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Bids for players


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Does anyone else find the phrase that we have bids in for players quite frustrating? It makes it sound like we spend ages putting together an 'offer' and then wait ages for responses, if indeed we get a response.

Now I would have thought in this world you get responses pretty quickly and at some point it becomes a 'face to face negotiation'.

I know I'm looking at this rather simplistically but it's another term Rowett has used that we've never really come across under Morris before.

i do genuinely wonder if we are missing a skill set that Rush had and nobody else does at the moment.

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I'd rather sign nobody than end up spending big sums/wages on the likes of Shackell, Bradley Johnson, Butterfield, Weimann, Anya, Vydra, Blackman and Bent.

At least it appears we are going for the right type of player. Whether we get them done or not, it's no doubt a step in the right direction following the shambles of our previous transfer windows.

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Just now, Bris Vegas said:

I'd rather sign nobody than end up spending big sums/wages on the likes of Shackell, Bradley Johnson, Butterfield, Weimann, Anya, Vydra, Blackman and Bent.

At least it appears we are going for the right type of player. Whether we get them done or not, it's no doubt a step in the right direction following the shambles of our previous transfer windows.

I question the point of signing anybody unless you get the players you genuinely believe will get you of this league. For whatever reason, the board and Rowett have failed so far in this area.

I know we've signed some real tripe so far which is costing us millions on salaries but if we don't go out and get the players we need for Promotion, I think it's a lack of ambition. We have put ourselves into a position now where we actually need to pay increased fees.

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7 minutes ago, rammieib said:

I question the point of signing anybody unless you get the players you genuinely believe will get you of this league. For whatever reason, the board and Rowett have failed so far in this area.

I know we've signed some real tripe so far which is costing us millions on salaries but if we don't go out and get the players we need for Promotion, I think it's a lack of ambition. We have put ourselves into a position now where we actually need to pay increased fees.

I agree. We won't get top six with our squad as it is.

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What in your opinion is pretty quickly? There must be a load of steps that an offer has to go through before the official response. Who receives the offer? The chairman, manager, secretary, cleaner passing by the fax machine? Whoever receives the offer I imagine would have to pass it on to at least one other person, unless they had been told "if it's not more than £x tell them do do one". If the offer is at a level that needs to be considered, then it will need to be considered! In Football Manager world you make an offer and the programming decides whether to accept it or not. This is real football, with real players, managers, chairmen and money. Hopefully when we receive an offer it's seriously considered before being accepted or refused. Unless it's for Ince or Hughes obviously :ph34r:

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I feel a bit sorry for Rowett, even though he knew the score when he took the job.

Our last set of accounts indicated that the reckless spending of the last couple of years has got to stop. Chuck in the possible onset of FFP & we are now shopping in a completely different market where we simply can't just double the realistic rate in transfer fee & pay ridiculous wages to no more than average players,

On top of this we are unable to offload much of the deadwood accumulated during the Rush era

I reckon he'll need a couple more windows to be able to sort things out

IF he's still here by then.

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11 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

I agree. We won't get top six with our squad as it is.

Why are you so sure? Football is a game of fine margins sometimes. Billy's team should never have been promoted on paper but on the Wembley pitch it was. I think that GR has bought very well up to now. We let in some very sloppy goals at important times last year. With three new defenders, if you include Forsyth, hopefully that problem has been addressed a little. Huddlestone should be everything that we all think Thorne will be when fit. Martin has always scored goals for us and should compensate for some of Ince's goals. Any improvement from virtually any of our midfielders will also be a plus. I for one am positive about this coming season.

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As someone who negotiates for a living, negotiations never go to completely to plan, always take longer than expected as there are always lots of different variables and factors. Sometimes you have to change tactics or even course. The key is getting the right end result, sometimes that's by playing it long but in other cases it might be going for the quick deal but then the other party may stall as it's not in their interest. It's similar with transfers in football and usually the deals for the better players tend to be the ones more challenging to get over the line. That's my thoughts anyway.

All the targets we've been linked with are good players and will improve us. It we get one or two over the line then we'll be in excellent shape, if we don't, we're still in good shape.

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18 minutes ago, rammieib said:

I question the point of signing anybody unless you get the players you genuinely believe will get you of this league. 

But surely Derby believed that Butterfield, Johnson, Anya, Blackman et al were all the players capable of propelling us out of this league when we bought them or are you saying as a club we deliberately recklessly squandered money on players we knew weren't good enough? 

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12 minutes ago, Roboram said:

I feel a bit sorry for Rowett, even though he knew the score when he took the job.

Our last set of accounts indicated that the reckless spending of the last couple of years has got to stop. Chuck in the possible onset of FFP & we are now shopping in a completely different market where we simply can't just double the realistic rate in transfer fee & pay ridiculous wages to no more than average players,

On top of this we are unable to offload much of the deadwood accumulated during the Rush era

I reckon he'll need a couple more windows to be able to sort things out

IF he's still here by then.

The 'possible onset' started as a reality some time ago.

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7 minutes ago, Inglorius said:

But surely Derby believed that Butterfield, Johnson, Anya, Blackman et al were all the players capable of propelling us out of this league when we bought them or are you saying as a club we deliberately recklessly squandered money on players we knew weren't good enough? 

Something about Sam Rush and fiduciary duty.

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1 minute ago, philmycock said:

Something about Sam Rush and fiduciary duty.

Maybe it was some hidden tax we didn't know about.

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44 minutes ago, Roboram said:

I feel a bit sorry for Rowett, even though he knew the score when he took the job.

Our last set of accounts indicated that the reckless spending of the last couple of years has got to stop. Chuck in the possible onset of FFP & we are now shopping in a completely different market 

Yes, before it was Harrods and now we are in Wilko's!

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I find it worrying that we have bids in for "a number of players" when we've been told that we'll wait for our top target. The wording of we've got a number of bids in for players kind of indicates its at least 3 maybe? Sounds rather desperate.

The sooner our transfer policy moves away from working our way down the championship table offering for their best winger from last season the better.

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