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Live Game Thread 16/17


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5 minutes ago, CumbrianRam said:

Both Newcastle and BHA on for 100 pt season at current rate, has that even occured before in the 2nd tier?

I highly doubt it.

I was looking at the form table in the last 6, 8, 10, and 12 matches.
To see how much ground our great run has made up.

Despite our amaying record since McClaren came back, the scary thing is that Newcastle and Brighton have been just as good, and depending how many games you draw the form guide on.... they have actually outscored us points wise. Really scary stuff.

For those people thinking we can catch them..... not only do we need to maintain the unbelievable run we have been on, but they would also need to drop points, and at the moment they just arent doing that.


Here is the table from games played since Pearson was suspended.


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Anyone else think apart from the penalty that all the decisions against Leicester were spot on?

How can they even complain that a two footed tackle is not a red? How far behind the rules are Leicester if they don't know you can't leave the floor with both feet? 

And I love it when players get booked for screaming at referees. Pretty much all other athletes have respect for referees decisions apart from immature footballers. Send 'em off

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2 hours ago, CumbrianRam said:

Both Newcastle and BHA on for 100 pt season at current rate, has that even occured before in the 2nd tier?

I highly doubt it.

Nope, highest ever total for second place is 93. I'm sure we'll have a blip at some point though, so doubt we'll reach 100. Nice to have a bit of a gap to third though. Thought we were pretty average/poor today. Imagine people who have only seen us on Sky are scratching their heads a little bit as to how we're doing so well. Somehow dug out the win though!

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17 minutes ago, SimonBHA said:

Nope, highest ever total for second place is 93. I'm sure we'll have a blip at some point though, so doubt we'll reach 100. Nice to have a bit of a gap to third though. Thought we were pretty average/poor today. Imagine people who have only seen us on Sky are scratching their heads a little bit as to how we're doing so well. Somehow dug out the win though!

We've been like that recently, playing below par but still picking up wins. Could have even happened today against Fulham if it weren't for a late referee mistake.

I've never been a huge fan of Brighton, but I'm happy to see you're doing well and up there in 2nd after so many people claimed Newcastle, Villa and Norwich would be a class above this league. And it's good to see a manager like Hughton doing well too. 

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I was reading on Twitter the other day how Sheffield Wednesday fans were calling Derby lucky for their recent run of form, and how all the decisions are going for us etc.

Can't believe they have the nerve to call Derby lucky. How many times have they scrapped a late winner this season?

I bet if games finished on the 89th minute they would be outside the top 10.


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12 minutes ago, Cam the Ram said:

We've been like that recently, playing below par but still picking up wins. Could have even happened today against Fulham if it weren't for a late referee mistake.

I've never been a huge fan of Brighton, but I'm happy to see you're doing well and up there in 2nd after so many people claimed Newcastle, Villa and Norwich would be a class above this league. And it's good to see a manager like Hughton doing well too. 

A bit cliche but you can't play well every week. Massive part of this league is the players mentality. Norwich and Villa perhaps have more talented players than us both but perhaps think the opposition are beneath them and don't treat the games in the right way.

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16 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

I was reading on Twitter the other day how Sheffield Wednesday fans were calling Derby lucky for their recent run of form, and how all the decisions are going for us etc.

Can't believe they have the nerve to call Derby lucky. How many times have they scrapped a late winner this season?

I bet if games finished on the 89th minute they would be outside the top 10.


90+5 min pen v a team who have 10 points in 21 games going into the game, if that is not lucky I don't know what is.

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16 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

I was reading on Twitter the other day how Sheffield Wednesday fans were calling Derby lucky for their recent run of form, and how all the decisions are going for us etc.

Can't believe they have the nerve to call Derby lucky. How many times have they scrapped a late winner this season?

I bet if games finished on the 89th minute they would be outside the top 10.


I saw one on their forum the other day basically suggest our good run of form was pretty much all down to the ref not sending Keogh off for handball against them. :lol:

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18 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

I was reading on Twitter the other day how Sheffield Wednesday fans were calling Derby lucky for their recent run of form, and how all the decisions are going for us etc.

Can't believe they have the nerve to call Derby lucky. How many times have they scrapped a late winner this season?

I bet if games finished on the 89th minute they would be outside the top 10.


Decisions going for us?! Anyone want to show them the catalogue of franckly bizzare decisions that ref made today, some of them made me question whether he was sober!

