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So the latest research allegedly shows that 1 in 400 in the UK have coronavirus.

By my calculations that would equate to 170k.

If this is correct surely it means that there are not as many asymptomatic cases as was originally being claimed?


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5 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

So the latest research allegedly shows that 1 in 400 in the UK have coronavirus.

By my calculations that would equate to 170k.

If this is correct surely it means that there are not as many asymptomatic cases as was originally being claimed?


I think you must be referring to a report (can’t find it now) that suggested that something like 0.27% of the population had the virus. But, that was during a specific period. 170,000 can’t be the total since the outbreak started. There have been over 230,000 confirmed cases and that’s just from the very small proportion of people that have been tested (well below 3% of the total population).

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1 minute ago, Tamworthram said:

I think you must be referring to a report (can’t find it now) that suggested that something like 0.27% of the population had the virus. But, that was during a specific period. 170,000 can’t be the total since the outbreak started. There have been over 230,000 confirmed cases and that’s just from the very small proportion of people that have been tested (well below 3% of the total population).

Yes that was what I meant.

Surely that is supposed to give an idea of current active cases?

Even then it would sound low wouldnt it?

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Stay Alert.

For example, if 2 people enter a room to give a daily Coronavirus update, and that room has 3 podiums, perhaps try standing at the outside 2 and leave the middle one free.

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Interesting news this morning that infection levels in London now are much lower than the rest of the country and that the R number is very low. Is it a case of being a couple of weeks ahead or differing levels of adherence to social distancing? 

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I wish they would stop putting out these headline stats without some detail of what it actually means.

Test numbers are not useful unless they say what percentage were positive.

How many of new cases were picked up by a test?. How many were self or otherwise diagnosed?

All these models they use to calculate R, projected cases, deaths, give different results. Who do you trust? The R in London today is 0.4, so low you could almost unlock in a couple of weeks.

The UK numbers look bad compared to France, but a French friend in Rheims says they only count hospital deaths and he thinks community and Care deaths are way up but not reported.

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18 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

Interesting news this morning that infection levels in London now are much lower than the rest of the country and that the R number is very low. 

The R number is based on a very small statistical sample which causes it to go up and down like a whore's drawers. It's still the best we've got though. The Germans have moved on to using a seven-day average to correct for the large fluctuations in the daily values. It also depends on the time taken to report new cases, which can take longer than a single day.

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15 minutes ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

The R number is based on a very small statistical sample which causes it to go up and down like a whore's drawers. It's still the best we've got though. The Germans have moved on to using a seven-day average to correct for the large fluctuations in the daily values. It also depends on the time taken to report new cases, which can take longer than a single day.

Yeah but only 25 new cases in the last day compared with thousands in the North West and North East. You don't need to do a t test to know that there's a significant difference between the two. 

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1 minute ago, alexxxxx said:

Not been on it myself but zeen the 95% drop in numbers and figures of people on the train tho.

Well numbers are down but so are the available trains and someone on radio today was saying she had to stand very close to other passengers.

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7 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

Yeah but only 25 new cases in the last day compared with thousands in the North West and North East. You don't need to do a t test to know that there's a significant difference between the two. 

I'd look at it as a trend rather than an absolute figure. More cases in the north, less in the South. It shows that the disease is still being passed on in localised clusters.

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6 hours ago, Archied said:

Really? You suggest anyone in they’re house be refused treatment?   The wife’s getting right on my tits     Uhmmmmmm?

on a serous note is that how people like hitler started out with baby steps like that?

No . You would hope if it impacts on people around them they may think twice . I would hope it may make them think about the stupidity of there action. I would hope it may make those people there living with think why should I have to suffer for your stupidity, go and live in the park if you love it so much see you in a month .  This sort of twatishness needs some reaction with a consequence.  If there not bothered about themselves or you, they may care about there family you would hope.

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8 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

Well numbers are down but so are the available trains and someone on radio today was saying she had to stand very close to other passengers.

Numbers are down by so much the government had to bail out the transport body by £1.6bn last night! 

As part of that they will restart all the services ASAP. 

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6 minutes ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

I'd look at it as a trend rather than an absolute figure. More cases in the north, less in the South. It shows that the disease is still being passed on in localised clusters.

Even so it will be a difficult choice for the government whether changes to current policy will change by region. 

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54 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yes that was what I meant.

Surely that is supposed to give an idea of current active cases?

Even then it would sound low wouldnt it?

I’ve pretty much given up trying to make any sense of the “data” being provided.

The report we’ve both seen suggests 0.27% during the period in question whilst a “Cambridge PHE team” (whatever that is) reckons 12% of the population have had it. Other reports say the NE are seeing over 4,000 cases a day with a total for the UK of in excess of 11,000 daily whereas the daily figures provided from the government/NHS seems to be somewhere between 3 and 4 thousand for the whole country. I think the NHS figures are only lab based tests (or something) so, where are the rest coming from and why are there so many more?

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