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Matej Vydra - Signed for Burnley

Bris Vegas

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40% profit on a big investment is good work I think. I don't want us to be a completely selling club like Barnsley or something but the era of just buying big and watching their value plummet to zero (Shackell, Johnson, Butterfield) is just completely unsustainable. I trust Mel to reinvest much of the fee so I don't see the issue?

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1 minute ago, Papahet said:

Why shouldn't Morris take the blame though? prior to him coming in FFP wasn't an issue and our wage budget was under control.

Since then we've had to cash in on Hendrick, Hughes, Ince and now Vydra. We have one asset left in that squad and he's leaving to a fellow Championship side, that's pretty depressing if you ask me.

People act as if he's done something extraordinary, all he's actually done is blown a ton of wonga trying to get out this division and now trying his best to recoup it. Hardly a miracle worker is he? Had a shocker of a tenure so far

If you think he’s had a shocker you might want to go look at a few other clubs. In fact don’t, you’ll have a heart attack if you do!!

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2 minutes ago, Papahet said:

Why shouldn't Morris take the blame though? prior to him coming in FFP wasn't an issue and our wage budget was under control.

Since then we've had to cash in on Hendrick, Hughes, Ince and now Vydra. We have one asset left in that squad and he's leaving to a fellow Championship side, that's pretty depressing if you ask me.

People act as if he's done something extraordinary, all he's actually done is blown a ton of wonga trying to get out this division and now trying his best to recoup it. Hardly a miracle worker is he? Had a shocker of a tenure so far

He's done everything he could in terms of appointing managers we all (90% anyway) approved of at the time...and then backing them all. If there's anything wrong at Derby, it sure as hell isn't the chairman. 

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9 minutes ago, Papahet said:

Why shouldn't Morris take the blame though? prior to him coming in FFP wasn't an issue and our wage budget was under control.

As was our mid table finishes with nothing to play for past December, praying for just a million to be spent on a player in January to give us something to hold on to as attendances plummeted. Ahh the good old days.

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Not disputing Morris backing the managers, that's preciously what's got us into this mess in the first place.

30 odd million spree under Clement, new contracts galore, selling players for less than true value (Even Boro got more than we did from selling Christie 6 months later!)

What other clubs am I meant to be looking at @EnigmaRam? We have no parachute payments unlike Villa (they'll be fine BTW), We are left to run down contracts because no sod wants our overrated, overpaid bunch (Bent, Baird, Shackell..) and once Vydra goes, it's yet another one our the door just to stay within FFP a'la Hendrick, Hughes, Ince.

And how have we replaced those three players? Have we suddenly become masters of the market all of a sudden?

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15 minutes ago, David said:

As was our mid table finishes with nothing to play for past December, praying for just a million to be spent on a player in January to give us something to hold on to as attendances plummeted. Ahh the good old days.

Attendances are gradually plummeting, that's the funny thing. Why do you think Mel brought a big name like Lampard in?

We managed to get to a play off final without Morris investment, did we not? He only reappeared once he knew he could make a few quid out of the club and thought he could buy his way out of the league under Clement - didn't work and here we are today paying the price.

Where was he when we was mid table then huh? struggling for cash, freebie here freebie there.? He was nowhere to be seen.

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30 minutes ago, Papahet said:

Why shouldn't Morris take the blame though? prior to him coming in FFP wasn't an issue and our wage budget was under control.

Since then we've had to cash in on Hendrick, Hughes, Ince and now Vydra. We have one asset left in that squad and he's leaving to a fellow Championship side, that's pretty depressing if you ask me.

People act as if he's done something extraordinary, all he's actually done is blown a ton of wonga trying to get out this division and now trying his best to recoup it. Hardly a miracle worker is he? Had a shocker of a tenure so far

But he gave it a go. Imagine if we had an owner who never spent anything

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18 minutes ago, Papahet said:

Attendances are gradually plummeting, that's the funny thing. Why do you think Mel brought a big name like Lampard in?

We managed to get to a play off final without Morris investment, did we not? He only reappeared once he knew he could make a few quid out of the club and thought he could buy his way out of the league under Clement - didn't work and here we are today paying the price.

Where was he when we was mid table then huh? struggling for cash, freebie here freebie there.? He was nowhere to be seen.

How can they gradually plummet?






taking place or progressing slowly or by degrees.







fall or drop straight down at high speed.

