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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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On ‎22‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 18:15, Bridgford Ram said:

This must have been covered but just in case - I really hate the clickbait adds you get on all sites now with headlines like, 'She didn't know why the crowd were still cheering', 'The cameraman didn't expect to see that', '76 historical photos you won't believe' or 'Derby County close to signing...'

I am no expert in Google rankings but I am sure that these adds probably do more damage for the sites than benefit.

Seen a couple this morning.

"Strictly fans furious as dance off is cancelled"


"Corrie fans distraught over Ozzie's death"  (ozzie being a black lab who was acting ;))


It's a dog. Whilst the death of a dog is a sad event, in this case it's a soap dog!! He isn't dead for Gods sake!! GET A GRIP!

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4 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Seen a couple this morning.

"Strictly fans furious as dance off is cancelled"


"Corrie fans distraught over Ozzie's death"


It's a dog. Whilst the death of a dog is a sad event, in this case it's a soap dog!! He isn't dead for Gods sake!! GET A GRIP!

You will like this then Tony ...


People who film themselves 'reacting' emotionally to scenes from Game of Thrones. Yes, so the whole world can see them being upset by made-up incidents in an imaginary land.


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I'd add to that people who are inconsolable when someone famous dies who they don't even know nor have never met. Bugs me.

Like when Princess Diana died. I understand that in her case she was well loved by many people but enough for hordes of folk to travel to London from all over the land and stay in hotels and stuff at great inconvenience and cost?

Give me a break. They just wanted to get on telly sobbing.

I find it almost inexplicable how the death of someone you don't know or have never met can bring on so much emotional outpouring. Talk about mass hysteria.

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2 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

I understand tv , drama etc stirs emotions but its like these people are detached from reality. They take it too seriously. A bit like football fans.....;)

True. But I have never felt the need to upload myself at half time sitting talking to myself gnawing my kit-kat and rocking backwards and forwards as I look at the scoreboard . ..... Derby 0 - (enter any other team's name) 2.

If its really bad I will talk to the little laminated picture of Jim Smith I carry around with me.

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Bull-speak. As a member of the National Trust I am invited to vote for 6 people from a list of 27 people I don't know. Each has written a little synopsis as to who they are, what the NT means to them and what they can offer.

I eliminated those who wrote bull-speak and was left with 7, which made thing easier. Here are a few samples.

  • The dichotomy of protecting rural landscapes.
  • I can deliniante responses and explain opportunities provided by technology and people to create the dialogues required to find solutions. (etc)
  • Bringing an evidence-based approach to developing strategy and plans
  • I was responsible for assessing, quantifying, planning and effecting strategies so as to grow and embellish, positively, corporate entities.(Christ!)
  • Think outside the boundaries
  • 18 years of coal-face experience (this one's a woman),,,,grass-roots employees
  • ...has fired my enthusiasm for continuing my involvement in governance volunteering
  • Participated in inalienability proposals -blah blah governance volunteering -blah blah governance volunteering
  • Business governance and efficiency - stategic needs - core priorities of conservation and visitor experience
  • A practical grass-roots understanding of good and bad volunteering propositions
  • Championing and lionizing people
  • Governance, stategy and policy, honed over many years
  • Achieve its strategic vision as a charity
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:lol: Totally get it Phoenix!

At uni I did a science related degree and one lecturer one day gave us all a list of 'key' words that we should use to pad out sentences or even use in interviews in the real world. He reckoned you could always string a couple together to make it sound more intelligent. Words such as 'strategy' and 'integrate' were at the top.

What annoyed me also at Uni was when I got an assignment, instead of a simple sentence asking me to research and discuss environmental enrichment in captive primates for example, i'd be faced with half a page of guff padded out with big words that meant exactly the same thing and it would take me an hour to actually decipher what I was being asked to do!!

Love the coal face one man! :lol:

I prefer and respect people more for just telling me how it is without the use for big words. I don't want politics, I just want someone genuine who I can relate to and who is not trying to be up their own arse just to make others think they are better than they are. Sadly, the above is standard practice today it seems. Loads of tripe and no common sense.

