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Can we have a grammar section?


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6 hours ago, archied said:

Not really ,,, just asking for posters to pack in using all the grammar and spelling knitpicking as a tool to hide behind when their opinions are questioned,,,,,,, jeez I didn't even know there was a pub section ,,,,,,, ironic that a topic I've posted is moved to the pub forum given that I gave up drinking the best pat of 25 years ago ,,,,,,,,


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On 9 August 2017 at 10:54, archied said:

Can we have a separate grammar section in the way we have transfer talk section? 

That section can be reserved for topics that are totally beyond reproach in terms of grammar, spelling and punctuation that way the more superior forum members can enjoy the full splender of the English language and the rest of us great unwashed can get on with talking about football without this constant sniping about grammar and spelling ,,,,

picking people up on this stuff does not make the poster look classy and educated ,, it just makes them look a bit of a knob,,,

tin hat on but it needs saying 

As usual I stand firmly on the fence. I really don't get on with those who have broom sticks up unnamed orifices (or is it orifi ) but at the same time I get very bored by the the over use of trite clichees. ( as you do - where is the vomit emoji ? ) 

Personally speaking ( and I recognise that I sentences shouldn't be started with an adverb ) clarity is everything .. That can be blunt coloquialisms or perfect constructions of linguistic delight. What ever floats your clichee boat 

A pint of warm beer for the person who can tell me what the weird word is for using .......... As a form of expression. 

I am presently well oiled so please feel free to ignore this post .. Ta ta, night night .. COYR

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32 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

Intelligence is not measured by the ability to type.  People who pull up others for poor grammer and/or spelling need to look at what they are lacking. 

Yes I have done it in the past, however realised it was a poor and lazy.

Poor spelling and/or typing is fine. God knows I make enough typing errors in my posts but that's different to using poor/lazy grammar IMO.

I have a mate who has started messaging me in teenage text speak. He's 47 for god's sake and that particular m8 is goin ta get a slap when I see him next.

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1 minute ago, Wolfie said:

I have a mate who has started messaging me in teenage text speak. He's 47 for god's sake and that particular m8 is goin ta get a slap when I see him next.

Midlife crisis innit...probably fancies a young'un at work and been text flirting with them...

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