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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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3 minutes ago, bigbadbob said:

Not saying lower emissions cars are better for the environment than bikes, just saying cars with this technology are better than without. 

That's fair enough BigBadBob and on that I can't disagree. I still would find it weird having a car that does it mind but each to their own thing I guess.

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I've just thought of something that annoys me, the volume level on the TV.

Depending what we are watching we can have the volume as low as 20 or as high as 60 depending on how loud the TV channel decide to output the programme.  Surely it should work that you set a level of volume you need to comfortably hear the TV and that is the level of sound that comes out of the speakers?

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3 hours ago, Bridgford Ram said:

I've just thought of something that annoys me, the volume level on the TV.

Depending what we are watching we can have the volume as low as 20 or as high as 60 depending on how loud the TV channel decide to output the programme.  Surely it should work that you set a level of volume you need to comfortably hear the TV and that is the level of sound that comes out of the speakers?

Apparently there are rules governing this but there is a constant battle between advertisers, regulators and broadcasters. They all want to tweak volumes to get max impact for ads and suchlike which messes with what used to be a pretty even setting across channels and programmes. 

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5 minutes ago, jono said:

Apparently there are rules governing this but there is a constant battle between advertisers, regulators and broadcasters. They all want to tweak volumes to get max impact for ads and suchlike which messes with what used to be a pretty even setting across channels and programmes. 

I just put mute on when ads come on. Annoying as hell. Unless they've got cats in of course.

I can honestly say that I have never in my adult life watched an ad and gone out and bought what they are selling because of it. I'm probably an exception to the rule though. :lol:

Car ads are particularly annoying. It's got 4 wheels, looks new and shiny and gets you from A to B. No matter what music you use or how you dress it up that's the crux of it. I still ain't watching in awe and rushing out to buy it. Even if I HAD the cash.

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7 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

I just put mute on when ads come on. Annoying as hell. Unless they've got cats in of course.

I can honestly say that I have never in my adult life watched an ad and gone out and bought what they are selling because of it. I'm probably an exception to the rule though. :lol:

Car ads are particularly annoying. It's got 4 wheels, looks new and shiny and gets you from A to B. No matter what music you use or how you dress it up that's the crux of it. I still ain't watching in awe and rushing out to buy it. Even if I HAD the cash.

Oh come on Tony .. We all know if you buy a diamond black Frankfurter XLS .. You will also get a chizzled jaw, 6 pack, amazing bombshell girlfriend, a fat wallet that fills itself and a pair of Ray-bans. It worked for me.

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Roadworks - took me more than half an hour to get through the roadworks on the A38 at branston today, and that was early around 7.15am god knows what it was like an hour later.


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17 minutes ago, dog said:

People starting a sentence with "I'm not being difficult, but...." or "I'm not moaning, but. ..." etc.

Yes, you are.

It's like people who stand up to give a talk or a presentation and say something like 'I haven't had much notice to prepare anything much ....' or 'I'm not much good at this presentation thing, but ....'  

Dead in the water before they get going. They are the same people who say to you 'Ooh, you look tired'.

Negative face aches one and all. 

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13 hours ago, WhiteHorseRam said:

It's like people who stand up to give a talk or a presentation and say something like 'I haven't had much notice to prepare anything much ....' or 'I'm not much good at this presentation thing, but ....'  

Dead in the water before they get going. They are the same people who say to you 'Ooh, you look tired'.

Negative face aches one and all. 

I think by doing this they are not confident and perhaps displaying signs of low self esteem too. They are making excuses before the thing has even begun. I do this I lot.

Confidence is a good trait. Especially amongst medical professionals and airline pilots :lol:


Confidence can lead to over confidence and then arrogance which is when somebody turns into a total knob.

By saying, "I'm not really too good at this sort of thing.....". or maybe, "Not sure if anyone will like this but........" shows they have worried about what others will think of them and that's one of the key routes into suffering anxiety.

Rather that though than living life like your Simon Cowell. For some strange reason people love to love arrogance and take pity on over considerate others. Glad I buck the trend.

People are more annoying who say 'like' all the time. "Oh it was like Mary went into the shop and like bought some haribo and like got her purse out and like defecated on the floor...."

and people who say "can I get" instead of "i'd like" or even "can I have".

and people who can be overheard saying, "we'll put it on facebook" :angry:

Was at Sherwood Forest the other week and there was some people dressed up in robin hood type costumes and playing guitar under a tree and folk could sit down one at a time and sing with them.

There was a man probably in his late 40's and sadly wearing a Preston NE jumper and his wife said, "Go on Barry, have a go and I'll put it on facebook".

FFS!! If 50 year olds are saying **** like this then the world has already ended!! ?

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51 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

 "Oh it was like Mary went into the shop and like bought some haribo and like got her purse out and like defecated on the floor...."

Happens to me all the time. You should have seen the looks I got in Waitrose. One woman dropped her Daily Mail in shock.

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