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Most and least influential players?


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Stealing this from something I was reading earlier on the beeb.  Who are our most and least influential players in terms of results.

Who gains us the most points, and who costs us the most?

Could be as straight forward as Carson saving shots or strikers missing chances, or interceptions/tackles, key passes/assists or lack thereof. Anything that influences the actual outcome of the match.

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When Bradley Johnson is really, really on his game, he can be a match winner. We haven't seen enough of it, but when he gets the bit between his teeth, Johnson can be both a destructive force for the opposition in the centre of the park, and a lethal goal-scoring threat for us.

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13 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

When Bradley Johnson is really, really on his game, he can be a match winner. We haven't seen enough of it, but when he gets the bit between his teeth, Johnson can be both a destructive force for the opposition in the centre of the park, and a lethal goal-scoring threat for us.

A player who is in dire need to be given the license to play his own game. For too long he's had to play a game where he's covering everyone and it's helping no one. Fear the Keith situation is now going to hold him back again because he can't compete with Vydra for that advanced midfielder role

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6 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Russell has influenced the season so far, 2 assists and an OG!

Without the assists we'd be down 3 points wouldn't we?

Technically his OG didn't actually cost us any points (slightly facetious as I know Carson wouldn't have been up field had we been at 1-1... But then Bryson may not have scored had we only been 1-0 down so...)

35 minutes ago, Mistaram said:

Also missed six chances 

Yeh - The rest of the team have been on fire though...

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51 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

Without the assists we'd be down 3 points wouldn't we?

Technically his OG didn't actually cost us any points (slightly facetious as I know Carson wouldn't have been up field had we been at 1-1... But then Bryson may not have scored had we only been 1-0 down so...)

Yeh - The rest of the team have been on fire though...

Russel is one of the most overrated players we have, nearly every game he has a 1 on 1 which he hits the goalie, put through which he shoots over, he gets himself in nice positions but his ball control, passing and vision is awful, yes he has speed and he did have one fairly good game against Sunderland but to be virtually the first name on the team sheet is terrible. Remember GR was trying to buy him when he the Birmingham manager ... I would have driven him there for free!

Anyway I hope he proves me wrong and gets a hat trick tonight against Hull, I just don't see it.

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2 hours ago, cheron85 said:

Without the assists we'd be down 3 points wouldn't we?

Technically his OG didn't actually cost us any points (slightly facetious as I know Carson wouldn't have been up field had we been at 1-1... But then Bryson may not have scored had we only been 1-0 down so...)

Yeh - The rest of the team have been on fire though...

Cheron. It wouldn't matter if he missed 50 chances you would still think he's the bees knees One day you will realise just how poor he his 



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8 hours ago, Nuwtfly said:

When Bradley Johnson is really, really on his game, he can be a match winner. We haven't seen enough of it, but when he gets the bit between his teeth, Johnson can be both a destructive force for the opposition in the centre of the park, and a lethal goal-scoring threat for us.

As in tonight?

Not necessarily match winner, certainly had bit between his teeth. Like the fact Gary said on radio he'd been looking at videos of his Norwichs performances to see how to get the best out of him; says to me clearly feels their is a decent player in him, when played to his strengths.

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I've never understood the dislike of Johnson or the coupling of him with Butterfield as poor. He's vastly superior to butterfield. 

He misplays some passes and badly - as  he did tonight - that's just what it is. Deal with it. BUT on the plus side, he scores, he wins tackles, he dominates in the air, he's just a force to be reckoned with. Contrast that to powder puff Butterfield who never put a foot into a tackle and when he did he either got red carded or handballed in the box. And on top of it couldn't hit the proverbial donkeys derrière with the banjo. 

Hes a very good player.

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David Nugent also deserves a lot of credit for the result tonight. Constantly hassled the Hull defenders, ran the channels all night and epitomised the hard-working ethos Rowett has talked about bringing to this team.

Now, if we could just play like this every week . . . 

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Johnson's a very handy player for home games like tonight where we are expected to be the team on the front foot and dominate. However, there have been many occasions, the defeats to sheff Utd and brentford especially spring to mind, where Johnson simply doesn't have the energy to combat teams anymore like he used to. That's why Kieth would have been perfect. Johnson for home games, Keith for away games

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Johnson doesn't do it often enough. It's in the locker we've seen it before. That's why It's frustrating. Playing alongside huddlestone gives him more freedom to smash people (which he needs to do more of) and support the attack.

Deserves all credit tonight excellent performance.

Hope Butterfield enjoyed watching tonight, we certainly enjoyed you not being here Jacob, you miserable sod!


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9 hours ago, Simsy said:

Johnson is a quality player. I actually think he was one of our most consistent performers last season. Some on here have a very short fuse with him which I will never understand why because to be honest we are lucky to have him.

Yes. And let's be fair, if he was a consistently great passer he wouldn't be playing in this division.

 Good news is that Rowett is all over Johnson and Vydra who strike me as extreme confidence players - believe in them play them and they will terrorise this division. If you listen to GR he talks cleverly about both - watched Norwich videos for johnson, spoke of how he's a natural goalscorer and that he's at his best marauding into the box from the narrow left ... and on Vydra ... how he needs confidence and a run of games ... good stuff from a hardworking dedicated to his job manager !

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