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40 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

I was reading on Twitter the other day how Sheffield Wednesday fans were calling Derby lucky for their recent run of form, and how all the decisions are going for us etc.

Can't believe they have the nerve to call Derby lucky. How many times have they scrapped a late winner this season?

I bet if games finished on the 89th minute they would be outside the top 10.


Did they not have basically a bye against Brighton last season.........had Brighton not had injuries and some questionable decisions against them - Wednesday would have had no chance. 

Still rankles with me tbh. Didn't deserve to get to Wembley and thought they were the best team ever to get there afterwards......nobs. 

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3 hours ago, SimonBHA said:

Nope, highest ever total for second place is 93. I'm sure we'll have a blip at some point though, so doubt we'll reach 100. Nice to have a bit of a gap to third though. Thought we were pretty average/poor today. Imagine people who have only seen us on Sky are scratching their heads a little bit as to how we're doing so well. Somehow dug out the win though!

I watched you v Leeds and thought you cruised past them and look set to do so before Kalvin Phillips made a great save down to his right.

I'm quite a fan of a few of your players. Dunk, Bruno, Norwood, Stephens, March. 

Less so of Bong (I think he looks really awkward) Knockaert (don't like him but he's good) and Skalak ( Always seems to be fur coat and no knickers. Lots of foreplay but no boom boom)

But that's just based of what I've seen which isn't even every TV game. 

Based on what I've seen on TV though Fulham should be top. They just seem to concede goals with almost every attack without doing too much wrong! 

Feel like I've got a Leeds season ticket. 

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2 hours ago, Millenniumram said:

Decisions going for us?! Anyone want to show them the catalogue of franckly bizzare decisions that ref made today, some of them made me question whether he was sober!

And the blatant penalty on Wednesday. 

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9 hours ago, Alpha said:

I watched you v Leeds and thought you cruised past them and look set to do so before Kalvin Phillips made a great save down to his right.

I'm quite a fan of a few of your players. Dunk, Bruno, Norwood, Stephens, March. 

Less so of Bong (I think he looks really awkward) Knockaert (don't like him but he's good) and Skalak ( Always seems to be fur coat and no knickers. Lots of foreplay but no boom boom)

But that's just based of what I've seen which isn't even every TV game. 

Based on what I've seen on TV though Fulham should be top. They just seem to concede goals with almost every attack without doing too much wrong! 

Feel like I've got a Leeds season ticket. 

Yeah, Leeds was a cruise. Thought we played quite well up until the pen. After the red card, just played it out. Not very exciting to watch.

Think our fans would all point to Bong too. He hasn't reached the levels he set pre-injury last season. Skalak gets a lot of assists, very good delivery but not a winger who is going to get people off their seats. 

Villa and Fulham were both good against us. Thought Derby good against Forest. Not sure about Reading but they keep getting results. 

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Start of the season I predicted;

Autos - Newcastle (because with that squad a pis$ed up baboon could get them promoted) and Brighton (came about as close as possible last year, can add to an already top squad and CH is in my opinion the best manager for getting out of this league, never mind Benitez, Neill, etc)


Playoffs - Sheff Wed (decent attack, have the money to splurge) Derby (potential strength in depth, always there or thereabouts, have a chairman willing to splash, despite the managerial merry go round) Norwich (they tend to start well, hit a shocking run then come rocketting back up and of course a surprise team, as there is every season and who are almost impossible to predict.


I'd still say all of the above could well happen. As for the surprise, it could be Hudders, the Dirties or Reading or another even. But for some reason, despite them currently being the highest of the potential surprises right now, I think Reading will drop away and it won't be them.....

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Leaving aside Newcastle, yesterdays victories of those teams above us (all by a single goal) were achieved in the following minutes

Brighton  94th

Reading   91st

Leeds       89th

Shef W   94th

Factor in the bizarre incident of the ref who didn't play advantage at Fulham (92nd minute).

Lucky? I'd say unlucky.

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3 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Am I the only one taking pleasure in Villa finding out they're not as big as they thought they were and not as PL standard as they thought they were?

No, never understood why anyone had them as favourites before the season. They weren't even competitive in the PL. 

And they still have "premier league experience"

Experience in this case meaning people who were crap at their job for a long time. 

I think the only reason Newcastle are cruising is not because of the gap between leagues but more that under the fat waiter they were looking like a decent PL team. They just ran out of time. 

Norwich never changed much did they?

But Villa? Lollolol

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