I mean if you go into A&E with chest pains you'd take a broad speaking Geordie nurse who knows how to make you better and at ease. No need for 'strategies' and stuff is there?

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8 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

:lol: Totally get it Phoenix!

At uni I did a science related degree and one lecturer one day gave us all a list of 'key' words that we should use to pad out sentences or even use in interviews in the real world. He reckoned you could always string a couple together to make it sound more intelligent. Words such as 'strategy' and 'integrate' were at the top.

What annoyed me also at Uni was when I got an assignment, instead of a simple sentence asking me to research and discuss environmental enrichment in captive primates for example, i'd be faced with half a page of guff padded out with big words that meant exactly the same thing and it would take me an hour to actually decipher what I was being asked to do!!

Love the coal face one man! :lol:

I prefer and respect people more for just telling me how it is without the use for big words. I don't want politics, I just want someone genuine who I can relate to and who is not trying to be up their own arse just to make others think they are better than they are. Sadly, the above is standard practice today it seems. Loads of tripe and no common sense.

I mean if you go into A&E with chest pains you'd take a broad speaking Geordie nurse who knows how to make you better and at ease. No need for 'strategies' and stuff is there?

Wye aye man, take two of these and see us in the morning.

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Autobiographies by complete nobodies. Joey Barton has one out. Quite why anyone would be the slightest bit interested in his self absorbed life story is beyond me.

IMO anyone well respected and humble enough to not tell their life story for money will remain so.

I will one day write my own life story but just for the benefit of my family. I have no urge for anyone else to know and quite frankly i'd be perturbed if they'd want to know. I would do the same if I was in the public eye.

Added to that autobiographies that are written on behalf of someone such as a ghost writer. These stories automatically lose their credibility as the editor / writer can advise the 'star' about what is good to put it, what is not, what can be embellished and so on and so forth. Anyone who wants an autobiography of themselves should write it themselves with no outside interference and everything that the person truly wants to reveal will be revealed.

Lastly, autobiographies of 'stars' that have just been born. Ok so not quite that but people who have been in the limelight for 5 minutes and haven't yet reached puberty and they get one whipped out for Christmas. Dear God. Worse than these are those who fund this self obsessed hobby of the rich and not so famous by buying such cretinous books.

and on that bombshell.....................................;)

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4 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Autobiographies by complete nobodies. Joey Barton has one out. Quite why anyone would be the slightest bit interested in his self absorbed life story is beyond me.

IMO anyone well respected and humble enough to not tell their life story for money will remain so.

I will one day write my own life story but just for the benefit of my family. I have no urge for anyone else to know and quite frankly i'd be perturbed if they'd want to know. I would do the same if I was in the public eye.

Added to that autobiographies that are written on behalf of someone such as a ghost writer. These stories automatically lose their credibility as the editor / writer can advise the 'star' about what is good to put it, what is not, what can be embellished and so on and so forth. Anyone who wants an autobiography of themselves should write it themselves with no outside interference and everything that the person truly wants to reveal will be revealed.

Lastly, autobiographies of 'stars' that have just been born. Ok so not quite that but people who have been in the limelight for 5 minutes and haven't yet reached puberty and they get one whipped out for Christmas. Dear God. Worse than these are those who fund this self obsessed hobby of the rich and not so famous by buying such cretinous books.

and on that bombshell.....................................;)

Jeez, nobody wanted your life story mate....;)

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4 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Autobiographies by complete nobodies. Joey Barton has one out. Quite why anyone would be the slightest bit interested in his self absorbed life story is beyond me.

IMO anyone well respected and humble enough to not tell their life story for money will remain so.

I will one day write my own life story but just for the benefit of my family. I have no urge for anyone else to know and quite frankly i'd be perturbed if they'd want to know. I would do the same if I was in the public eye.

Added to that autobiographies that are written on behalf of someone such as a ghost writer. These stories automatically lose their credibility as the editor / writer can advise the 'star' about what is good to put it, what is not, what can be embellished and so on and so forth. Anyone who wants an autobiography of themselves should write it themselves with no outside interference and everything that the person truly wants to reveal will be revealed.

