking what should they do?

When asked why they wanted tests, they said they have no symptoms but had done home visits to children in care this week who thought they may have covid (but were displaying cold symptoms only).

So not only were the children trying to get unneccesary tests, but their 2 foster carers and 2 Social workers who'd visited them whilst wearing PPE and social distancing.

In case you're wondering, Mrs Wolfie told them both to stop being silly (or words to that effect) & just check & follow the guidance online.

Perhaps the government should not have encouraged everyone to get tested regardless of symptoms earlier.

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17 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

The system is only failing because of massive & in many cases unnecessary demand.

I wouldn't say that's the ONLY reason. A much bigger reason is the absolute failure to anticipate and plan for the current scenario - despite the fact it was utterly obvious that this would happen

We've known for 2 months that the schools would be back, and we know that colds and respiratory viruses start to immediately circulate once they do. So we knew demand for testing would rise - and that testing would be crucial to keep the schools open, and kids in the classrooms

So yeah, there are bound to be people who are anxious to get tested despite having no symptoms, but so what? Is it really so many that the system falls over? I highly doubt it. The system is clear as it can be when booking online, that you have to state your reasons for requesting a test


Some people may just lie - but I doubt it's that many, and anyway it's almost impossible to book tests, as the website just tells you there are no sites available


But as usual - we're being duped into blaming each other for our governments failure. Suckers



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24 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

I wouldn't say that's the ONLY reason. A much bigger reason is the absolute failure to anticipate and plan for the current scenario - despite the fact it was utterly obvious that this would happen

We've known for 2 months that the schools would be back, and we know that colds and respiratory viruses start to immediately circulate once they do. So we knew demand for testing would rise - and that testing would be crucial to keep the schools open, and kids in the classrooms

So yeah, there are bound to be people who are anxious to get tested despite having no symptoms, but so what? Is it really so many that the system falls over? I highly doubt it. The system is clear as it can be when booking online, that you have to state your reasons for requesting a test


Some people may just lie - but I doubt it's that many, and anyway it's almost impossible to book tests, as the website just tells you there are no sites available


But as usual - we're being duped into blaming each other for our governments failure. Suckers



Thought I would check it out myself. Currently no available drive-through test sites, no home test kits, but I can go to a walk-through test site in Walsall. I don't fancy walking that far to be honest.

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27 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

But as usual - we're being duped into blaming each other for our governments failure. Suckers


Testing capacity has been massively ramped up (saw on the news last night) and we're doing more tests than pretty much any other country but yeah, it's the government's fault that thousands of people are unable/unwilling to follow the simple rules you've posted and presumably have to lie to try to get tests anyway?. Riiiight.

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50 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

I wouldn't say that's the ONLY reason. A much bigger reason is the absolute failure to anticipate and plan for the current scenario - despite the fact it was utterly obvious that this would happen

We've known for 2 months that the schools would be back, and we know that colds and respiratory viruses start to immediately circulate once they do. So we knew demand for testing would rise - and that testing would be crucial to keep the schools open, and kids in the classrooms

So yeah, there are bound to be people who are anxious to get tested despite having no symptoms, but so what? Is it really so many that the system falls over? I highly doubt it. The system is clear as it can be when booking online, that you have to state your reasons for requesting a test


Some people may just lie - but I doubt it's that many, and anyway it's almost impossible to book tests, as the website just tells you there are no sites available


But as usual - we're being duped into blaming each other for our governments failure. Suckers



All I can say then is people patently cannot follow guidelines which is nothing to do with the government. There must be a hell of a lot of the populous who have lost their sense of taste if that's the case. Which when you consider it makes a mockery of the number of people who partook in the government's recent eat out to help out scheme. Presumably their loss of taste didn't stop then from enjoying their discounted meals.

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