Also how are we paying the price today? We're going into another season expected to be fighting for promotion again. Yes we spent poorly, but it hasn't set us back to the days of mid table football in front of an average 23k and scraping by has it, do you think Lampard would have signed up for any of that.

The season we made it into the play offs GSE had all but jumped ship, they had no interest in putting any money in, the deal to buy Derby was done before the play off final.

Damn you Mel for seeing potential in taking this club up to the Premier League and pumping your money into achieving that goal. 

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19 minutes ago, David said:

How can they gradually plummet?


Also how are we paying the price today? We're going into another season expected to be fighting for promotion again. Yes we spent poorly, but it hasn't set us back to the days of mid table football in front of an average 23k and scraping by has it, do you think Lampard would have signed up for any of that.

The season we made it into the play offs GSE had all but jumped ship, they had no interest in putting any money in, the deal to buy Derby was done before the play off final.

Damn you Mel for seeing potential in taking this club up to the Premier League and pumping your money into achieving that goal. 

How are we paying the price today? Errrm, well we are in the process of selling our only asset at the club to another Championship rival, solely to stay within FFP and give Frank a million or two to play with. We currently have a wage bill of a whooping 33 million and we look no closer to getting out of this division despite throwing God knows how many millions at it, with several managerial changes.

Hell,  just search for the SwissRamble twitter account, that'll explain in more detail how bad things look regarding our financial position anyway.

I'll say this though. Morris was part of the board with Gadsby who couldn't wait to sell up to the Americans in 2007, Morris shown no interest in the club whatsoever since then, these "mid table finishes with nothing to play for past December, praying for just a million to be spent on a player in January to give us something to hold on to as attendances plummeted" you mention, why couldn't Mel have come in and helped us out back then huh?

He literally only reappeared when it looked like we could actually gain promotion. He thought he'd make a fortune turning us into a Premiership side, that major backfired and now himself and the club are paying the price for it. Massive backwards step and we look nowhere closer to getting out the division now than we did in 2014

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2 minutes ago, Papahet said:

How are we paying the price today? Errrm, well we are in the process of selling our only asset at the club to another Championship rival, solely to stay within FFP and give Frank a million or two to play with. We currently have a wage bill of a whooping 33 million and we look no closer to getting out of this division despite throwing God knows how many millions at it, with several managerial changes.

Hell just search for the SwissRamble twitter account, it'll make more sense on there re our financial position anyway.

I'll say this though. Morris was part of the board with Gadsby who couldn't wait to sell up to the Americans in 2007, Morris shown no interest in the club whatsoever since then, these "mid table finishes with nothing to play for past December, praying for just a million to be spent on a player in January to give us something to hold on to as attendances plummeted" you mention, why couldn't Mel have come in and helped us out back then huh?

He literally only reappeared when it looked like we would actually gain promotion. He thought he'd make a fortune turning us into a Premiership side, that major backfired and now himself and the club are paying the price for it.

.... sooooooooooo about the "gradual plummet" ????????????

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7 minutes ago, Papahet said:

How are we paying the price today? Errrm, well we are in the process of selling our only asset at the club to another Championship rival, solely to stay within FFP and give Frank a million or two to play with. We currently have a wage bill of a whooping 33 million and we look no closer to getting out of this division despite throwing God knows how many millions at it, with several managerial changes.

Hell,  just search for the SwissRamble twitter account, that'll explain in more detail how bad things look regarding our financial position anyway.

I'll say this though. Morris was part of the board with Gadsby who couldn't wait to sell up to the Americans in 2007, Morris shown no interest in the club whatsoever since then, these "mid table finishes with nothing to play for past December, praying for just a million to be spent on a player in January to give us something to hold on to as attendances plummeted" you mention, why couldn't Mel have come in and helped us out back then huh?

He literally only reappeared when it looked like we could actually gain promotion. He thought he'd make a fortune turning us into a Premiership side, that major backfired and now himself and the club are paying the price for it. Massive backwards step and we look nowhere closer to getting out the division now than we did in 2014

Selling to hopefully invest in more than one new assets though. If we buy well, we take nearly £14m from AW and MV, get 3 players and maybe Abraham on loan, and either best case go up or if we have spent well, at least bought players we can receive £14m for down the line. It's the Butterfield's and Shackells that worry me far more than selling Vydra for a tidy amount.