Lastly, autobiographies of 'stars' that have just been born. Ok so not quite that but people who have been in the limelight for 5 minutes and haven't yet reached puberty and they get one whipped out for Christmas. Dear God. Worse than these are those who fund this self obsessed hobby of the rich and not so famous by buying such cretinous books.

and on that bombshell.....................................;)

I do agree (and I have never read an autobiography) but surely the problem is the stupid people who buy the trashy ones you refer to. No buyers = no market. They'd soon stop if some people just got a life. 

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People who think they are special because they know someone famous. 

I have a friend up north who refers to her ex as 'the rock star' (never heard of him), she knows someone from Geordie Shore (? Never watched that) and her friend knows Gazza. Now her cousin is in a boy band, God help us, her Facebook pic is of her with him and she moans how girls hate her. This is supposed to impress us? Jeez. 

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10 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

People who think they are special because they know someone famous. 

I have a friend up north who refers to her ex as 'the rock star' (never heard of him), she knows someone from Geordie Shore (? Never watched that) and her friend knows Gazza. Now her cousin is in a boy band, God help us, her Facebook pic is of her with him and she moans how girls hate her. This is supposed to impress us? Jeez. 

:pinch: ahhh name dropping

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5 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Autobiographies by complete nobodies. Joey Barton has one out. Quite why anyone would be the slightest bit interested in his self absorbed life story is beyond me.

IMO anyone well respected and humble enough to not tell their life story for money will remain so.

I will one day write my own life story but just for the benefit of my family. I have no urge for anyone else to know and quite frankly i'd be perturbed if they'd want to know. I would do the same if I was in the public eye.

Added to that autobiographies that are written on behalf of someone such as a ghost writer. These stories automatically lose their credibility as the editor / writer can advise the 'star' about what is good to put it, what is not, what can be embellished and so on and so forth. Anyone who wants an autobiography of themselves should write it themselves with no outside interference and everything that the person truly wants to reveal will be revealed.

Lastly, autobiographies of 'stars' that have just been born. Ok so not quite that but people who have been in the limelight for 5 minutes and haven't yet reached puberty and they get one whipped out for Christmas. Dear God. Worse than these are those who fund this self obsessed hobby of the rich and not so famous by buying such cretinous books.

and on that bombshell.....................................;)

Did you know the cricketer Ben Stokes is promoting his autobiography?? Slightly premature I'd say. Any book whilst yoy're still playing the sport is by nature not going to be very honest.

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Sith Happens
11 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Autobiographies by complete nobodies. Joey Barton has one out. Quite why anyone would be the slightest bit interested in his self absorbed life story is beyond me.

IMO anyone well respected and humble enough to not tell their life story for money will remain so.

I will one day write my own life story but just for the benefit of my family. I have no urge for anyone else to know and quite frankly i'd be perturbed if they'd want to know. I would do the same if I was in the public eye.

Added to that autobiographies that are written on behalf of someone such as a ghost writer. These stories automatically lose their credibility as the editor / writer can advise the 'star' about what is good to put it, what is not, what can be embellished and so on and so forth. Anyone who wants an autobiography of themselves should write it themselves with no outside interference and everything that the person truly wants to reveal will be revealed.

Lastly, autobiographies of 'stars' that have just been born. Ok so not quite that but people who have been in the limelight for 5 minutes and haven't yet reached puberty and they get one whipped out for Christmas. Dear God. Worse than these are those who fund this self obsessed hobby of the rich and not so famous by buying such cretinous books.

and on that bombshell.....................................;)

They all seem to follow the same plot, they all seem to have had a problematic childhood, either due to poverty, illness, abuse etc....followed by a rebellious young adult era, then the introduction to money...romance, going off the rails...some major low point in their lives and then finally happy ever after.

Then 2 months after the book comes out that happy ever after goes pear shaped leading to book 2 in a couple of years time.

That said Alan partridges autobiography is well worth a read.

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