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The Resurgence


The Resurgence  

189 members have voted

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12 minutes ago, King Kevin said:

I voted Pearce but Chris Baird as got me over his little spat with the fans not only with his displays but this interview as well.



I always thought Baird was a very good, undemonstrative but technically tight and experienced player but his rant at the fans on the pitch also switched me right off him. Now, he has put himself back in very a strong position and at the moment he would start at R-FB over Christie. The Baird is a better defender and his selection also seems to free up Ince. 

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9 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

I always thought Baird was a very good, undemonstrative but technically tight and experienced player but his rant at the fans on the pitch also switched me right off him. Now, he has put himself back in very a strong position and at the moment he would start at R-FB over Christie. The Baird is a better defender and his selection also seems to free up Ince. 

What rant?

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6 minutes ago, Gypsy Ram said:

Only Wieman, Blackman, Camara, Anya and Vydra to go for the Resurgence part due.

Thought Blackman was sent out to look for his shooting boots 3 months ago and hasn't been seen since. :lol:

Offload next month..........

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30 minutes ago, bcnram said:

What rant?

At a home game {can't recall which one...but possibly under Clement} he got some stick from some fans in the East Stand following a mis-placed pass (think he was playing right midfield) and instead of trying to win the ball back he reacted by throwing his arms around and shouting back to the lower section of crowd...he didn't look good and I think, regardless of whether you think fans should or shouldn't single out players, it turned a lot of people off him. Players should let their football do the talking. I'm not sure if he has ever referred to it in an interview, but I think it's gone now and that pass V the Trees has probably re-opened everybody's eyes to the fact that he is actually a very good footballer when played in his propoer position (R-FB). He is a bit like John Eustace...no frills, but a very good brain and does the honest things with no fuss. So, he's forgiven. 

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I voted Pearce. His transformation has been nothing short of extraordinary. When he made his debut he looked so over-awed that he reminded me of the Spaniard (Albentosa)..shakier than an orange leaf in October. He has played exceptionally well when given his chance. His stint at Bristol City obviously enabled him to rehabilitate his shattered self-belief and he has grown 1000-fold. He obviously has great depth of character. He is quite a reserved, self-effacing personality in contradiction to the stereotypical modern-day footballer; and an example to many for how to re-build yourself and recover. 

He is also now starting to show himself to be a very useful threat from corners...he seems to know how to "ghost in" almost unseen with late intelligent movement into the box. Some think he has been lucky not to have been picked up by opposition defenders but it is his movement that gets him that. He has totally made me eat my words because I thought he was just not good enough. How wrong I was. 

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52 minutes ago, toddy said:

Johnson doing a brilliant job covering GT role, possibly the only player capable of doing the role.

Playing the same position but not performing the same role.

Thorne's role was all about interceptions and well timed tackles, reading the game and controlling midfield.

Johnson's role is all about being combative , chasing down players, winning headers etc.

He's doing it well (although not quite the revelation some are claiming - chipping in with a couple of vital goals always helps but can cloud judgement of other aspects of your play) -  we're not really controlling the midfield with him in there - we've accepted what he can bring to the team as a trade off for a greater reliance on our defenders to actually defend but with Pearce & Baird in there that is working just fine.

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3 of those 4 have been massive to our upturn in form.

Bent has been a bit disappointing, knowing he isnt that old yet and knowing how good he was scoring hatfuls of goals for multiple premiership sides.

Pearce is the linchpin of the defence and has helped error prone Keogh settle down. When Mcclaren arrived I really didnt know how we could have anyone to play the holding role well. I have seen Johnson play there for us before and he has usually struggle, so the way he has played it, no doubt with good instruction from the coaching team has been a massive reason for our upturn in fortune.

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7 minutes ago, Coconut said:

Playing the same position but not performing the same role.

Thorne's role was all about interceptions and well timed tackles, reading the game and controlling midfield.

Johnson's role is all about being combative , chasing down players, winning headers etc.

He's doing it well (although not quite the revelation some are claiming - chipping in with a couple of vital goals always helps but can cloud judgement of other aspects of your play) -  we're not really controlling the midfield with him in there - we've accepted what he can bring to the team as a trade off for a greater reliance on our defenders to actually defend but with Pearce & Baird in there that is working just fine.

Superb assessment Sir. 

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I voted Baird. I think by the season's end @Srg is going to be sporting a "Chris Baird Derby Legend" neck tattoo and restraining order.

Pearce has been the most impressive, but there was never any real reason to doubt him - Keogh and Shackell are good and he just wasn't playing.

Bent, always had some talent just like Pearce was just not playing.

Johnson, I always liked and I think runs Baird close in the turnaround syeaks since he's been given a job that makes the best of him.

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49 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

At a home game {can't recall which one...but possibly under Clement} he got some stick from some fans in the East Stand following a mis-placed pass (think he was playing right midfield) and instead of trying to win the ball back he reacted by throwing his arms around and shouting back to the lower section of crowd...he didn't look good and I think, regardless of whether you think fans should or shouldn't single out players, it turned a lot of people off him. Players should let their football do the talking. I'm not sure if he has ever referred to it in an interview, but I think it's gone now and that pass V the Trees has probably re-opened everybody's eyes to the fact that he is actually a very good footballer when played in his propoer position (R-FB). He is a bit like John Eustace...no frills, but a very good brain and does the honest things with no fuss. So, he's forgiven. 

My recollection is that it wasn't a misplaced pass, but a square pass across the defence when everybody was moaning at him to get the ball forward.  Looking back on what we now know PC's philosophy was, it wouldn't surprise me if that it wasn't just annoyance at the lack of patience from the fans, but also a bit of frustration at the slightly negative approach from Clement (i.e. only pass to someone if you've got a 80% chance of making it kinda thing).  It's bound to be annoying if your instinct is to move the ball forward, you want to move the ball forward, the crowd want you to move the ball forward, but you've been told to be cautious and you're not really able to explain to 30,000 fans that you're only following orders.

Alternatively, he might just have been a bit of an arse that day! 

Doing well now though...

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1 hour ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:

Mark my words Blackman will come good. Worth 10 goals in the second half of the season.

I'll have a drop of what your on

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I think the timing of this poll has influenced a lot of people's decision to vote for Pearce. 

Johnsons effort to break back into the first team despite previously being booed by the boo boys of Derby is immense; although it wouldn't surprise me if he still thinks we are C-Nuts. It was only a few games ago that he was bagging the winning goals. 

We are blessed with talented midfielders and he's managed to get back into the team. Pearce is only back in the team because Shackell is throwing his toys out the pram. Although he is making the best of his opportunity.


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