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1 minute ago, Kennington Ram said:

Selling to hopefully invest in more than one new assets though. If we buy well, we take nearly £14m from AW and MV, get 3 players and maybe Abraham on loan, and either best case go up or if we have spent well, at least bought players we can receive £14m for down the line. It's the Butterfield's and Shackells that worry me far more than selling Vydra for a tidy amount.

Shackell has been released.


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3 minutes ago, Papahet said:

Attendances are gradually plummeting, that's the funny thing. Why do you think Mel brought a big name like Lampard in?

We managed to get to a play off final without Morris investment, did we not? He only reappeared once he knew he could make a few quid out of the club and thought he could buy his way out of the league under Clement - didn't work and here we are today paying the price.

Where was he when we was mid table then huh? struggling to cash? He was nowhere to be seen.

To be fair, it wasn't until Candy Krush took flight and he sold his bit that he suddenly became a viable option to run a football club at this level, certainly on his own. He had previously been an investor at the club under various regimes. 

If that was a bargain price then we would have a lot more clubs knocking at the door, surely? I felt with Hughes that we sold him far too quickly and we didn't let other teams come in with a better option. With Vydra we have seen numerous news stories so that every man & his dog in the football world know that he's available and what Leeds are offering. Unfortunately, no one else seems that arsed. It may be that teams do their homework when they're going to spend that sum of money and don't think he's worth it. 

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18 minutes ago, Papahet said:

How are we paying the price today? Errrm, well we are in the process of selling our only asset at the club to another Championship rival, solely to stay within FFP and give Frank a million or two to play with. We currently have a wage bill of a whooping 33 million and we look no closer to getting out of this division despite throwing God knows how many millions at it, with several managerial changes.

Hell,  just search for the SwissRamble twitter account, that'll explain in more detail how bad things look regarding our financial position anyway.

I'll say this though. Morris was part of the board with Gadsby who couldn't wait to sell up to the Americans in 2007, Morris shown no interest in the club whatsoever since then, these "mid table finishes with nothing to play for past December, praying for just a million to be spent on a player in January to give us something to hold on to as attendances plummeted" you mention, why couldn't Mel have come in and helped us out back then huh?

He literally only reappeared when it looked like we could actually gain promotion. He thought he'd make a fortune turning us into a Premiership side, that major backfired and now himself and the club are paying the price for it. Massive backwards step and we look nowhere closer to getting out the division now than we did in 2014

Does FFP only apply to Derby County or have I missed something? Do you think we are the only club that is having to watch what we spend to comply with the rules?

I'm also yet to see any evidence that suggests we HAVE to sell Vydra to a Championship rival for FFP, I've read the same tweets, wasn't the shortfall £4m being mentioned? Nothing in there to suggest it's Vydra that must be sold. 

Maybe Lampard doesn't see a place for him in the team, maybe we're heading back to the 433 days and we may as well move him on and Leeds are the only club to have shown real interest so that's where he's off. Show us the Premier League clubs falling over themselves to pick up a bargain?

Whilst you're at it find us a multi million pound owner that is happy to come into a football club, is able to get us promoted whilst turning a profit and will walk away without making a single penny during his time here. Fetch us back a Unicorn as well, I've always fancied one to brighten up my garden. 

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1 minute ago, David said:

Does FFP only apply to Derby County or have I missed something? Do you think we are the only club that is having to watch what we spend to comply with the rules?

I'm also yet to see any evidence that suggests we HAVE to sell Vydra to a Championship rival for FFP, I've read the same tweets, wasn't the shortfall £4m being mentioned? Nothing in there to suggest it's Vydra that must be done.

Maybe Lampard doesn't see a place for him in the team, maybe we're heading back to the 433 days and we may as well move him on and Leeds are the only club to have shown real interest so that's where he's off. Show us the Premier League clubs falling over themselves to pick up a bargain?

Whilst you're at it find us a multi million pound owner that is happy to come into a football club, is able to get us promoted whilst turning a profit and will walk away without making a single penny during his time here. Fetch us back a Unicorn as well, I've always fancied one to brighten up my garden. 

Correct. Verified by smart people doing careful reviews of Derby's accounts.

That is essentially covered by the released player's wages and the Weimann transfer fee. Vydra being sold is not a necessity, it is clearly a preference. 

One that I agree with, personally.

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