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The Politics Thread 2020


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4 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Could always borrow Dubya's old one. After all, we can't be fare short of 'Mission Accomplished' going by the usual suspects coming out of their holes to defend the Tories this morning.

Hard to defend something when you don't tell anyone who you voted for, Edward, isn't it? 

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4 minutes ago, Eddie said:

So our tripe government is given a pass because EU bad, or in this instance company operating in EU bad?

Got it. Incidentally, there are many other countries not in the EU who have also out-performed our tripe government. What lame excuse are you making to bad-mouth all of them too?

I dont think anybody is giving our Government a pass.

I think they are just trying to be sensible and use reasonable comparatives to judge our response. 

France, Italy and Spain all located close by and have reasonably similar statistics to us.

Therefore, if people are questioning our performance and talking up the EU then it is right that it is questioned.

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5 minutes ago, 1967RAMS said:

Are u sure 350 million a day are dying of corona virus? By my rudimentary maths, humanity will be wiped out in a little over 3 weeks at that rate

Knew he would regret having Dianne Abbot in charge of his campaign.

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18 minutes ago, Eddie said:

So our tripe government is given a pass because EU bad, or in this instance company operating in EU bad?

Got it. Incidentally, there are many other countries not in the EU who have also out-performed our tripe government. What lame excuse are you making to bad-mouth all of them too?

Merely pointing out that every country has made mistakes in this pandemic. 

England has the most cases of Covid 19 in the U.K. which is the most densely populated country in Europe with international travel and a substantial BAME population. 

Which country is exactly the same so you can compare like for like?


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41 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

In some ways I hope Boris say's " Hello, hope you are keeping safe, No change for 3 weeks, Good night all!"

Even better if it's just to announce that he has thought of a dance that we all could do while singing Happy Birthday and washing our hands.

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If it's correct, and a new slogan is being introduced today by the government (Stay Alert > Control the virus > Save Lives) my view is what's the point in that? Does dropping the 'Protect the NHS' mean it doesn't need protecting anymore? At least we're keeping the 'Save Lives' bit

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19 minutes ago, 1967Ram said:

If it's correct, and a new slogan is being introduced today by the government (Stay Alert > Control the virus > Save Lives) my view is what's the point in that? Does dropping the 'Protect the NHS' mean it doesn't need protecting anymore? At least we're keeping the 'Save Lives' bit

I think they'd really like to substitute "Save commerce" for that bit.

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54 minutes ago, Norman said:

Corona. For the many not the few.

Can't Boris just regurgitate his first one?

"We'll send this virus packing in only 12 weeks... ahem, err;. well, actually I meant months, we'll send it packing in 12 months... or thereabouts".

Or how about, "30,000 isn't 20,000 but it's not half a million either'. That's pretty punchy, right?

Or maybe Cummings would come up with something snappier like, "Old people. Who needs them anyway?"

Maybe Pithy Patel could do one (I think many would like her to) but it wouldn't be snappy like Dom's. Maybe something like, "Our critics predicted the gong of the doomsday clock but it never even reached eleventy-midnight".

Or maybe, "50,000 dead, but at least shoplifting is down". That seems catchier and it contains a fictitious, sorry, I meant 'aspirational' number, which we all know is something you bus botherers like. 

Job's a good'un I reckon ?


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30 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Didn't stop your lot believing it last time round.

I bet the Corbyn's Christmases have been good recently. Do you reckon their family decides which one is crazier. 

Jeremy thinking he would get into power. 

Or his 5g hating brother. 

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41 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I think they'd really like to substitute "Save commerce" for that bit.

Or maybe they would like save commerce alongside save lives because they realise our economy collapsing could also lead to huge losses of lives going forward?

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2 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Or maybe they would like save commerce alongside save lives because they realise our economy collapsing could also lead to huge losses of lives going forward?

What the hell is wrong with you 

have you not heard the re released XTC song 

we’re only making plans for Eddie 

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13 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

They were as vague as you would expect from a brief address to the nation.

I believe alot of people will apply common sense and wait to see the detail coming in the following days.

The only people who have whipped them into a state of confusion will be the same ones who have been saying not to rush coming out of the lockdown over the last week.

But it’s the government, they’re supposed to govern, lead, & reassure in uncertain times. What we get is buzz words and crappy slogans. 

We’ll be expected to use common sense, but since when has the Great British Public been known for their collective common sense??

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2 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

But it’s the government, they’re supposed to govern, lead, & reassure in uncertain times. What we get is buzz words and crappy slogans. 

We’ll be expected to use common sense, but since when has the Great British Public been known for their collective common sense??

I don't think we are too bad at common sense. Have you ever been abroad when the fireworks are out!

Agree with your first paragraph though.

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17 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

But it’s the government, they’re supposed to govern, lead, & reassure in uncertain times. What we get is buzz words and crappy slogans. 

We’ll be expected to use common sense, but since when has the Great British Public been known for their collective common sense??

Isnt your first line just buzz words?

As much as people are pretending this isnt a political matter that's exactly what it has turned into.

I'd say the responses on both sides have been completely predictable.

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3 minutes ago, Archied said:

Personally can assure you this is not party political for me , are the people doing the job up to it simple as that , if you think for one second that I believe others would be handling it better because they stand on a different side of the political fence then you are crazy, 

That's fair enough.

Who do you think is 'up to it'?

What have you seen from countries comparable to ours to suggest that our Government is not 'up to it'?

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