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The Politics Thread 2020


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1 hour ago, TramRam said:

3. I wouldn't call it thumbing the Europeans...more like repeating what's happened within the EU and it's finances, Note no laughing emojis, People who laugh at their own post shows an insecure person.

Can't see where I've laughed at one of my own posts. But I could have easily missed it, with me being so insecure.

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3 hours ago, TramRam said:

*5. The Schengen Agreement, Prior to Covid-19 Austria, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Denmark, Netherlands had border checks against the EUs regulations, Now it looks like the most of the EU are doing the same as Covid-19 escalates.

Won't go into detail but I can say from experience that you could drive from Germany to Poland without border checks. Same driving from Belgium to the Netherlands. No passport checks. 

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1 hour ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

From the article...

The five meetings Johnson missed came during a period in late January and February where he spent an entire parliamentary recess out of sight at his official country retreat of Chequers.

So at the time of the WHO announcement and throughout the following month.  

Although it wasn’t declared a pandemic until 11th March.


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15 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Won't go into detail but I can say from experience that you could drive from Germany to Poland without border checks. Same driving from Belgium to the Netherlands. No passport checks. 

I'll still stick with prior.


But in March




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14 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

Although it was declared a pandemic until 11th March.

Well clearly Mr Johnson and your good self are in agreement then that there was little to be gained from taking any measures at all until COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic, or in Mr Johnson's case, a further fortnight later still.

We'll also overlook the fact that by the time action was taken here, there were @75,000 recorded cases in Italy alone with death counts running at @5-6k per day as this seems to sit easier with some on here than the alternative view. It's also far easier to just blame the WHO or China or both anyway, so let's run with that instead.





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1 minute ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Well clearly Mr Johnson and your good self are in agreement then that there was little to be gained form taking any measures at all until COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic, or in Mr Johnson's case, a further fortnight later still.

We'll also overlook the fact that by the time the lockdown was implemented here, there were @75,000 recorded cases in Italy alone with death counts running at @5-6k per day as this seems to sit easier with some on here than the alternative view. It's also far easier to just blame the WHO or China or both anyway, so let's run with that instead.

Ok Mr Hindsight did you say this at the end of January?

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3 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

Ok Mr Hindsight did you say this at the end of January?

Ok Mr Precious, no I did not but by the middle of February when 1,000s were dying across Europe I was just a tad concerned ? 

I guess from your response you weren't at all bothered though, so maybe a job in government beckons?

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7 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Ok Mr Precious, no I did not but by the middle of February when 1,000s were dying across Europe I was just a tad concerned ? 

I guess from your response you weren't at all bothered though, so maybe a job in government beckons?

Middle of February number of confirmed cases across the world. I can remember going to football matches I wasn’t kacking my pants.

Also the number of cases v the number of reported deaths in China wasn’t giving the indication that there would be 1000’s of deaths.


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3 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

Middle of February number of confirmed cases across the world. I can remember going to football matches I wasn’t kacking my pants.


Good for you chum. You're well 'ard, you are. Dead impressed.

You're still alive too, so clearly you were right, it was all just a storm in a teacup ?

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1 minute ago, ariotofmyown said:

Yeah, and I bet you didn't even attend those Cobra meetings either did you @86 Schmokes & a Pancake. And why weren't you making a big song and dance after the dire results of the pandemic simulation in 2016 eh? I don't know how you got elected Mr Hindsight.

I'm not overly fussed about trivial pandemics my good man. A month at my country seat playing bury the Boris bayonet trumps Cobra meetings every time, I'm afraid. I've got staff for all that malarkey after all ?

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41 minutes ago, TramRam said:

What can I say? Drove across several borders, no checks. Was I lucky? 

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15 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

Ok and you just keep making stuff up as you go along.

I'm not making anything up old chap - the timeframe cited was the time of the lockdown which is pretty clear from my posts if you bother to read them. I don't dispute the numbers were far lower in early early to mid-Feb but still sufficient for folk less manly than yourself to be concerned, but if it makes you feel better, then believe what you like.

The fact remains, whether you can cope with it or not, that 75k were already sick in Italy alone by the time we finally decided to lockdown the UK. If you're good with that, fine, just don't expect everyone else to be. We're as entitled to our own opinions as you are, believe it or not.


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8 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

I'm not making anything up old chap - the timeframe cited was the time of the lockdown which is pretty clear from my posts if you bother to read them. I don't dispute the numbers were far lower in early early to mid-Feb but still sufficient for folk less manly than yourself to be concerned, but if it makes you feel better, then believe what you like.

The fact remains, whether you can cope with it or not, that 75k were already sick in Italy alone by the time we finally decided to lockdown the UK. If you're good with that, fine, just don't expect everyone else to be. We're as entitled to our own opinions as you are, believe it or not.


I’m sorry if I have miss read your post and made myself look a fool.

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